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Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "A" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
A |
architect, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
2 |
A |
Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia S.A. Avianca airlines, Colombia overprint, first used July 12, 1950. |
3 |
A |
overprint on SCADTA airmail issues, indicating a consular overprint sold in Germany, 1920. |
4 |
A |
"A" inscription, US nondenominated stamp, valued 15-cents, placed on sale May 22, 1978. |
5 |
A |
anotacion, Colombia registration inscription, 1865-70. |
6 |
A and T, A&T |
Annam and Tonkin overprint, French Protectorate in Indo-China; Jan. 21, 1888-1892: stamps of French Colonies surcharged
A & T, see: Annam and Tonkin. |
7 |
A Certa |
Sp. |
Ancachs, 1884 Peru manuscript overprint, provisional issue; term is former canceling device used for another purpose. |
8 |
A percevoir |
Fr. |
"to collect" inscription/overprint on postage dues of Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Haiti and Monaco. |
9 |
A Receber |
Postage Due, Portugal, Portuguese Colonies inscription. |
10 |
A. H. PD |
Angra, Horta, Ponta Delgado overprint on stamps of Azores, 1906. |
11 |
A. R. Col¨®n Colombia |
Panama overprint on stamps of Colombia indicating acknowledgment of receipt. |
12 |
A. T |
Army Telegraph; Orange Free State overprint. |
13 |
A. Z. |
Albania 1927 overprint for President Ahmed Zogu. |
14 |
A.D.P.O. |
Fr. |
Administration Dette Publique Ottomane," inscription; Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt, 1917, French military
occupation, revenue stamps. |
15 |
A.D.P.O./Z.O. |
Fr. |
Zone Ouest (Western Zone for Lebanon), inscription; see: A.D.P.O. |
16 |
A.E. |
Fr. |
"affairs ¨¦trangcres" foreign affairs, French Colony Revenue inscription. 1912-1944: Italian issues overprinted "Egeo,"
"Isole Italiane Dell'Egeo" from various islands: Calchi, Calino, Caso, Coo, Fero, Nisiro, Patmo, Piscopi, Rhodes (Rodi), Scarpanto,
Simi, and Stampalia, 1945-47: British Middle East Forces occupation overprint MEF (Middle East Forces), 1947: stamps of Greece
overprinted SDD (Dodecanese Military Occupation). |
17 |
A.G. |
Attorney General, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
18 |
A.I.F. |
Australian Imperial Forces overprint. |
19 |
A.M.G. V.G. |
Allied Military Government Venezia Guilia, Trieste; 1945-47: Italy overprint, Allied Occupation, replaced by A.M.G. F.T.T. |
20 |
A.M.G.F.T.T. |
Allied Military Government Free Territory of Trieste; 1947-54:Zone A, Italy, Trieste overprint on stamps of Italy. |
21 |
A.O.F. |
"Afrique Occidentale Franeaise" French West Africa overprint, 1945: on stamps of semi-postal issue of France. |
22 |
A.O.I. |
Italian East Africa Postage Due overprint, 1941: on stamps of Italy. |
23 |
Abu Dhabi |
stamps overprinted United Arab Emirates, 1972. |
24 |
Achin |
Sumatra local overprint, Japanese occupation, 1942-45. |
25 |
Actes de Naissance |
Fr. |
birth certificates; French Colony revenue inscription. |
26 |
Ad¨¦lie (Coast) Land |
"Terre Ad¨¦lie-Dumont Durville 1840" overprint on stamp of Malagasy Republic. |
27 |
Adigey |
bogus Russian local overprint, 1993. |
28 |
Admiralty Official |
Admiralty Dept., Great Britain 1903 overprint for official use. |
29 |
Adygeia |
bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps. |
30 |
Aeores |
Fr. |
Azores overprint and inscription on stamps of Portugal. |
31 |
Aerea |
It. |
airmail overprint. |
32 |
Aereo |
Sp. |
airmail overprint or inscription. |
33 |
Aereo exterior |
Sp. |
Guatemala overprint for airmail. |
34 |
Aereo interior |
Sp. |
Honduras overprint for official interior airmail. |
35 |
Aereo Sedta |
Sp. |
"Sociedad Ecuatoriano de Transportes Aereos" Ecuador airmail overprint, 1938-40. |
36 |
Aero correo |
Sp. |
Honduras airmail overprint. |
37 |
Aero oy |
Finland inscription for 20th anniversary of Finnair, 1944. |
38 |
Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia |
Sp. |
airline in Colombia; 1950-51: airmail stamps overprinted "A" for mail carried by AVIANCA. |
39 |
Aff O |
Fr. |
with Foreign Legion cross, overprint for Tunisia, may be private issue. |
40 |
Affiches |
Fr. |
public signs and posters; French Colony revenue inscription. |
41 |
Affranch |
official mail overprint used as precancellation in Andorra, France, Monaco, and Morocco; also overprint on some French
stamps issued to officials for government mail. |
42 |
Affranchi ainsi faute figurine |
handstamp overprint on Madagascar and Diego Suarez during shortage of low values, may be private issue. |
43 |
Afgooye |
inscription showing location of area depicted on 1980 stamp of Somalia. |
44 |
Africa correios |
Portuguese territories overprint on the 1898 issue. |
45 |
Africa Occidental Espanola |
Sp. |
Spanish West Africa inscription. |
46 |
Africa Orientale Italiana |
It. |
Italian East Africa inscription. |
47 |
Afrique Equatoriale Franeaise |
Fr. |
inscription on French Equatorial Africa. |
48 |
Afrique Equatoriale Franeaise |
Fr. |
French Equatorial Africa overprint on stamps of Gabon, Middle Congo. |
49 |
Afrique Franeais Libre |
Fr. |
Free French Equatorial Africa overprint and inscription. |
50 |
Afrique Occidental Franeaise |
Fr. |
French West Africa; overprint: see: A.O.F. |
51 |
Afrique Orientale |
Fr. |
German East Africa overprint; 1918: Belgian Congo Charity issue stamps. |
52 |
Agencies consulaires |
Fr. |
consular agencies; French Colony revenue inscription. |
53 |
Ag¨¹era, La |
part of Spanish Sahara, Africa; 1920-1923: used Spanish Rio de Oro stamps overprinted "La Ag¨¹era" |
54 |
Aidez les Tuberculeux |
Fr. |
Tunisia surtax overprint semi-postal for tuberculosis. |
55 |
Air |
Canada, inscription for airmail. |
56 |
Airpost |
Newfoundland inscription for airmail. |
57 |
Aitutaki |
overprint on stamps of New Zealand, 1903-32. |
58 |
Ajanlos, Ajl.1, Ajl.2, Alahlas |
Hungary inscription for registered letters, 1946. |
59 |
Alaouites, Alaquites |
1925, Mar. 1: stamps of Syria overprinted Alaquites, 1931, July: first stamps as Latakia with "Lattaquie" overprint on
stamps of Syria |
60 |
Albania |
1902-16: Italian stamps, Offices in Turkey, overprinted Albania with Turkish currency, 1909: each town, Durazzo, Scutari
and Valona, received its own overprint, 1913: overprints on Turkey issues, 1939-43: Italian occupation with stamps overprinted;
"Constituent Assembly 12 IV 1939 XVII" for Albanian crown being offered to Italy, XVII is the 17th year of Fascist rule in
Italy, 1940-42: Greece overprint for southern Albania, 1943-44: Italian occupation stamps overprinted for German occupation,
with some cities issuing their own stamps, 1945: Italian occupation stamps overprinted for new republic: see: Qeverija Demokrat
(ike) E Shqiperise 22-X-1944. |
61 |
Alcance Y.U.H. |
Uruguay inscription for late fee, 1936. |
62 |
Alcoholes |
Sp. |
liquors; Spanish Morocco revenue inscription. |
63 |
Alcools |
Fr. |
alcohol, liquors; French Colony revenue inscription. |
64 |
Aledschen, Alsedziai |
Lithuanian city; 1941: German military overprint on Russian stamps "Laisa/Alsedziai/24-VI-41." |
65 |
Alexanderstadt |
Ukranian city; 1941-42: Russian stamps overprinted/surcharged by the Germans "16.8.41/B.ALEX." |
66 |
Alexandrie |
Fr. |
1899-1900 overprint used in French Offices in Egypt; see: Alexandria. |
67 |
Alg¨¦rie |
Fr. |
overprint and inscription on stamps of France for Algeria. |
68 |
Allemagne Duitschland |
Dut. |
Germany occupation overprint on stamps of Belgium, 1919-21. |
69 |
Allenstein |
1920: Germany district used stamps of Germany overprinted "Plebiscite Olsztyn/Allenstein" |
70 |
Allied Military Postage |
inscription for Allied Military Government, 1945-46. |
71 |
Allumettes |
Fr. |
matches; French Colony revenue inscription. |
72 |
Alphabetizacion/Alphabetisation |
Fr., Sp. |
Mexico and Haiti inscription to raise funds for the campaign against illiteracy. |
73 |
Alto commissariato |
It. |
top, head commission; 1940: Italian overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Lubiana. |
74 |
AM POST, M in oval |
Allied Military Post inscription; 1945-46: first issue of stamps after World War II in Germany. |
75 |
Ambon |
local overprint, Japan Naval Control, 1942-45. |
76 |
Ambulance laquintinie |
surtax overprint for Free French Army ambulances; 1941: with value in francs, for Cameroun. |
77 |
Ambulante |
Bel., Fr. |
poste ambulante overprint on stamps of Belgium and France used for a mobile post office. |
78 |
American Zone |
British, Russian and American occupying powers; 1946-48: one issue, overprinted with pattern of posthorns, for occupation
of Germany, 1948-49: "Deutsche Post" inscription used. |
79 |
Amsterdao |
Port. |
Portugal overprint to raise funds for Olympic team to go to Amsterdam. |
80 |
Amtlicher verkehr |
Ger. |
inscription of the official (dienst) stamps; 1881-1919: W¨¹rttemberg. |
81 |
Amure |
Russian inscription; 1929, Feb.: for autonomous administration at Blagovestchansk, Amur province |
82 |
AN |
Turkey overprint; Annas, currency unit. |
83 |
Anatolia |
Turkey in Asia; 1920: Turkish revenue stamps overprinted by Nationalist Government revolutionaries |
84 |
Ancachs |
Hairez, Peru postal district; overprint "Franca" used in 1884; see: A Certo. |
85 |
Anciens Combattants |
War Veterans, Tunisia overprint. |
86 |
Andaman & Nicobar Islands |
part of India, twin island groups; when occupied by Japan in World War II, 1942-45, Indian stamps were overprinted by
occupiers. |
87 |
Andorre |
Fr. |
1931 overprint on postage due stamps of France for Andorra. |
88 |
Angora, Ankhara, Ankara |
1921: Turkey overprint for city in 1921 |
89 |
Anjouan |
1892-1914: French colonial stamps inscribed Sultanat d'Anjouan |
90 |
Ann¨¦e Mondiale du R¨¦fugi¨¦ |
Fr. |
Year of the Refugee, overprint on stamps of Switzerland for United Nations. |
91 |
Anotado |
overprint on Mexico 1868 issue, applied in 1872, some claim to make the stamp valid for temporary use such a reuse of
an obsolete issue, others claim they were for registered letters. |
92 |
Antananarivo |
British Madagascar hand stamp for mail inscribed "British Consular Mail Anatananarivo" now known as Tananarive, Madagascar. |
93 |
Anzac commemoration |
overprint for Australian-New Zealand Army Corps. |
94 |
AO |
1918: overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo charity issue semi-postal. |
95 |
AO |
Audit Office, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
96 |
Apurimac |
Arequipa, Peru provisional overprint, 1885; Chilean occupation of Peru. |
97 |
Arad |
1919: stamps of Hungary overprinted "Occupation Franeaise" now part of Romania. |
98 |
Arbe |
1920, Nov.- Dec. 1920: Fiume overprint. |
99 |
Arequipa |
1881: overprint on stamps of Peru for Chilean occupation |
100 |
Armenwet |
overprint of stamps of The Netherlands; 1913: for official use for Poor Law Administration. |
101 |
Armja Polska we Wloszech |
Pol. |
Polish Army in Italy handstamp, 1918. |
102 |
Army official |
Sudan overprint, officials, 1905. |
103 |
Army official |
Great Britain Foreign Offices overprint; 1896-1904: Paymasters and War Office. |
104 |
Army post |
British forces overprint used in Egypt in 1936. |
105 |
Army service |
Sudan overprint. |
106 |
Arriba Espana |
"Spain Above All" overprint in Guipuzcoa Province. |
107 |
Artigas |
Uruguay overprint honoring Gen. Artigas. |
108 |
Arts Festival of St. Kitts |
St. Kitts-Nevis overprint, 1964. |
109 |
Arviskarosultaknak Kulon |
Hungary semi-postal inscription, food sufferers, 1913. |
110 |
Ascension |
overprint on stamps St. Helena, starting in 1922. |
111 |
Asch |
local, Sudeten district in Czechoslovakia, had overprinted issues in 1938. |
112 |
Asegurada |
Sp. |
inscription on insured mail labels used in Spanish speaking nations. |
113 |
Asistenta sociala |
Rom. |
Romania charity stamp inscription. |
114 |
Assab |
bogus overprint on Italian stamps 1880, possible Ethiopian city on the Red Sea. |
115 |
Assicurato |
It. |
Italian inscription on insured mail labels. |
116 |
Assistencia |
Sp. |
charity or assistance inscription for colonial stamps for funds to fight tuberculosis; Azores, Macao, Portugal. |
117 |
Assistencia Nacional aos Tuberculoses-Porte Franco |
Port. |
Portugal National Aid Society for Consumptives, inscription. |
118 |
Assistencia Publica |
Portuguese India and Mozambique inscription on postal tax stamps. |
119 |
Assistencia-D.L. no. 72 |
Sp. |
Timor overprint for social welfare. |
120 |
Assobla |
Sp. |
Spanish Guinea overprint for Elobey, Annabon and Corisco. |
121 |
Assurances sociales |
Fr. |
social security; French Colony revenue inscription. |
122 |
Asuncion |
Paraguay 1886 official overprint for founding of city, Aug. 15, 1536. |
123 |
AT, A&T |
French Colonies, Annam and Tonkin overprint. |
124 |
Atlantis y Lemuria |
bogus, overprints on Atlantis stamps. |
125 |
A-U |
Colombia, Argentina, and Uruguay SCADTA consular overprint. |
126 |
Au profit de la croix rouge |
Belgian East Africa Red Cross overprint for Ruanda Urundi. |
127 |
Aunus |
Russia overprint on stamps of Finland; 1919: Finnish occupation; Russian town of Olonetz. |
128 |
Austria |
1918, Austrian Republic overprint "German Austria." |
129 |
Austrian military post |
Bosnia stamps with "K.U.K. Feldpost"; 1912-14: stamps inscribed or overprinted used by Austrian forces in occupation of
parts of Italy, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia, 1912-18: issues for Bosnia and Herzegovina had inscription "K.U.K. Militarpost,"
see: K.U.K. Feldpost, K.U.K. Militarpost. |
130 |
Autopaketti |
Finland parcel post inscription. |
131 |
Avion |
Fr., Sp. |
inscription for airmail, airplane, aviation, Alaouites, vertical overprint. |
132 |
Avion Messre Tafari |
"Royal Airmail" overprint on Ethiopia air stamps. |
133 |
Avionska Posta |
Jugoslavia airmail overprint. |
134 |
Ayachucho |
overprint on stamps of Peru, 1881, for one of the Arequipa issues. |
135 |
Azad hind |
bogus, "Free India" inscription printed in Germany in 1942. |
136 |
Azerbaijan |
1945-46: Persian stamps overprinted "Occupation Azirbaydejan" during Russian occupation; found to be bogus, 1945, May-Mar.
1946: occupied by Russia, set of 15 Iranian stamps overprinted "National Government of Azerbaijan, 11th May 1945." |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "B" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
B |
overprint, British post office at Bangkok, 1882-85 |
2 |
B |
overprint; Colombia airmail sold in Belgium in early 1920s for mail from Belgium to Colombia via SCADTA air line; Belgian
stamps were also required; also Colombia consular overprint; see: SCADTA |
3 |
B |
overprint, 1904-1912, Nicaragua province of Zelaya |
4 |
B |
Belgian stamp inscription, or "B" within an oval, with "Chemins Fer Spoorwagen" Railway Parcel Post, 1940-44 (overprint),
1949- (inscription) |
5 |
B |
overprint; Belgian stamps to indicate railway parcel |
6 |
B |
overprint on Straits Settlements stamps for Bangkok, 1882-85, see: Bangkok |
7 |
B |
"B" inscription, US nondenominated stamp, valued 18¡é, placed on sale Mar.15, 1981. |
8 |
B I E |
vertical overprint; 1946: Bureau International d'Education, Switzerland. |
9 |
B L C I |
Urdu Language inscription on corners of stamps; 1800s-1900s: Feudatory State of Bhopal, India. |
10 |
B O |
consular overprint, SCADTA stamps of Colombia, sold in Bolivia, 1920s. |
11 |
B R |
overprint, indicating consular stamp sold in Brazil, 1920s: on SCADTA Colombia stamps. |
12 |
B V C C A R I |
overprint; 1918: naval victory commemorated on Fiume stamps. |
13 |
B. A. |
British Administration overprint on stamps of Great Britain, post World War II, British Offices Abroad, 1950, Jan. 2:
Somalia, 1950, Feb. 6-Dec. 1951: Tripolitani, 1950, Feb. 14-Sept. 14, 1952: Eritrea. Baena: occupation of city of Baena, Spain,
province of Cordoba, not valid for postage, 1937, July: overprint on stamp by Nationalist and Republican revolutionary forces. |
14 |
B. A. Eritrea |
overprint, British Africa Eritrea; Middle East Forces, British Offices Abroad for Offices in Africa, 1950, Feb. 6-Sept.
14, 1952: overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
15 |
B. A. Somalia |
overprint, British Africa Somalia; Middle East Forces, British Offices Abroad for Offices in Africa, 1950, Jan. 2-1952:
overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
16 |
B. A. Tripolitania |
overprint, British Africa Tripolitania; Middle East Forces, British Offices Abroad for Offices in Africa, 1950, Feb. 6-Sept.
14, 1952: stamps of Great Britain overprint. 1950, Feb. 6-Dec. 1951: valid only in Tripolitania. |
17 |
B. C. A. |
British Central Africa ovpt;1891-95: stamps of Rhodesia; see: British Central Africa. |
18 |
B. C. G. |
Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (Anti-Tuberculosis League) inscription on postal tax issue of Dominican Republic. |
19 |
B. C. M. |
overprint for Madagascar; 1884-86: British Consular Mail. |
20 |
B. C. O. F. JAPAN 1946 |
overprint on Australian stamps;British Commonwealth Occupation Forces,1946-1947 Australian forces stationed in Japan (post
WW II). |
21 |
B. D. |
Barracks Department, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
22 |
B. Dpto. Zelaya |
overprint to prevent currency manipulation; Nicaragua, Province of Zelaya. |
23 |
B. E. F. |
British Expeditionary Force overprint. |
24 |
B. I. O. T. |
British Indian Ocean Territory; 1968: overprint on stamps of Seychelles. |
25 |
B. I. T.-OCT. 1930 |
Bureau International du Travail overprint;1: 1930: Belgium, International Labor Bureau; 2: 1938: Switzerland. |
26 |
B. L. P. |
It. |
overprint semi-postal with advertisements sold to benefit invalids; 1901-22: Buste Lettere Postali, Italy. |
27 |
B. M. |
Bench of Magistrates, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
28 |
B. M. A. Burma |
on stamps of Burma; 1945-51: British Military Administration. |
29 |
B. M. A. Eritrea |
overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Offices in Africa; 1948-49: British Military Administration. |
30 |
B. M. A. Malaya |
overprint on Straits Settlements;1945-51: British Military Administration. |
31 |
B. M. A. North Borneo |
overprint North Borneo; 1945-51: British Military Administration. |
32 |
B. M. A. Sarawak |
overprint Sarawak; 1945-51: British Military Administration. |
33 |
B. M. A. Somalia |
overprint Great Britain, Offices in Africa;1948-49: British Military Adm. |
34 |
B. M. A. Tripolitania |
overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Offices in Africa; 1948, July 1-49: British Military Administration, 1950, Feb.
6-Dec. 1951: used in Tripolitania only. |
35 |
B. N. F. Castellorizo |
Base Navale Francaise overprint on stamps of French Levant; 1920: French occupation of Turkey, Offices in Turkey. |
36 |
B. R. A. |
overprint, British Railway Administration late letter fee; 1901: on stamps of China during Boxer rebellion. |
37 |
B.G. |
It. |
inscription, Bollo Gazzatte, newspaper tax stamps for Modena. |
38 |
B.G. |
Botanical Garden, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74 |
39 |
Bagages Reisgoed |
Flem. |
overprint on stamps of Belgium, baggage parcel post revenue. |
40 |
Baghdad in British Occupation |
1917 overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
41 |
Baha 1943 |
surcharge; 1943: on Philippine stamps, Japanese occupation. |
42 |
Bahrain |
1933, stamps of India overprinted "Bahrain," 1948 -1960 stamps of Great Britain overprinted "Bahrain,"1971: State of Bahrain
inscription. |
43 |
Baikal |
local, Russian overprint, 1920. |
44 |
Bajar Porto |
inscription on Indonesia stamps for Postage Due. |
45 |
Baku |
overprint; 1922-24: on stamps of the Transcausasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, 1993: Azerbaijan, local overprint. |
46 |
Balek, Balex |
overprint on Russian stamp, German occupation; 1941-42: Great Alexandrovka. |
47 |
Ballon Mont¨¦ |
1870-71: inscription for letters via piloted balloon during the Siege of Paris. |
48 |
Ballon Non-Mont¨¦ |
1870-71: inscription for letters dispatched by non-piloted balloon. |
49 |
Bandaufdruck |
Ger. |
ribbon type overprint as used on Germany posthorn issue of 1948. |
50 |
Bandjermasin |
local overprint, Japanese occupation, Naval Control Area, 1942-45. |
51 |
Bangka & Billiton |
local overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45. |
52 |
Banja Luka |
overprint on two Yugoslavian stamps by local partisans, northern Bosnia; WW II. |
53 |
Bank & Insurance City Post |
inscription on locals by Hussey's Post, New York. |
54 |
Baranja |
bogus, Jugoslavia stamps overprinted for Bosnian Republic. |
55 |
Baranya |
Hungarian stamps overprint; 1919-Aug. 1921: during Serbian occupation. |
56 |
Barawe |
Somalia inscription. |
57 |
Barbados |
inscription, Attack of the Giant Jellyfish; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
58 |
Barbados |
inscription, Stamford Raffles as Nelson unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
59 |
Barberia |
overprint on stamps of Italy for Italian post offices in Tripoli. |
60 |
Barbuda |
overprint on stamps of Antigua and Leeward Islands,1862: stamps of Antigua,1968. |
61 |
Barbuda mail |
overprint on stamps of Antigua. |
62 |
Barques |
Fr. |
boats; French colony revenue inscription. |
63 |
Barranquilla |
with "Franqueo Particular" Colombia local post, 1882. |
64 |
Base Atlantica |
overprint on Italian stamps; 1943-44: for use of military submarine personnel stationed in Bordeaux France. |
65 |
Base Depot/ (date)/ Siberia |
Canadian Forces in Siberia. |
66 |
Basutoland |
Africa, British protectorate, overprint; 1871-1910: stamps of Cape Hope, identified by date stamp or Cape numeral cancels,1910-1933:
stamps of Union of South Africa, 1933, first inscribed stamps issued, 1945: "Basutoland" overprint on stamps of South Africa. |
67 |
Bata |
Sp. |
overprint of capital of Rio Muni (Spanish Guinea); 1901: on issue of Fernando Poo. |
68 |
Bataan & Corregidor |
overprint, Philippines, Japanese Occupation, 1942. |
69 |
Batoeradja |
local overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45. |
70 |
Bayern, Bayr |
Ger. |
inscription/overprint for Bavaria. |
71 |
Bechuanaland Protectorate |
South Africa, overprint; 1888, Aug. 7-90: overprint "Protectorate" on stamps of Bechuanaland, 1889: overprint on stamps
of Cape of Good Hope(1886),1897-1926: overprint on stamps of Great Britain (1881-87), 1910: overprint on stamp of Transvaal
(Sc.274), 1945: overprint on stamps of South Africa (Sc.100-102). |
72 |
Bechuanaland, British |
stamps of Cape of Good Hope (1871-75) ovptd/surcharged "British Bechuanaland,"1887: stamp of Great Britain overprinted
"British Bechuanaland,"1887-88: British Bechuanaland, inscription, 1891-94: stamps of Great Britain overprinted "British Bechuanaland,"
1893-97: stamps of Cape of Good Hope overprinted "British Bechuanaland." |
73 |
Beirut |
formerly Beyrouth, Lebanon; 1905, Beyrouth, French overprint used, 1906, July: British overprint for provisional use,1909:
ROPiT , Russia, issued overprinted stamps for Beirut. |
74 |
Belgian Occupation of German East Africa |
Belgian Congo stamps overprint; 1916: "Est Africain Allemand Occupation Belge," 1924: became Belgian mandate and renamed
Ruanda-Urundi. Belgian Occupation of Germany (part): Eupen, Malmedy stamps; 1919-20: "Allemagne/Duitschland"(Flemish) overprint,
1919-21: Poste Militaire postmark used for Belgian troops. |
75 |
Belgie |
Fr. |
Belgium inscription. |
76 |
Belgie posterijen |
Flemish |
inscription, 1891-96, Belgium post. |
77 |
Belgien |
Ger. |
Belgium, overprint; 1914-18: on stamps of Germany, German Occupation, World War II occupation stamps consisted of surcharge,
but no country name. |
78 |
Belgisch Congo |
inscription 1910-60. |
79 |
Belize |
overprint on British Honduras stamps, 1973. |
80 |
Belize Relief Fund |
overprint on British Honduras semi-postals; for Sept.1931 hurricane relief. |
81 |
Ben Kulen |
local overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45. |
82 |
Benaders |
overprint, Persian port; 1911-12: stamps of Iran,1921: used at Iranian Persian Gulf ports,1922: overprint on stamps of
Persia. |
83 |
Benadir |
inscription; 1903-26: first stamps of Italian Somaliland. |
84 |
Bengasi |
overprint on stamps of Italy. |
85 |
Benin |
1892: overprint "Benin" on stamps of French Colonies, 1893: inscribed "Golfe De Benin" full name ¨¦tablissements Franeais
du Golfe de Benin, 1894: inscribed "Benin," 1899: Dahomey used "Dahomey Et Dependances," 1975: became People's Republic of
Benin, including Dahomey, with inscription "Republique Populaire Du Benin." |
86 |
Berlin Germany |
overprint in Russian Zone of Occupation, post WW II; 1946: Russia issued their own stamps with "O.P.D." overprint, 1948:
"Sowjetische Besatzungs Zone" Russian Zone overprint, 1948: Allied occupation stamps overprinted in black for use in Western
zone of Berlin, 1949: overprint in red for revised currency. |
87 |
Bermuda |
inscription, Devil¡¯s Triangle, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
88 |
Bermuda |
inscription, Six Shillings, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
89 |
Besa |
"Genuine" overprint, 1921-22: Albania validity control. |
90 |
Besetztes gebiet NordFrankreich |
Ger. |
overprint handstamp; 1940:on French definitives used by German troops after the British evacuation of Dunkerque. |
91 |
Besetztes gebiet Nordfrankreich |
overprint; France, German Occupation. |
92 |
Bessarabia |
bogus Russian overprint. |
93 |
Beyrouth |
overprint for Beirut, Offices in Turkey; 1905: French Levant overprint stamp plus surcharge, 1909: overprint on stamps
of Russia, Levant. |
94 |
Bezirksaufdruck |
Ger. |
district, local overprint. |
95 |
Bezirksmarke (HOPS) |
Ger. |
hand overprinted stamp cancelled for Russian occupation zone. |
96 |
Biafra |
overprint, stamps of Nigeria. |
97 |
Bijzonderevluchten |
Dut. |
inscription; 1933: airmail issue. |
98 |
Bilbao |
local overprint, Spanish civil war, Nationalist and Republican forces, 1937. |
99 |
Binit Bicska |
overprint on stamps of Hungary for Banat, district of Hungary. |
100 |
Bjorn oya |
overprints on Norway stamps. |
101 |
Black Honduras |
black overprint and surcharge for newly established airmail route; 1915-16: Honduras, only two copies known to exist. |
102 |
Board of Education |
overprint; 1902-04: Great Britain Official. |
103 |
Bocas del Toro |
Panama; 1903-04: overprint "R de Panama" used in City of Bocas del Toro. |
104 |
Bohemia and Moravia |
1939: Czech provinces declared German protectorate, used overprinted Czech stamps, then stamps inscribed Bohmen and Mohren,
1942-1945: Deutsches Reich and Grossdeutsches Reich issues. |
105 |
B?hmen und M?hren |
Ger. |
inscription for Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia. |
106 |
Boka kotarska (Cataro) |
Yugoslav province, overprints in Italian and German currency, 1944. |
107 |
Bolivar, Sucre Miranda-decreto |
overprint of Escuelas Venezuela stamps as validation of non-postage school stamps. |
108 |
Bosien i Herzegowina |
inscriptions on Bosnia and Herzegovina stamp, 1906-12. |
109 |
Bosna i Hercegovina |
Jugoslavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
110 |
Bosnien-Hercegovina |
overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, 1918. |
111 |
Bosnien-Herzegovina |
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1906-17. |
112 |
Bostgebiet |
Lithuania overprint on stamps of Germany, German occupation, 1916-17. |
113 |
Botswana |
1888: overprint on Cape of Good Hope stamps, followed by overprints on British stamps, 1966, Sept. 30-67: "Republic of
Botswana" overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate; see: Bechuanaland Protectorate. |
114 |
Boughies |
Fr. |
candles; French Colony revenue inscription. |
115 |
Bouvet Oya |
bogus Norway handstamp overprint (Bouvet Island), supposedly commemorates the visit of British Vice-Admiral Evans to the
island in 1934, repudiated by Norwegian government. |
116 |
Brac, Brac Franco |
island in the Adriatic Sea; stamps of Jugoslavia overprint; 1943: stamps of Yugoslavia unauthorized overprint by Germany,
1944, May: charity stamps printed when occupied by Germany, never issued. |
117 |
British |
overprint variety (should be British) on British East Africa overprints. |
118 |
British Central Africa (B.C.A.) |
1891-95: stamps of Rhodesia overprinted "B.C.A," 1895-1907: inscription of British Central Africa Protectorate. |
119 |
British East Africa |
1890: "British East Africa Company" overprint on stamps of India, Zanzibar, 1890-94: stamps inscribed and handstamp of
British East Africa Company, 1895-97: overprint on stamps of India,1896-1903: inscribed British East Africa Protectorate,
1895-97: British East Africa Protectorate on stamps of Zanzibar, 1903: area changed and stamps inscribed "East Africa and
Uganda Protectorate," |
120 |
British East Africa Company |
1890-94: overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
121 |
British East Africa Protectorate |
1896-1903: inscription on stamps of Great Britain. |
122 |
British Honduras |
inscription, Deafforestation, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
123 |
British Military Administration of Malaya |
1945-48: Straits Settlements stamps overprinted BMA Malaya used, BMA overprint was used to 1951. |
124 |
British Military Administration of North Borneo |
1945: first stamps of North Borneo overprinted B.M.A. |
125 |
British Occupation |
overprint on Russian stamps for Batum, used overprint types of Georgia. |
126 |
Brunei:1906 |
first stamps were overprints on stamps of Labuan, 1942-44: stamps overprinted in Japanese characters during occupation,
1945: British occupation, stamps of North Borneo and Sarawak overprinted B.M.A. |
127 |
Buchanan |
city in Liberia, registration inscription, 1893-1924. |
128 |
Bulgarian Occupation of Romania |
an ally of Austria and Germany, 1916: overprint on stamps of Bulgaria for use in occupation of Romania. |
129 |
Bureau International d'Education |
Switzerland overprint for International Board of Education. |
130 |
Bureau International du Travail |
Switzerland; 1923-1950: official overprint for International Labor Bureau. |
131 |
Burgenland |
1945: German stamps overprinted diagonally "Osterreich" for use in Burgenland. |
132 |
Burgos |
Spanish province; local overprint, Nationalist and Republican forces,1936-37 |
133 |
Burma:1937, April 1 |
stamps of India (1926-36) overprinted "Burma" when it became part of the British Commonwealth, 1943-45: Japanese occupation
overprints and issues, 1942: Burmese emblem, the peacock, used as overprint during Japanese occupation. |
134 |
Burundi |
1953: overprint "Royaume du Burundi" on Ruanda-Urundi,1967: "Republique du Burundi" overprinted on Royaume du Burundi
issues (Sc. 111, 113, 116, 118-25, 141-52, 154-56), 1967: first stamp with inscription of Republique du Burundi. |
135 |
Bushire |
Persian Gulf port; 1915, Aug. 8-Oct. 16: British occupation |
136 |
Butlin¡¯s Holidays For a King |
inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "C" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
C |
overprint on stamps of Colombia, sold in Cuba for SCADTA airline mail to Cuba. |
2 |
C |
(Preceded by value with Japanese letters) Ryukyu Islands. |
3 |
C |
Customs, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
4 |
C |
"Campana" overprint on stamps of Paraguay and Uruguay (1922) for country areas. |
5 |
C. D. |
Convict Department, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
6 |
C. E. F. |
Cameroon overprint on stamps of Germany Kamerun, British Occupation. - stamps of India overprint for China Expeditionary
Force, first issue in 1900. |
7 |
C. G. H. S |
"Commission de Gouvernment Haute Sil¨¦sie" overprint on official stamps of Germany, for Upper Silesia, 1920-21. |
8 |
C. G. R. |
Cape Government Railways; 1911-12: overprint on stamps for railway mail from Caledon, Cape Province. |
9 |
C. I. H. S. |
"Commission Interalli¨¦e Haute-Sil¨¦sie" hand stamp/overprint on stamps of Germany, official use, for Upper Silesia, 1920. |
10 |
C. S. |
Chief Secretary, South Australia official overprint,1868-74. |
11 |
C. Sgn. |
Colonial Surgeon, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
12 |
C. T. |
Commissioner of Titles, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
13 |
C. X. C. |
Cyrillic overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Jugoslavia. |
14 |
C.F.A. |
overprint on stamps of France for Colonies Francaises d'Afrique, 1945. - overprint on French issues for Reunion, March
1952. - overprint on stamps of France for Communaut¨¦ Financicre Africaine, 1960. |
15 |
C.L.N. |
It. |
"Comitati di Liberazione Nazionale" (National Liberation Committees), 1943-44: inscription / overprint on stamps of Italy. |
16 |
C.L.N./Ossola Libera/10.9.44 |
It. |
overprint for Domodossola, Italy, see: CLN. |
17 |
C.L.N./Posta Italiane/Zona Aosta |
It. |
inscription for Aosta, Italy, see: CLN. |
18 |
C.L.N./Sondalo/Pro/Tubercolotici |
It. |
overprint, see: CLN. |
19 |
C.M.T. |
overprint on stamps of Austria, for Western Ukraine, Romanian occupation, 1919 |
20 |
CA |
overprint on stamps of Colombia, sold in Canada for SCADTA airline mail to Cuba. |
21 |
CA |
overprint and surcharge on one semi-postal stamp of France to reduce national debt, 1927. |
22 |
Cabo |
Sp. |
overprint on stamps of Nicaragua for Cabo Gracias A Dios, (Cape Thanks to God) 1904-09: own stamps required because currency
was based on silver, while rest of Nicaragua used paper money, overprint used to prevent currency manipulation, 1907: overprinted
"Costa/Atlantica/C ," 1909: overprinted "C/Dpto.Zelaya." |
23 |
Cabo gracias |
local, overprint on stamps of Nicaragua, Zelaya, 1904-11. |
24 |
Cabo Jubi |
overprint on stamps of Rio de Oro, for Cape Juby, 1916. |
25 |
Cabo Juby |
overprint on stamps of Spain (1919-33), Spanish Morocco, (1934-48) for Cape Juby, see: Rio de Oro. |
26 |
Cabo Verde |
inscription Cape Verde for Cape Verde Islands. |
27 |
Caches |
overprint on postage dues of France and general stamps of French Colonies for use in French India postage dues. |
28 |
Cadiz, Cadiz viva Espanol |
local overprint, Spanish civil war, Nationalist/Republican, 1936-37. |
29 |
Caicos Islands |
1981 stamps overprinted "Caicos Islands" see: Turks and Caicos Islands. |
30 |
Caisse d'Amortissement |
Fr. |
inscription for reduction of national debt, semi-postal; 1927-31 |
31 |
Calimno, Calino |
Dodecanese Island, Aegean Sea; 1912-29: overprint "Egeo" on stamps of Italy, followed by "Calimno." |
32 |
Callao |
Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation. |
33 |
Cameroon, Cameroun |
West coast of Africa |
34 |
Cameroons U.K.T.T |
(United Kingdom Trust Territory) overprint on stamps of Nigeria for Southern Cameroons. |
35 |
Cameroun Occupation Franeaise |
on stamps of Middle Congo, 1916-17, 1921 |
36 |
Canal Zone |
Canal Zone overprint on stamps of Panama, 1904, US stamps overprinted, 1924. |
37 |
Canarias |
local, Canary Islands, Spanish civil war overprint, Nationalist/Republican, 1936-37. |
38 |
Canaro |
overprint for Fiume, Italian occupation of Arbe and Veglia. |
39 |
Canceled |
British Colonial overprint for Specimen purposes. |
40 |
Canceled V-R-I |
overprint for Transvaal, second British occupation, Wolmaranstad, 1900. |
41 |
Canton |
Chinese treaty port; overprint on stamps of Indo-China, 1901-22. |
42 |
Cantonal taxe |
with numeral 6, inscription on Zurich cantonal issue. |
43 |
Cape Juby |
stamps of Rio de Oro overprinted and surcharged for Spanish troops, 1916, overprints on stamps of Spanish Morocco, 1919. |
44 |
Carchi, Calchi and Karki |
on stamps of Italy, 1930, 1932: two sets overprinted with island's name issued, now part of Greece. 1912-40: stamps of
Italy overprinted with names of islands: Calchi , Calimno, Caso, Coo, Fero, Fisso, Nisiro, Patmo, Piscopi, Rhodes, Scarpanto,
Simi and Stampalia. |
45 |
Caritas |
overprint/surcharge for charity stamps in Belgium, Denmark and Luxembourg (1914). |
46 |
Casa de correos |
Sp. |
overprint on stamps of Ecuador to build a new general post office in Quito and Guayaquil. |
47 |
Castelrosso |
overprint on stamps of Italy, 1922 |
48 |
Cavalle |
overprint and inscription on stamps of France, Offices in Turkish Empire 1893-1914;: overprint on stamps of Bulgaria,
1913. |
49 |
Cave |
Ceylon control overprint to prevent theft. |
50 |
Cayman Islands |
inscription, Rich People, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
51 |
Cazinska Krajina |
local overprint, rebel state Bihac, Bosnia, 1993-95. |
52 |
Centesimi di Corona |
overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation of Austria, Dalmatia. |
53 |
Centimes |
Austria overprint, Offices in Crete. - overprint on stamps of Germany, currency unit, Offices in Turkey. |
54 |
Centimos |
overprint on stamps of France, Offices in Morocco. |
55 |
Cents |
(with crown) Straits Settlements overprint on stamps of India. - overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in China. |
56 |
Cerigo |
overprint on stamps of Greece for Ionian Islands. |
57 |
Cerigo/Occupazione Militare Italiana |
private overprint on stamps of Greece for Ionian Islands. |
58 |
Ceskoslovenski |
overprint on stamps of Austria for Czechoslovakia, semi-postals. |
59 |
Ceskych Skautu |
Czech Scouts inscription on Czechoslovakia issue in Oct. 1918, Boy Scouts distributed mail. |
60 |
Ceylon |
inscription Tamil Tiger, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
61 |
Ceylon |
inscription "the F-word" unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
62 |
CH |
Colombla-SCADTA consular overprint for Chile. |
63 |
Ch. Taxe O.M.F. Syrie |
overprint of stamps of France for Offices in Turkey, Syria. |
64 |
Chakasia |
bogus Russian local overprint. |
65 |
Chala |
overprint on stamps of Peru, provisional issue, 1879-84. |
66 |
Chamba |
India Convention State; 1886: first stamps with Chamba overprint valid throughout Indian Empire |
67 |
Chiffre taxe |
inscription on postage due labels of France, French colonies and Turkey. |
68 |
Chiffre taxe a percevoir |
inscription on postage due labels of Egypt. |
69 |
Chilean Occupation of Peru |
stamps of Peru overprinted with arms of Chile, 1881. |
70 |
Chimarra (Himera) |
provisional Epirus issue, 1914-16 issues during Greek occupation. |
71 |
Chimborazo Riobamba |
control overprint on stamps of Ecuador, 1902. |
72 |
China |
overprints/inscription; overprint on stamps of Germany, Offices in China. - China Post inscription for People's Republic
of China. - overprint on stamps of Hong Kong, 1917-1927, British Offices Abroad. |
73 |
China Expeditionary Force |
stamps of India overprinted "C.E.F."; 1900, Aug.-Nov. 25, 1923: for use of Indian and British troops during Boxer rebellion. |
74 |
China, French Offices |
1894: "Chine" overprinted on stamps of France, 1904-22: "Chine" overprinted on stamps of Indo-China. |
75 |
China, Indian Forces |
1900: overprinted "C.E.F." on stamps of India. |
76 |
China, Japanese Occupation |
overprint stamps of China plus occupation issues, 20th century: Kwangtung Province including Canton; Inner Mongolia, including
North Shansi, South Chara and Suiyuna; North China including Honan, Hopei, Meng Chiang, Shansi, Shantung and Supeh; Nanking
and Shanghai including Anhwei, Chekiang, Fukien, Hunan, Hupe and Kiangsi. |
77 |
China, Japanese Post Offices |
1876, Apr. 15- 31 Dec.1899: overprint on stamps of Japan with Chinese characters |
78 |
Chinese Imperial post |
inscription on stamps of China, 1898-1912. |
79 |
Chios (Khios) |
Aegean Island captured by Greece from Turkey in 1912; 1913, May: overprint on stamp of Greece. |
80 |
Chiriqui |
overprint on stamps of Panama. |
81 |
Chop |
Japanese characters overprinted on stamps of territories occupied by Japanese troops during WWII and used until official
occupation stamps became available. |
82 |
Christmas Island |
Indian Ocean; 1958: provisionals overprinted and surcharged in Malayan currency |
83 |
Christmas Island |
part of the Ellice group of islands in Pacific; 1958, Oct. 15: overprint on stamps of Australia for Christmas Island |
84 |
Cierro Oficial |
Sp. |
inscription, official seals for Chile, El Salvador. |
85 |
Cinquan Tenaire 24 Septembre |
overprint on stamps of French Colonies postage dues for New Caledonia. |
86 |
Cirenaica |
overprint on stamps of Italy, for Cyrenaica, Tropolitania. |
87 |
Citta aperta Roma |
Rome open city, overprint on Italian imperial series, may be bogus. |
88 |
CL |
Crown Lands, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. |
89 |
Clipperton Island |
inscription for Pacific Island local post, started April 4, 1895 to frank mail between the island and the San Francisco,
diagonal overprint on stamps of Mexico may be bogus. |
90 |
CLN Italia Posta Partigiana |
It. |
inscription for Parma, Italy, unissued, see: CLN. |
91 |
CO |
Commissariat Officer, South Australia official overprint,1868-74. |
92 |
Co. Ci |
It. |
"Commissariato Civile" Civil Commissioner, overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia for Ljubljana, Italian occupation. |
93 |
Coamo |
inscription on provisional issue of Puerto Rico, US occupation, Aug.-Sep., 1898. |
94 |
Colegio de Abogados |
Sp. |
inscription on fiscal stamps used by lawyers. |
95 |
Colegio de Huerfanos |
Sp. |
inscription on semi-postals issued by Postal, Telegraph and Customs services to collect funds for colleges used by children
of employees. |
96 |
Colegio de Notarios |
Sp. |
inscription on fiscal stamps used by notaries. |
97 |
Colon |
Sp. |
Columbus, inscription on first stamps of Chile. |
98 |
Colonia de Rio de Oro |
inscription for Rio de Oro. |
99 |
Colonia Eriteria |
inscription for Eritrea colony of Italy. |
100 |
Coloniali Italiane |
It. |
inscription on stamps of Italy for Italian Colonies. |
101 |
Colonie Italiane |
overprint on stamps of Italy for Italian Colonies. |
102 |
Colonie Italiane |
It. |
overprint on stamps of Italy for Italian Colonies. |
103 |
Colonies postes |
French Colonies regular issue overprint. |
104 |
Colonies Postes |
inscription on the General Issue for French Colonies, 1881. |
105 |
Comissao Portuguesa de Prosioneiros de Guerra |
Port. |
overprint on stamps of Portugal as Franchise stamps for prisoners' of war commission. |
106 |
Comite Francais de la Liberation National |
Fr. |
inscription on French Colonies. |
107 |
Commission d'Administration et de Plebescite Olszytn Alenstein-Traite de Versailles |
overprint on stamps of Germany for Allenstein plebiscite.Commission de Controle Provisoire Korca: inscription on stamps
of Albania, 1914. |
108 |
Commission de Gouvernment Haute Silsie |
inscription for Upper Silesia plebiscite issue. |
109 |
Commission F¨¹r Retourbriefe |
Ger. |
inscription for returned letters of Bavaria. |
110 |
Commission fur Retourbriefe (Ruckbriefe) |
Ger. |
inscription for return letters stamps, Bavaria, Nurenberg and Wurttemberg. |
111 |
Commission Interalliee Mariendwerder |
inscription on stamps of Germany for Mariendwerder plebiscite. |
112 |
Companhia de Mocambique |
inscription Mozambique Company, a territory in Portuguese East Africa. |
113 |
Compania Colombiana de Navegacion Aerea |
Colombia airmail overprint, 1920. |
114 |
Compre ud. Caf¨¦ de Costa Rica |
Sp. |
overprint in 1923 on stamps of Costa Rica as plea to taste and buy Cost Rican coffee. |
115 |
Comunicaciones |
Sp. |
communications inscription on revenue issues of Spain, postal use is implied and understood. |
116 |
Condominium |
New Caledonia overprint to note joint government by France and England. |
117 |
Condorzusatz |
Ger. |
additional postage for forwarding via Condor airlines. |
118 |
Confed. Granadina |
inscription on Colombia, Granadine Confederation. |
119 |
Confe'on Argentina |
inscription first issue of Argentina, 1858-60. |
120 |
Confoederatio Helvetica |
inscription National Fete Day, semi-postal, Switzerland, 1838-post. |
121 |
Congo |
(If also inscribed "Portugal" or "Portuguesa") Portuguese Congo. |
122 |
Congo, Indian Forces |
1962: "U. N. Force (India) Congo"overprint on stamps of India. |
123 |
Congo. Franeais |
overprint on stamps of French Colonies, see: French Congo. |
124 |
Congratulations Fall of Bataan and Corregidor |
overprint on stamps of Philippines, Japanese occupation, 1942. |
125 |
Constantinople (Stamboul) |
British stamps with "C" and "S ," 1857-85, stamps of the Russian Levant, 1909-10. |
126 |
Constantinopol |
overprint on stamps of Romania, 1896-1919 |
127 |
Constantinopoli |
overprint on stamps of Italy, 1909-14 and1919-23 |
128 |
Constantinopol-Posta Romana |
overprint on stamps of Romania, Offices in Turkey. |
129 |
Construccion |
overprint on stamps of Guatemala for a postal tax. |
130 |
Consular Mail |
inscription O.H.M.S., O.H.M.S., unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001. |
131 |
Consular overprints |
semi-official stamps issued by SCADTA, Colombian airline, 1921-23, sold at Colombian consulates to prepay postage within
Colombia on mail sent from abroad; overprints on the stamps applied to indicate the originating country. A is Germany, A-U
is Argentina or Uruguay, B is Belgium, Co is Bolivia, Br. Is Brazil, C is Cuba, CR is Costa Rica, Ca is Canada, Ch is Chile,
D is Denmark, E is Spain, EU is United States, F is France, GB is Great Britain, I is Italy, H is Netherlands, P is Panama,
PE is Peru, SU is Sweden, S is Switzerland and V is Venezuela. |
132 |
Consular post office |
post offices in the Turkish Empire and China for which specially overprinted stamps were issued. |
133 |
Contramarca |
Sp. |
Ecuador control overprint. |
134 |
Contrasena/Estampillas de Correo |
overprint on Escuelas (school) issues for provisional use, Venezuela, 1874. |
135 |
Controlle 1922 |
overprint on stamps of Persia (Iran) as a pictorial postcard tax, 1922. |
136 |
Convention States |
convention status states in the Empire of India: Chamba, Faridot, Gwalior, Jind, Nabha and Patiala; each state had its
own overprints on stamps of India, 1950: regular stamps of India replaced all the convention states' issues. |
137 |
Cook Islands |
overprint 30 June 1948 Atomic Test Bikini Atoll, part of set of eleven overprints, unissued Great Britain cinderella by
David Horry, 2001. |
138 |
Copyright |
standard inscription placed in the sheet margin protecting design. |
139 |
Corfu |
Ionian Island; 1923: stamps of Italy overprint for use on island, 1941: stamps of Greece overprinted |
140 |
Corona |
Dalmatia overprint on stamps of Italy; also Austria, Italian Occupation. |
141 |
Corps Exp¨¦ditionnaire Franco-Anglais Cameroun |
on stamps of Gabon |
142 |
Corps Expeditionnaire/Franco-Anglais/Cameroun |
overprint on stamps of Gabon whose inscriptions read "Congo Francais" and "Afrique Equatoriale ,"1915. |
143 |
Correio India |
inscription of stamps of Portuguese India. |
144 |
Correo Urbano de Bogota |
Colombia (For City of Bogota). |
145 |
Correos de los EE. UU. De Venuz |
inscription on stamps of Venezuela, 1865-70. |
146 |
Correos y Telegrafos, Correos y Telegs |
Sp. |
Argentina inscription for mail and telegraph, 19th century issues. |
147 |
Correspondencia a Debe |
Sp. |
inscription on stamps of Panama for postage due. |
148 |
Correspondencia Urgente |
Sp. |
special delivery inscription, found on Express Letter stamps of Spain. |
149 |
Cosme Colony |
Paraguay bogus overprint for Australian settlement. |
150 |
Costa Atlantica B |
Sp. |
overprint on stamps of Nicaragua for use in province of Zelaya, 1907. |
151 |
Costa Atlantica C |
Sp. |
overprint on stamps of Nicaragua for use in province of Cabo Gracias A Dios, 1907. |
152 |
Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale |
overprint on stamps of Netherlands for mail from International Court of Justice, 1934, amended to "Cour Internationale
de Justice." |
153 |
Courland |
1945, Apr.: four German stamps overprinted; see: Kurland. |
154 |
Courrier de la Societe des Nations |
Fr. |
overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations. |
155 |
Courrier du Bureau International d'Education |
Fr. |
overprint on stamps of Switzerland for International Bureau of Education. |
156 |
Courrier du Bureau International du Travail |
Fr. |
overprint on stamps of Switzerland for International Labor Bureau. - Commissioner of Police, South Australia official
overprint, 1868-74. - overprint on stamps of Ivory Coast for parcel post. - overprint on stamps of Colombia, sold in Costa
Rica to frank mail carried by SCADTA airlines. |
157 |
Crociera Italiana 1924 |
overprint on stamps of Italy for propaganda tour, 1924. |
158 |
Croissant Rouge Turc |
Fr. |
Turkey Red Cross semi-postals. |
159 |
Croix Rouge |
Fr. |
inscription for Red Cross on semi-postals. |
160 |
Crveni Krst |
Jugoslavia overprint, Offices Abroad. |
161 |
Cs |
overprint on stamps of Hungary to indicate validity, 1946. |
162 |
Cuba impresos |
inscription for newspaper stamps of Cuba under Spanish administration. |
163 |
Curacao |
1873, May 23: inscription of "Curaeao" on their own stamps. |
164 |
Cyprus |
overprint, Cyprus crossed out, replaced with Greek characters for Cyprus; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry,
2001. |
165 |
Cyrenaica |
1923, Oct. 24: first stamps were stamps of Italy overprinted "Cirenaica." |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "D" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
D |
(With no country name, with value and Queen's cameo) Great Britain. |
2 |
D |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Denmark. |
3 |
D |
Netherlands East Indies overprint. |
4 |
D US Postage |
United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 22¡é, 1985. |
5 |
D.B. |
South Australia Official overprint (Destitute Board). |
6 |
D.B.L. |
Far Eastern Republic overprint; Siberia (with additional three bars). |
7 |
D.D.R. |
German Democratic Republic (East Germany). |
8 |
D.M. |
Danzig Official overprint. |
9 |
D.R. |
South Australia Official overprint (Deeds and Registration). |
10 |
D.V.R. |
Far Eastern Republic overprint on stamps of Russia. |
11 |
Dahlak Islands |
Ethiopia local stamps. |
12 |
Dahomey |
Currently Benin Republic. |
13 |
Dai Nippon |
Malaya and States overprint, Japanese Occupation. |
14 |
Damus Patimus Que Vicissim |
British Guiana. |
15 |
Danmark |
Denmark. |
16 |
Dans L'Inde |
French India inscription. |
17 |
Dansk Vestindien |
Danish West Indies. |
18 |
Dansk Vestindiske |
Danish West Indies. |
19 |
Danzig |
Danzig overprint on stamps of Germany. |
20 |
Dardanelles |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
21 |
Datia |
India Feudatory State of Duttia. |
22 |
Davaar Island |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
23 |
Davis's Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
24 |
De Kandahar |
Afghanistan inscription. |
25 |
De Leon |
Ecuador Control overprint. |
26 |
Dedeagh |
France overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
27 |
Deficiente |
Ecuador, Nicaragua Postage Due. |
28 |
Deficit |
Peru Postage Due. |
29 |
Del Golfo De Guinea |
Spanish Guinea. |
30 |
Delegacoes |
Portugal. |
31 |
Deming's Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
32 |
Den Waisen Sirotam |
Jugoslavia overprint on stamps of Italy, Ljubljana. |
33 |
Dept. of Agriculture |
US inscription, official use. |
34 |
Depto Zelaya |
Nicaragua, Department of Zelaya. |
35 |
Derechos De Entrega |
Spain. |
36 |
Derechos De Firma |
Philippines Revenue. |
37 |
Deutchofterreich |
Austria. |
38 |
Deutfchofterreich |
Austria. |
39 |
Deutsch Neuguinea |
German New Guinea. |
40 |
Deutsch Ostafrica |
German East Africa. |
41 |
Deutsch Osterreich |
Austria overprint. |
42 |
Deutsch Sudwest Afrika |
German SouthWest Africa. |
43 |
Deutsche Demokratische Republik |
German Democratic Republic Russian Zone (East Germany). |
44 |
Deutsche Feldpost |
Germany (Military Parcel Post). |
45 |
Deutsche Militaerverwaltung Montenegro |
Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation. |
46 |
Deutsche Post |
Germany (All zones). |
47 |
Deutsche Post Osten |
Germany overprint for Poland, German Occupation. |
48 |
Deutsche Reichs Post |
Germany. |
49 |
Deutsches Reich |
Germany. |
50 |
Deutsches Reich General Gouvernment |
Poland, German Occupation. |
51 |
Deutschland |
Germany, Allied Occupation. |
52 |
Deveria Demokratike E Shqipnis |
Albania. |
53 |
Dhar |
India Feudatory State. |
54 |
Dhufar |
Arabia (Propaganda labels sold as stamps). |
55 |
Di Nero |
Peru, no country name, money unit. |
56 |
Diegosuarez |
Diego Suarez overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
57 |
Dienst |
Netherlands Indies Official overprint. |
58 |
Dienst Zegel Aan Teeken Recht |
Netherlands. |
59 |
Dienstmarke |
Bavaria, Danzig, Germany, Prussia, Saar Official stamps. |
60 |
Dienstsache |
Liechtenstein Official overprint. |
61 |
Diligencia |
Uruguay Carrier issue. |
62 |
Dinar |
Arab Language countries; Jugoslavia money unit. |
63 |
Dinsin |
Ireland Postage Due inscription. |
64 |
Dios Patria Libertado |
Dominican Republic. |
65 |
Dios Patria Rey |
Spain Carlist issue. |
66 |
Distrito |
180 Peru overprint for Arequipaco, Cuzco Provisionals. |
67 |
DJ |
Domali Coast overprint on stamps of Obock. |
68 |
Djibouti |
Somali Coast overprint on stamps of Obock. |
69 |
Dollar |
Russia overprint, Offices in China. |
70 |
Dooy Nuunaay |
Inscription on stamps of Somalia. |
71 |
Doplata |
Central Lithuania, Poland Postage Due. |
72 |
Doplatit, Doplatne |
CzechoslovakiaPostage Due. |
73 |
Douglas City Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
74 |
Dounane |
South Africa Customs Duty. |
75 |
Korea, North. |
76 |
Drachma |
Crete, Greece money unit. |
77 |
Drake's Island |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
78 |
Drammen Bypost |
Local post of Norway. |
79 |
Drijvende Brandkast |
Netherlands (Marine Insurance). |
80 |
Drzava S.H.S. |
Jugosiavia inscription for Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
81 |
Drzava, Drzavna |
Jugosiavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
82 |
Dubai |
Persian Gulf Sheikdom. |
83 |
Duc.Di.Parma |
Parma (Duchy). |
84 |
Due Grana |
Two Sicilies money unit. |
85 |
Duitschoost Afrika Belgische Bezetting |
German East Africa overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo, Belgian Occupation. |
86 |
Dungarpur |
India Feudatory State. |
87 |
Dupuy & Schueck |
United States Local Post. |
88 |
Durazzo |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey Postage Due. |
89 |
Duttia |
India Feudatory State. |
90 |
Dyeaskagway |
United States Local Post. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "E" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
E |
Bavaria overprint (Railroads). |
2 |
E |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Spain. |
3 |
E |
South Australia Official overprint (Engineer). |
4 |
E US Postage |
United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¡é,1988. |
5 |
E.A. |
Greece overprint for Chios; Aegean Islands. |
6 |
E.A.F. |
Great Britain overprint for Offices in Africa. |
7 |
E.B. |
South Australia Official overprint (Education Board). |
8 |
E.E.F. |
Palestine Inscription, British Occupation. |
9 |
E.E.F. |
(with Arabic overprint) TransJordan. |
10 |
E.F. |
Boliva overprint. |
11 |
E.R. |
Great Britain (Without country name). |
12 |
E.R.i. |
Transvaal overprint on stamps of South Africa. |
13 |
E.U., EU |
Coiombia-Scadta consular overprints for United States. |
14 |
E.U.DE Colombia |
Colombia air mail overprint. |
15 |
EA |
Algeria overprint on stamps of France. |
16 |
(Resembles these letters); Greece. |
17 |
Eaahnikh Aioikhcic |
(Resembles these letters); Albania, Greek Language countries overprint on stamps of Greece. |
18 |
Eagle City Post |
United States Local Post. |
19 |
Eamoy |
(Resembles these letters) Provisional government of Samos-Greece. |
20 |
East Africa And Uganda Protectorate |
East Africa and Uganda or Kenya and Uganda. |
21 |
East India Postage |
India; Overprinted with a crown and new values, Straits Settlement. |
22 |
East River P.O. |
United States Local Post. |
23 |
Eastern Roumelia |
Eastern Rumelia. |
24 |
Eastern Rumelia |
Currently part of Bulgaria. |
25 |
European Brewing Convention |
26 |
Ecuador |
Ecuador overprint on stamps of Colombia. |
27 |
Greece overprint for Dodecanese Islands. |
28 |
Colombia, Department Tolma. |
29 |
Een 1 Gld |
Netherlands overprint. |
30 |
Eesteeesti |
Estonia Inscription. |
31 |
French Polynesia overprint. |
32 |
Efterporto |
Danish West Indies Postage Due inscription. |
33 |
Italy, Aegean Islands, General Issue; 1912-29: overprint on stamps of Italy, followed by "Calimno ," "Caso" 1912-29. |
34 |
Egypte, Egyptiennes |
Egypt. |
35 |
Einzuziehen |
Danzig Postage Due. |
36 |
Eire |
Ireland. |
37 |
Ejercito Renovador |
Mexico Revolutionary stamp, Sinaloa. |
38 |
Ekoecic |
(Resembles these letters) Greece Postal Tax. |
39 |
El Parlamento A Cervantes |
Spain Official, Cervantes. |
40 |
El Salvador |
Salvador. |
41 |
Elfafs |
France overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
42 |
Elsass |
Germany overprint, Occupation of Alsace. |
43 |
Elu Keneta |
Hawaii. |
44 |
Emirdites |
Albania (Unauthorized Issues). |
45 |
Emp. Ottoman |
Eastern Rumelia, Turkey. |
46 |
Empire City Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
47 |
Empire D'ethiopie |
Ethiopia (Abyssinia). |
48 |
Empire Franc, Francais |
France, French Colonies. |
49 |
Enaep. Tax Yap Eyrkoin |
(Resembles these letters) Greece Air mail overprint. |
50 |
Enapiomon Rpammatoehmon |
(Resembles these letters) Greece Postage Due. |
51 |
Encomendas Postais |
Portugal Parcel Post. |
52 |
Encomiendas |
Uruguay Parcel Post. |
53 |
Eonikh |
Greece Postal Tax. |
54 |
Epirus |
Currently part of Albania and Greece. |
55 |
Epmakb |
South Russia. |
56 |
Equateur |
Ecuador. |
57 |
Eritrea |
Great Britain overprint for Offices in Africa. |
58 |
Erste K.K. Pr. Donau Dampfschiffahrt |
Private Post of Danube Steam Navigation Company. |
59 |
Escuelas |
Venezuela Revenue inscription. |
60 |
Espana |
Spain. |
61 |
Espana Sahara |
Spanish Sahara. |
62 |
Espana Valencia |
Spain Carlist issue. |
63 |
Espanola, Espans |
Spain. |
64 |
Essequibo Is Ours |
Guyana propaganda overprint. |
65 |
Essex Letter Express |
United States Local Post. |
66 |
Est African Allemand Occupation Belge |
Belgian East Africa overprint on stamps of Congo with new value; without value for German East Africa. |
67 |
Estado Da India |
Portuguese India. |
68 |
Estado Espanol |
Spain. |
69 |
Estados Unidos De Nueva Granada |
Colombia (United States of New Granada). |
70 |
Estensi Post |
Modena. |
71 |
Estero |
Italy overprint, Offices Abroad. |
72 |
Estland |
Estonia. |
73 |
Etablissements Dans or De L'inde |
French India. |
74 |
Etablissements De L'oceanie |
French Polynesia. |
75 |
Etat Autonome Du Sudkasai |
South Kasai overprint on stamps of Congo. |
76 |
Etat Comorien |
inscription for Comoro Islands, except for Mayotte, 1975. |
77 |
Etat Du Cambodge |
State of Cambodia, 1989. |
78 |
Etat Francais |
France. |
79 |
Etat Ind. Du Congo |
Congo. |
80 |
Ethiopie, Ethiopiennes |
Ethiopia (Abyssi nia). |
81 |
Etiopia |
Ethiopia (Abyssinia), Italian Occupation. |
82 |
Ets.Francs.De L'oceanie |
French Oceania, Polynesia. |
83 |
Eupen |
Germany overprint on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation. |
84 |
Eupen & Malmedy |
Germany overprint on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation. |
85 |
Exped.Scient |
(with Oriental characters); China. |
86 |
Exposcion De Barcelona |
Spain. |
87 |
Exposcion General Espanola |
Spain. |
88 |
Exposcion Gral Sevilla Barcelona |
Spain. |
89 |
Exposition Coloniale Internationale Paris 1931 |
France, if without the name of a French Colony. |
90 |
Exposition Industrielle Damas 1929 |
Syria overprint (Damascus Exposition). |
91 |
Expres, Expresso |
Italy, San Marion, Vatican City Parcel Post. |
92 |
Expresso Tobon |
Colombia local express stamp. |
93 |
Eynhallow |
Great Britain for Holy Island, Scotland Local Carriage label. |
94 |
Eyrir |
Iceland money unit. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "F" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
F |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for France. |
2 |
F For Us Addresses Only |
United States non-denominated postage stamps, value 29¡é, 1991. |
3 |
F Stamp Rate |
United States non-denominated postage stamps, value 4¡é, 1991. |
4 |
F US Postage |
United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 29¡é cents,1990. |
5 |
F.A.F.L. |
Syria military overprint, Free French Administration. |
6 |
F.G.N. |
Nigeria Unissued Official overprint. |
7 |
F.M. |
France Military overprint (Francaise Militaire). |
8 |
F.N.F.L. |
French Colonies overprint (Forces Navales Francaises Libres). |
9 |
F.T.T. |
Trieste, Zone A overprint on stamps of Italy. |
10 |
Fabian's Phantom Post |
United States Local Post. |
11 |
Factaj |
Romania Parcel Post overprint. |
12 |
Falta De Porte |
Mexico. |
13 |
United Nations inscription for Food and Agriculture Organization. |
14 |
Far Eastern Republic |
Now part of Russia, formerly part of Siberia. |
15 |
Faridkot |
India Convention and Feudatory State. |
16 |
Faroe Islands |
Autonomous postal authority, part of Denmark. |
17 |
Fauconniere |
Great Britain Local Carriage label for Jethou. |
18 |
Faunce's Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
19 |
Fernando PO. |
20 |
Fearey & Co. Mustang Express |
United States Local Post. |
21 |
Federata Demokratike Moerkombetare E Grave |
Albania. |
22 |
Federated Malay States |
Malaya. |
23 |
Federation Du Mali |
Formerly Senegal and French Sudan. |
24 |
Feldpost |
Austria, Germany overprint. |
25 |
Poland overprint. |
26 |
China, Manchukuo money unit. |
27 |
Fernando Poo |
Fernando PO. |
28 |
Feudatory State Raj Nandgamop |
India Nandgaon Feudatory State. |
29 |
Fezmequinez |
Morocco Local Post. |
30 |
Fezsefro |
Morocco Local Post. |
31 |
Fezzan-Ghadmes |
Libya, French Occupation. |
32 |
Fiera Compionaria Tripoli |
Libya. |
33 |
Fiji |
Member of British Commonwealth. |
34 |
Fil(s) |
Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, South Arabia, TransJordan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen money unit. |
35 |
Filipas, Filipinas |
Philippines. |
36 |
Filler |
Hungary money unit. |
37 |
Finsterwalde |
Germany WWII locals. |
38 |
Fiske & Rice |
United States Express label. |
39 |
Fiume |
Fiume overprint on stamps of Hungary. |
40 |
Flera Dl Trieste |
Trieste overprint on stamps of Italy. |
41 |
Florida |
Uruguay Assembly of Florida air mail issue. |
42 |
Florin |
Hungary, Montenegro money unit. |
43 |
Floyd's Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
44 |
Fluchtlingshilfe Montenegro |
Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation. |
45 |
Flugpost |
Austria, Danzig, Germany, Memel air mail issue. |
46 |
Folus |
India Faridkot money unit. |
47 |
Fondul Aviatei |
Romania Postal Tax inscription. |
48 |
Foochow |
China Treaty Port Local stamps. |
49 |
Forces Francaise Libres Levant |
Syria overprint, Free French Administration. |
50 |
Formosa China |
Formosa Local Post. |
51 |
Foroyar |
Faroe Islands. |
52 |
FR. |
French West Africa overprint on stamps of Mauritania, Senegal. |
53 |
Franc |
Austria overprint, Offices in Crete. |
54 |
Franc |
French Language money unit. |
55 |
Franca |
overprint on stamps of Peru for Chiclayo, during war with Chile, 1879-84. |
56 |
Francais, Francaise |
France or French Colonies. |
57 |
France D'outremer |
French Colonies General issue. |
58 |
France Libre |
French Colonies overprint. |
59 |
France Libre F.N.F.L. |
St. Pierre and Miquelon overprint. |
60 |
Francisco Bertrand |
Honduras. |
61 |
Franco |
Philippines or Spain. |
62 |
Franco Bollo |
(Without country name) Perforated stamps of Italy, imperforated stamps of Sardinia. |
63 |
Franco Bollo Di Stato |
Italy inscription for Official stamps. |
64 |
Franco Bollo Postale |
(On stamps with crossed keys) Roman States. |
65 |
Franco Bollo Toscano |
Tuscany. |
66 |
Franco Marke |
Bremen, German States. |
67 |
Franco Scrisorei |
Romania Moldavia Wallachia. |
68 |
Frank |
Albania money unit. |
69 |
Frankeerzegel |
Netherlands Antilles, Surinam overprint. |
70 |
Franqueo |
Peru Arequipa Provisional issue. |
71 |
Franqueo Deficiente |
Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Salvador Postage Due inscription. |
72 |
Franqueo Oficial |
Ecuador, Guatemala Official Postage. |
73 |
Franquicia |
Spain Franchise stamps. |
74 |
Franz Joseph Land |
Labels for a North Pole Expedition in 1872. |
75 |
Frazer & Co. |
United States Local Post. |
76 |
Frederica Bypost |
Denmark Local Post. |
77 |
Freeman & Co. Express |
United States Local Post. |
78 |
Frei Durch Ablosung-Nr 16 Baden Nr 21 |
Prussia Official stamps. |
79 |
Freie Stadt Danzig |
Danzig (Free State). |
80 |
Freiftaat Bayern |
Bavaria, Germany overprint. |
81 |
Freimarke |
(Without country name) Baden, GermanyThurn & Taxis, Prussia, Wurttemberg. |
82 |
Freistaat Bayern |
Bavaria, Germany overprint. |
83 |
Frejus |
France semipostal overprint. |
84 |
French Equatorial Africa |
Former colonies of Chad, Gabon, Middle Congo, Ubangi Shari. |
85 |
French Guinea |
Currently Guinea Republic. |
86 |
French Somali Coast |
Currently Djibouti Republic. |
87 |
French Sudan |
Currently Mali Republic. |
88 |
Fresno And San Francisco Bicycle Mail Route |
United States Local Post. |
89 |
Fri Marke Kgl.Post |
Denmark. |
90 |
Friendly Islands |
Tonga. |
91 |
Friend's Boarding School |
United States Local Post. |
92 |
Frimarke |
Denmark, Norway or Sweden. |
93 |
Frimarke Lokalbref |
Sweden City Postage. |
94 |
Frimerki |
Iceland. |
95 |
FT |
Hungary money unit. |
96 |
Fujeira |
Persian Gulf Shiekdom. |
97 |
Funafuti |
One of the Tuvalu islands. |
98 |
Funf Grote |
Bremen, German States. |
99 |
Furstentum, Fuerstentum, Fverstentum |
Liechtenstein. |
100 |
Futsches Reich |
Germany colloquialism for Ruined Empire from a British WWII propaganda forgery. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "G" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
G |
Griqualand West overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope. |
2 |
G D |
Luxembourg inscription. |
3 |
G First-Class |
Presort United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¡é, 1992. |
4 |
G Official Mail |
USA United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¡é, 1992. |
5 |
G Postcard Rate |
United States non-denominated postcard rate, value 20¡é, 1992. |
6 |
G Rate Make-Up |
United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 3¡é, 1992. |
7 |
G US |
Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¡é, 1991 |
8 |
G&D |
G et D Guadeloupe. |
9 |
G.C.M. |
Mexico script overprint (Constitutional Government of Mexico). |
10 |
G.E.A. |
German East Africa overprint on stamps of East Africa, Uganda. |
11 |
G.E.A. |
Tanganyika overprint on stamps of Kenya. |
12 |
G.F |
South Australia Official overprint (Gold Fields). |
13 |
G.F.B. |
Tonga Official overprint. |
14 |
G.O. |
Philippines Official overprint. |
15 |
G.P. |
South Australia Official overprint (Government Printer). |
16 |
G.P. |
DE M Mexico Official overprint. |
17 |
G.P.E. |
Guadeloupe overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
18 |
G.R. Mafia, G.R. Post Mafia |
British occupation of an island off German East Africa. |
19 |
G.R.I. |
New Britain overprint on stamps of German New Guinea, Marshall Islands. |
20 |
G.R.I. |
Samoa overprint on stamps of German Samoa. |
21 |
G.S. |
South Australia Official overprint (Government Storekeeper). |
22 |
G.T. |
South Australia Official overprint (Goola Tramway). |
23 |
G.W. |
Griqualand West overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope. |
24 |
Gab, Gabon |
Gabon overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
25 |
Gahagan & Howe, G & H |
United States Local Post. |
26 |
Gandershe |
Inscription on stamps of Somalia. |
27 |
Garch |
Nejd, Saudi Arabia money unit. |
28 |
Garzon |
ColombiaTolima Provisional label. |
29 |
Gazetei |
Romania. |
30 |
GB, G.B. |
Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Great Britain. |
31 |
GD Liban |
Lebanon overprint on stamps of France, French Mandate. |
32 |
Gdansk |
Formerly Danzig. |
33 |
Gdot |
Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia Newspaper stamps. |
34 |
General Gouvernement |
Poland, German Occupation. |
35 |
Geneve |
Switzerland Canton inscription. |
36 |
Gengouv. Warschau |
Poland overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
37 |
Georgia |
Currently part of Russia. |
38 |
Georgie, Georgienne |
Georgia. |
39 |
German Democratic Republic |
Known as East Germany. |
40 |
German East Africa |
Currently Tanzania. |
41 |
German New Guinea |
Currently part of Papua New Guinea. |
42 |
German Samoa |
Currently Samoa. |
43 |
German Southwest Africa |
Currently Namibia. |
44 |
German Togo |
Currently Togo. |
45 |
Germany |
Known as West Germany. |
46 |
Gerusalemme |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey, Jerusalem. |
47 |
Gewerkschafts Bewegung60 Jahre |
Austria overprint. |
48 |
Ghadames |
Libya, French Occupation. |
49 |
Ghana Independence |
Ghana overprint on stamps of Gold Coast. |
50 |
Ghorush |
Turkey money unit. |
51 |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar overprint on stamps of Bermuda. |
52 |
Gilbert And Ellice Islands |
Currently Tuvalu. |
53 |
Gilbert And Ellice Protectorate |
Gilbert and Ellice Islands overprint on stamps of Fiji. |
54 |
Giornali Stampe |
Sardinia, Italian States Newspaper stamps. |
55 |
GL O.Z. |
Haiti provisional overprint. |
56 |
Glen Haven Daily Mail |
United States Local Post. |
57 |
Gnadeloupe |
Spelling error of Guadeloupe overprint. |
58 |
Italy overprint (Republican National Guard). |
59 |
Gobierno |
Peru overprint. |
60 |
Gobierno Constitucionalista |
Mexico overprint. |
61 |
Golaleey |
Inscription on stamps of Somalia. |
62 |
Golfe De Benin |
Benin. |
63 |
Golfo De Guinea |
Spanish Guinea. |
64 |
Gorny Slask |
Upper Silesia Private stamps. |
65 |
Goteborgs Stadspost |
Sweden Local Post. |
66 |
Gourde |
Haiti monetary unit. |
67 |
Governatorato Del Montenegro |
Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, Italian Administration. |
68 |
Governo Militare Alleato |
Italy overprint, Allied Military use. |
69 |
Govt Parcels |
Great Britain overprint. |
70 |
Goya |
Spain. |
71 |
Graffin's Baltimore Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
72 |
Graham Land |
Falkland Islands overprint for Graham Land. |
73 |
Grana |
Two Sicilies, Italian States money unit. |
74 |
Granada, Granadina |
Colombia. |
75 |
Grand Comore |
Comoro islands. |
76 |
Grand Liban |
Lebanon overprint on stamps of France. |
77 |
Great Barrier Island |
New Zealand Local stamps. |
78 |
Greenville |
Liberia Registration stamps. |
79 |
Grimstad Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
80 |
Gronland |
Greenland. |
81 |
Groschen |
German States money unit. |
82 |
Grosion |
Crete money unit. |
83 |
Grossdeutsches Reich |
Germany. |
84 |
Grossdeutsches Reich Bohmen And Mahren |
Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia. |
85 |
Grossdeutsches Reich General Gouvernment |
Poland, German Occupation. |
86 |
Groszy |
Poland money unit. |
87 |
Grote |
Bremen money unit. |
88 |
Grouch |
Turkey. |
89 |
Gt. Pre |
Haiti Provisional overprint. |
90 |
Guadalajara |
Mexico Provisional issue. |
91 |
Guadeloupe |
Guadeloupe overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
92 |
Guam |
Guam overprint on stamps of United States. |
93 |
Guanacaste |
overprint on stamps of Costa Rica, 1885-89, to celebrate sovereignty. |
94 |
Guerche |
Ethiopia, Nejd, Saudi Arabia money unit. |
95 |
Gugh Island |
Great Britain Local Carriage label. |
96 |
Guine Portugueza |
Portuguese Guinea overprint on stamps of Cape Verde. |
97 |
Guinea Contial Espanola |
Spanish Guinea. |
98 |
Guinea Continental |
Spanish Guinea overprint on stamps of stamps of Elobey, Annobon and Corisco. |
99 |
Guinea Correos, Espanola |
Spanish Guinea. |
100 |
Guinea Ecuatorial |
Equatorial Guinea. |
101 |
Guinebissau |
GuineaBlssau, formerly Portuguese Africa. |
102 |
Guinee |
French Guinea. |
103 |
Guinee Francais |
French Guinea. |
104 |
Gulden |
Austria, Netherlands money unit. |
105 |
Gultig 9. Armee |
Romania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
106 |
Guy. Franc. |
French Guiana overprint on stamps of France. |
107 |
Guyana |
Guyana overprint on stamps of British Guiana. |
108 |
Guyanais |
French Guiana air mail. |
109 |
Guyane Francais |
French Guiana. |
110 |
Guy's City Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
111 |
Gwalior |
India Convention State |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "H" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
H |
Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Netherlands and Curacao. |
2 |
H |
South Australia Official overprint (Hospital). |
3 |
H Rate US Stamp |
United States non-denominated make-up rate, value 1¡é, 1999. |
4 |
H US Postage |
United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 33¡é, 1999. |
5 |
H.A. |
Siberia overprint on stamps of Russia. |
6 |
H.A. |
South Australia Official overprint (House of Assembly). |
7 |
H.B.A. |
Siberia overprint on stamps of Russia. |
8 |
H.E.H. The Nizam's |
India, Feudatory State of Hyderabad. |
9 |
H.H. Nawab Shah Jahanbegam |
India, Feudatory State of Bhopal. |
10 |
H.I. & U.S. |
Hawaii. |
11 |
H.P. |
(Followed by Russian letters) Bulgaria. |
12 |
Habilitado |
Cuba overprint, U.S. Administration. |
13 |
Habilitado Correos |
Philippines overprint on Revenue and Telegraph stamps, Spanish Dominion. |
14 |
Habilitado Para Comunicacaciones, Correos |
Philippines overprint. |
15 |
Habilitado Por La Nacion |
Philippines overprint. |
16 |
Hackney & Bolte, H & B |
United States Local Post. |
17 |
Hadhramaut |
Aden Protective State. |
18 |
Hale & Co. |
United States Local Post. |
19 |
Halfpenny |
St. Christopher overprint. |
20 |
Hall & Mills Dispatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
21 |
Hammerfest Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
22 |
Hampton City Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
23 |
Hancock, John Postal Card |
United States non-denominated postal card, value 10¡é, 1978 |
24 |
Hanford's Pony Express |
United States Local Post. |
25 |
Hangkhong |
VietNam air mail stamps. |
26 |
Hankow L.P.O. |
China Treaty Port Local Post stamp. |
27 |
Hannover |
Hanover, German State. |
28 |
Harper |
Liberia Registry stamp. |
29 |
Harris City Dispatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
30 |
Hartford Mail Route |
United States Local Post. |
31 |
Hashemite Kingdom |
Jordan. |
32 |
Hatay Devleti |
Hatay overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
33 |
Haut Senegalniger |
Upper Senegal and Niger. |
34 |
Haute Silesie |
Upper Silesia. |
35 |
Haute Volta |
Upper Volta. |
36 |
Hedjaz & Nedje, Hejaz & Nejd |
Nejd (Saudi Arabia). |
37 |
Hellas |
Crete, overprint on stamps of Crete, 1908, for union with Greece. |
38 |
Hellas |
Greece. |
39 |
Heller |
Austria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Corinthia, Liechtenstein money unit. |
40 |
Helsingfors |
Norway Local Post. |
41 |
Helvetia |
Switzerland. |
42 |
Herm Island |
Great Britain Local Carriage label. |
43 |
Herzogthholstein, Schleswig |
Schieswig Holstein. |
44 |
Hill's Post |
United States Local Post. |
45 |
Hinkley's Express Co. |
United States Local Post. |
46 |
Hirlapjegy |
Hungary Newspaper stamps. |
47 |
Hneipoe |
(Resembles these letters) Epirus. |
48 |
Hoby |
(Resembles these letters) Montenegro money unit. |
49 |
Hoherinne |
Hungary Hotel Post. |
50 |
Hoi Hau |
overprint for Hoihow, French post offices in China, 1900. |
51 |
Hoihao |
France overprint on stamps of Indo China, Offices in China. |
52 |
Holkar State |
India Feudatory State of Indore. |
53 |
Holmestrand Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
54 |
Holte Land Post |
Denmark Local Post. |
55 |
Homan's Empire Express |
United States Local Post. |
56 |
Honda |
Colombia Provisional overprint. |
57 |
Hopedale Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
58 |
Horsens Bypost |
Denmark Local Post. |
59 |
Howell's City Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
60 |
Hoyt's Letter Express |
United States Local Post. |
61 |
Hrvatska |
Croatia, Jugoslavia. |
62 |
Hrzbl Post Frmrk |
SchleswigHolstein. |
63 |
Hrzgl Post F.R.M. |
SchieswlgHolstein. |
64 |
Ht. (Haute) Senegalniger |
Upper Senegal and Niger. |
65 |
Humboldt Express |
United States Local Post. |
66 |
Hussey's Post |
United States Local Post. |
67 |
Hutt River Province |
Australia Local stamps of Secessionist State. |
68 |
Hyderabad |
India Feudatory State. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "I" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
I |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Italy. |
2 |
I Gildi |
Iceland overprint. |
3 |
I.A. |
South Australia Official overprint (Immigration Agent). |
4 |
i.B. |
West Irian. |
5 |
I.E. |
South Australia Official overprint (Intestate Estates). |
6 |
I.E.F. |
India (Indian Expeditionary Forces). |
7 |
I.E.F.'D' |
Mesopotamia overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
8 |
I.O.V.R. |
Romania Postal Tax. |
9 |
I.R. |
United States Internal Revenue overprint. |
10 |
I.R. Official |
Great Britain overprint (Inland Revenue). |
11 |
I.S. |
South Australia Official overprint (Inspector of Sheep). |
12 |
United Nations inscription for International Civil Aviation Organization. |
13 |
Indo China, Laos, Vietnam overprint on stamps of India for International Control Commission. |
14 |
China Treaty Port Local stamp. |
15 |
United Nations inscription for International Cooperation Year. |
16 |
India Feudatory State. |
17 |
Idrovolante |
Italy air mail overprint. |
18 |
Ierusalem |
Russia overprint for Offices in Turkish Empire. |
19 |
Iiopto Ckpncopn |
First stamps of Moldavia, listed under Romania. |
20 |
Ikapiae |
Greece-Icaria (Nicaria). |
21 |
Ilavoamena |
Madagascar local issue. |
22 |
Ile De La Reunion |
Reunion. |
23 |
Ile Rouad |
Rouad. |
24 |
Iles Wallis Et Futuna |
Wallis and Futuna Islands. |
25 |
United Nations inscription for International Labor Organization. |
26 |
Imadi |
Yemen money unit. |
27 |
United Nations inscription for Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization. |
28 |
Imperial British East Africa Company |
British East Africa. |
29 |
Imperio Colonial Portugues |
Portuguese Africa Postage Due. |
30 |
Imprime |
Turkey newspaper overprint. |
31 |
Impto. De Guerra |
Spain War Tax stamp. |
32 |
Impuesto De Guerra |
Puerto Rico, Spain overprint. |
33 |
Inci Yil Donumu |
Turkey. |
34 |
Inde Fcaise |
French India. |
35 |
India Portugueza |
Portuguese India. |
36 |
Indochine |
IndoChina. |
37 |
Indonesia |
(Without Republik) Netherlands Indies overprint on stamps of Dutch Indies. |
38 |
Indonesia |
(With Republik) Indonesia overprint on stamps of Dutch Indies. |
39 |
Indore |
India Feudatory State. |
40 |
Industrielle Kriegswirtschaft |
Switzerland overprint on stamps for War Board of Trade. |
41 |
Inhambane |
Inhambane overprint on Mozambique. |
42 |
Inland |
Liberia. |
43 |
Inselpost |
overprint on WW II German military stamps for German troops in Crete. |
44 |
Insufficiently Prepaid |
Zanzibar. |
45 |
Intruccion |
Venezuela. |
46 |
Ionikon Kpatoe |
lonian Islands. |
47 |
United States Local Post (Independent Postal System of America). |
48 |
Iquique |
Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation. |
49 |
Iran, Iraniennes |
Iran (Persia). |
50 |
Iraq |
Mesopotamia overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
51 |
Irian Barat |
West Irian overprint and inscription on Indonesia. |
52 |
Islamique De Mauretanie |
Mauretanla. |
53 |
Island |
Iceland. |
54 |
Islas De Juan Fernandez |
Chile overprint. |
55 |
Islas Galapagos |
Ecuador Galapagos Islands. |
56 |
Islas Malvinas |
Argentine name for Falkland Islands. |
57 |
Sweden BOGUS local Post. |
58 |
Isole Italian Dell'egeo |
Italy, Aegean islands overprint. |
59 |
Isole Jonie |
lonian islands overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation. |
60 |
Istria |
Jugosiavia overprint on stamps of Italy for Istria. |
61 |
Itakarjala |
Karelia overprint on stamps of Finland, Finnish Administration. |
62 |
Italia Occupazione Militare |
Ionian Islands overprint on stamps of Greece, Italian Occupation. |
63 |
Italia, Italiane, Italiano |
Italy. |
64 |
Italia/Occupazione Militare/Italiana Isole/Celalonia E Itaca |
Italian Military occupation of the Islands of Cephalonia and Ithaca, on stamps of Greece, overprinted by Italy, 1941. |
65 |
Italiana Isole Cefalonia E Itaca |
lonian Islands overprint on stamps of Greece. |
66 |
United Nations inscription for International Telecommunications Union. |
67 |
United Nations inscription for International Women's Year. |
68 |
Izmir Himayei Etfal Cemiyeti |
Turkey Tax stamps. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "J" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
J |
PeruYca overprint. |
2 |
J.D. Soomaaliya, Soomaaliveed |
Somalia. |
3 |
Jaffa |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
4 |
Jaipur |
India Feudatory State. |
5 |
Jamhuri |
Zanzibar overprint. |
6 |
Janina |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
7 |
Japanese |
Japan. |
8 |
Jasdan |
India Feudatory State. |
9 |
Java |
Netherlands Indies overprint. |
10 |
Jedda |
Hejaz Railway Tax overprint (Not used). |
11 |
Jeend |
India-Jind, Feudatory and Native State. |
12 |
Jefferson Market P.O. |
United States Local Post. |
13 |
Jenkins' Camden Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
14 |
Jersey |
British Crown Dependency. |
15 |
Jerusalem |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
16 |
Jethou |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
17 |
Jeurgdzorg |
Inscription on stamps of Netherlands Indies. |
18 |
Jhalawar |
India Feudatory State. |
19 |
Jhind, Jind |
India Feudatory and Native State of Jind. |
20 |
Johnson & Co. |
United States Local Post. |
21 |
Johor, Johore |
Malaya overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements, Johore. |
22 |
Johor-Malaysia |
Malaysia-Johore. |
23 |
Jones' City Express |
United States Local Post. |
24 |
Jornaes |
Mozambique overprint, Portugal inscription. |
25 |
Journaux Dagbladen |
Belgium Newspaper stamp overprint. |
26 |
Jowhar |
Inscription of stamps of Somalia. |
27 |
Juan Fernandez |
Chile overprint. |
28 |
Jubaland |
Oltre Giuba, currently Somali. |
29 |
Jubile De L'union Postale Universelle |
Switzerland, Universal Postal Union. |
30 |
Jugoslavija |
Jugoslavia. |
31 |
Junagarh |
India Feudatory State of Soruth. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "K" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
K |
(Without country name) Bosnia and Herzogovina money unit. |
2 |
K (Number) K |
Far Eastern Republic surcharge stamps on Russia. |
3 |
K 60 K |
Armenia overprint on stamps of Russia. |
4 |
K. Cpbcka Nomta |
(Resembles these letters) Serbia. |
5 |
K. Und K. Militarpost |
Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
6 |
K. Wurtt |
Wurttemberg Official inscription. |
7 |
K.C. Nowta |
(Resembles these letters) Serbia. |
8 |
K.G.C.A. |
Jugoslavia, Carinthia Plebiscite Issue. |
9 |
K.G.L. |
(With cents) Danish West Indies or (With skillings) Denmark. |
10 |
K.N. |
(Resembles these letters) Postal tax overprint of Greece. |
11 |
K.P. |
Philippines Official overprint, Japanese Occupation. |
12 |
K.U.K. |
Austria or Bosnia and Herzegovina (Imperial and Royal). |
13 |
K.U.K. Feldpost |
Austria Military stamps, Austria overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
14 |
K.U.K. Milit.Verwaltung |
Montenegro overprint on stamps of Austria. |
15 |
K.U.K. Militarpost |
Bosnia and Herzegovina Military stamps. |
16 |
K.Und K. Feldpost |
Austria. |
17 |
Kais Kon (IGL) |
Austria. |
18 |
Kaiserliche Konigliche Osterreichische Post |
Austria. |
19 |
Kalaallit Nunaat |
Greenland. |
20 |
Kalatdlit Nunat |
Greenland. |
21 |
Kalayaan Nang Pilipinas |
Philippines, Japanese Occupation. |
22 |
Kamerun |
German Colonial designs overprint for Cameroons, 1897. |
23 |
Kamerun |
Cameroun, inscription on stamps, 1897. |
24 |
Kampuchea |
Cambodia. |
25 |
Kans |
United States Protective overprint for use in Kansas. |
26 |
Kap |
Latvia money unit. |
27 |
Kapnatcbkaykpaiha |
(Resembles these letters) CarpathoUkraine. |
28 |
Karjala |
Karelia overprint on stamps of Finland. |
29 |
Karjala |
Karelia. |
30 |
Karki |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint on stamps of Italy Caichi. |
31 |
Karlfonds |
Austria or Bosnia. |
32 |
Karnten Abstimmung |
Austria overprint for Carinthia. |
33 |
Karolinen |
Caroline islands. |
34 |
Karten Ubstimmung |
arnten Ubstimmung: Carinthia, stamps of Austria overprinted and surcharged for a plebiscite to determine whether people
wanted to remain with Austria or become part of Yugoslavia; vote was in favor of Austria, 1920. |
35 |
Kasai, South Kasai |
Congo non recognized state. |
36 |
Katanga |
Congo nonrecognized state, currently Zaire. |
37 |
Kathiri State Of Seiyun |
Aden, currently Yemen. |
38 |
Kaulbach Island |
Canada Local Post. |
39 |
Kedah |
Malaya, Malaysia. |
40 |
Keeling |
Cocos Islands. |
41 |
Kelantan |
Malaya, Malaysia. |
42 |
Kellogg's Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
43 |
Kemahkotaan |
Johore overprint. |
44 |
Kenttaposti, Postia |
Finland Military stamp. |
45 |
Kenya And Uganda |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. |
46 |
Kerassunde |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
47 |
Kermadecs |
Local stamp of a Pacific Island. |
48 |
Kers |
Canada BOGUS Local stamp. |
49 |
Ketahkotaan |
Johore. |
50 |
Kewkiang |
China Treaty Port Local stamp. |
51 |
Kgl. Baver Statseisenb. |
Bavaria Railway stamps. |
52 |
Kgl. Post Frm |
Denmark inscription. |
53 |
Khmere |
Cambodia. |
54 |
Khor Fakkan |
Sharjah Dependency. |
55 |
Khtah |
Cyrillic alphabet, stamps of Russian overprint, China, Russian Post Offices, 1899. |
56 |
Kiautschou |
Kiauchau. |
57 |
Kibris (Cumhuriyeti) |
Cyprus. |
58 |
Kibris Turk Federe Devleti |
Cyprus, Turkish Cypriot Post. |
59 |
Kidder's City Express Post |
United States Local Post. |
60 |
Kigoma |
RuandaUrundi overprint on stamps of Congo. |
61 |
King Edward Vii Land |
New Zealand overprint for Shackleton Expedition. |
62 |
Kingston Relief Fund |
Barbados overprint. |
63 |
Kionga |
Kionga overprint on stamps of Lourenco Marques. |
64 |
Kirobo |
Madagascar local issue. |
65 |
Kishangarh |
India Feudatory State. |
66 |
Kk Post Stampel Zeitung |
Austria Newspaper stamps. |
67 |
Kk Post Stempe |
(Kreuzer denominations) Austria; (Cents denominations) Austria, Lombardy Venetia. |
68 |
Klaipeda |
Memel, Lithuanian Occupation. |
69 |
Kn.Cpn. Nonta |
(Resembles these letters) Serbia. |
70 |
Kntah |
(Resembles these letters) Russia, Offices in China. |
71 |
Kolding Bypost |
Denmark Local Post. |
72 |
Kon |
Batum, Far Eastern Republic, Finland, Latvia, Russia, White Russia money unit. |
73 |
Kongelight |
Danish West India or Denmark. |
74 |
Kongelight Post Frimaerke |
Denmark. |
75 |
Kop |
Finland money unit. |
76 |
Kopek |
Russia money unit. |
77 |
Korca, Korce, Korces |
Albania. |
78 |
Korolinen |
inscription and overprint on German colonial stamps for Caroline Islands,1899, 1919. |
79 |
Korona |
Hungary money unit. |
80 |
Koruna |
Czechoslovakia money unit. |
81 |
Kouangtcheou(wan) |
France overprint on stamps of Indo-China, Offices in Chinakwangchowan. |
82 |
Koweit |
Kuwait overprint on stamps of India. |
83 |
Koztarsasag |
Hungary overprint. |
84 |
Kpajbebctbo C.X.C. |
(Resembles these letters) Jugosiavia. |
85 |
Kpajbebnha |
(Resembles these letters) Jugoslavia. |
86 |
Kphth |
Crete. |
87 |
KR. |
Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary, Wurttemberg money unit. |
88 |
Kra1 B. Uphatopa |
(Resembles these letters) Montenegro. |
89 |
Krageroe |
Norway Local Post. |
90 |
Kraljevina(sto) Srba, Hrvata I Slovenaca |
(Resembles these letters) Jugoslavia. |
91 |
Kran |
Monetary unit of Persia (Iran). |
92 |
Kreis |
RussiaWenden (Livonia) money unit. |
93 |
Kreuzer |
Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary, Thurn and Taxis, Wurttemberg money unit. |
94 |
Krioymoy Atzinae Aenta |
(Resembles these letters) Thrace overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
95 |
Kristianssunds Bypost |
Norway local post. |
96 |
Krona |
Iceland, Sweden money unit. |
97 |
Krone(n) |
Austria, Bosnia, Denmark, Flume, Western Ukraine money unit. |
98 |
Kroon(i) |
Estonia money unit. |
99 |
Kruna |
Montenegro money unit. |
100 |
Saudi Arabia. |
101 |
KUK Feldpost |
(With Bani or Lei) Romania, Austrian Occupation. |
102 |
Kume Shima |
Ryukyu Islands Provisional stamps. |
103 |
Kupa |
Jugosiavia overprint, Italian Occupation. |
104 |
Kurhaus Auf Den Honen Rinne |
Hungary Hotel Post. |
105 |
Kurland |
Latvla overprint on stamps of Germany. |
106 |
Kurort Stoos |
Switzerland Hotel Post. |
107 |
Kurtz Union Dispatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
108 |
Kurus |
Turkey. |
109 |
Kustendje & Czernawoda |
Romania Local stamp. |
110 |
Kuwait |
Kuwait overprint on stamps of India, Great Britain. |
111 |
Kuzey Kibris Cumhuriyeti |
Cyprus, Turkish Cypriot Republic Post. |
112 |
Kyat |
Burma money unit. |
113 |
Kynpoe |
Cyprus. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "L" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
L |
Colombia overprint for Lansa Airlines. |
2 |
L. Marques |
Lourenco Marques overprint on stamps of Mozambique. |
3 |
L.A. |
South Australia Official overprint (Lunatic Asylum). |
4 |
L.A.R. |
Libya (Libyan Arab Republic). |
5 |
L.C. |
South Australia Official overprint (Legislative Council). |
6 |
L.L. |
South Australia Official overprint (Legislative Library). |
7 |
L.L.L.R. |
Georgia. |
8 |
L.O.P.P. |
Poland semiofficial air mail. |
9 |
L.P. |
Latvia overprint on stamps of Russia, Russian Occupation. |
10 |
L.T. |
South Australia Official overprint (Land Titles). |
11 |
La Aguera |
Aguera. |
12 |
La Canea |
overprint on stamps of Italy for Crete, Italian Offices, 1900. |
13 |
La Cruz Roja Espanola |
Spain Red Cross. |
14 |
La Georgie |
Georgia. |
15 |
La Guaira |
Venezuela Local stamps. |
16 |
Labrador USA Postage |
BOGUS stamps for a Canadian Province. |
17 |
Labuan |
Labuan overprint on stamps of North Borneo. |
18 |
Laibach |
Jugosiavia Ljubljiana (Laibach), German Occupation. |
19 |
Lajta Bansag |
Western Hungary Unrecognized stamps. |
20 |
Landpost Portomarke |
Baden, German State. |
21 |
Landstorem |
Sweden Semi Postal issue. |
22 |
Lansa |
Colombia air mail issue. |
23 |
Las Bela |
India Feudatory State. |
24 |
Las Malvinas Son Argentinas |
Argentina overprint for Falkland Islands. |
25 |
Lattaquie |
Latakia overprint on stamps of Syria. |
26 |
Latvija, Latwija |
Latvia. |
27 |
Ledger Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
28 |
Legiposta |
Hungary air mail inscription. |
29 |
Lei |
Romania money unit on Austria, Austrian Occupation. |
30 |
Lek |
Albania money unit. |
31 |
Lepta |
Crete money unit. |
32 |
Lero(s) |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
33 |
Lesotho |
Lesotho overprint on stamps of Basutoland. |
34 |
L'etat De Katanga |
Congo Unrecognized state. |
35 |
Letter Express |
United States Local Post. |
36 |
Leu |
Romania money unit. |
37 |
Lev(a) |
Bulgaria money unit. |
38 |
Levanger Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
39 |
Levant |
(With "Poste Francaise") France, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
40 |
Levant |
Great Britain overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
41 |
Levant |
Poland overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
42 |
Levante |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
43 |
Libau |
Latvia overprint on stamps of Germany. |
44 |
Libia |
Libya. |
45 |
Libra |
Spain. |
46 |
Libya |
Libya overprint on stamps of Fezzan and Ghadames, Cyrenaica. |
47 |
Libye |
Libya. |
48 |
Lietuva |
Lithuania overprint on stamps of Russia. |
49 |
Lietuva, Lietuvos |
Lithuania. |
50 |
Lignes Aeriennes |
Syria overprint (plus Cross of Lorraine). |
51 |
Lignes Seriennes De La France Libre |
Syria Free French Military air mail stamp. |
52 |
Lihou |
Great Britain Local Carriage label. |
53 |
Lima |
Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation. |
54 |
Limbagan-1593-1943 |
Philippine overprint, Japanese Occupation. |
55 |
Lipso |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
56 |
Lire |
Italy overprint on stamps of Austria, money unit, Austrian Occupation. |
57 |
Lire Di Corona |
Dalmatia overprint on stamps of Italy. |
58 |
Lisban, Libanaise |
Lebanon. |
59 |
Lisboa |
Portugal Postal Tax. |
60 |
Lisso |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
61 |
Litas |
Lithuania money unit. |
62 |
Litwa Srodkowa |
Central Lithuania. |
63 |
Ljubljanska |
Jugoslavia (Laibach), German Occupation. |
64 |
LMcL |
Trinidad, Private issue (Lady McCloud). |
65 |
Loja Franca |
Ecuador Control overprint. |
66 |
Lokal Bref |
Sweden City Postage. |
67 |
Loomis Letter Express |
United States Local Post. |
68 |
Los Rios |
Ecuador Control overprint. |
69 |
Losen |
Sweden Postage Due. |
70 |
Lothringen |
France overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
71 |
Lotnicza |
Poland air mail overprint and inscription. |
72 |
Ltsr |
Lithuania overprint, Russian Occupation. |
73 |
Lubeck |
German State. |
74 |
Lubiana |
Italy overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, Occupation of Ljubljana. |
75 |
Luebeck |
Lubeck, German State. |
76 |
Luftfeldpost |
Germany Military air mail. |
77 |
Luftpost |
Danzig, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Saar, Switzerland air mail issue. |
78 |
Lundy |
Great Britain Local Carriage label. |
79 |
Luxemburg |
Luxembourg overprint on stamps of German semi-postals, German Occupation. |
80 |
Luxemburg, Luxemberg |
Luxembourg. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "M" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
M |
Belgium Military Parcel Post overprint. |
2 |
M |
South Australia Official overprint (Military). |
3 |
M. Kir. |
Hungary. |
4 |
M.B. |
South Australia Official overprint (Marine Board). |
5 |
M.B.D. |
India Official overprint for Feudatory State, Nandgaon. |
6 |
M.G. |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of War). |
7 |
M.H. |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Finance). |
8 |
M.I. |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of the Interior). |
9 |
M.J.I. |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Justice and Instruction). |
10 |
M.M. |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Marine). |
11 |
M.O.P. |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Public Works). |
12 |
M.Q.E. |
Martinique overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
13 |
M.R. |
South Australia Official overprint (Manager of Railways). |
14 |
M.R.C. |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion). |
15 |
M.R.G. |
South Australia Official overprint (Main Roads, Gambierton). |
16 |
M.V.I.R. |
Romania overprint, German Occupation (Militar Verwaltung in Rumanien). |
17 |
MA |
Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Agriculture). |
18 |
Macau, Macav |
Macao. |
19 |
Madagascar |
Madagascar overprint on stamps of France. |
20 |
Madeira |
Madeira overprint on stamps of Portugal. |
21 |
Maderanerthal |
Switzerland Hotel Post. |
22 |
Madrid |
Spain, Universal Postal Union Congress. |
23 |
Mafeking Besieged |
Cape of Good Hope overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate. |
24 |
Magdalena |
Colombia, Department of Magdalena. |
25 |
Magic Letter Express |
United States Local Post. |
26 |
Magyar |
Hungary inscription or overprint. |
27 |
Magyarorszag |
Hungary. |
28 |
Mahra Sultanate Of Qishn And Socotra |
South Arabia. |
29 |
Mai Gt.Pre.1902 |
Haiti overprint. |
30 |
Makeaohnja |
(Resembles these letters) Macedonia. |
31 |
Malacca |
Malaya. |
32 |
Malaga |
Spain overprint. |
33 |
Malagasy |
Madagascar. |
34 |
Malawi |
Formerly Nyasaland. |
35 |
Malayan Postal Union |
Malaya Postage Due. |
36 |
Malaysia |
Malay Peninsula and North Borneo. |
37 |
Maldives |
Maldive islands overprint on stamps of Ceylon. |
38 |
Malert Budapest |
Hungary semi-official air mail. |
39 |
Malgache |
Madagascar. |
40 |
Mali |
Formerly French Colonies of Senegal, French Sudan. |
41 |
Malmedy |
Germany overprint on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation. |
42 |
Malmo Gamla |
Sweden Local Post. |
43 |
Maluku Selatan |
South Moluccas Private labels. |
44 |
Malvinas |
Argentine name for Falkland Islands. |
45 |
Manama |
Ajman Dependency. |
46 |
Mandal Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
47 |
Manizales |
Colombia Private Local Post; Antioquia. |
48 |
Mapka |
Finland, Russia, Serbia money unit. |
49 |
Marca Da Bollo |
Italy Revenue issue. |
50 |
Marianas Espanolas |
Mariana islands overprint on stamps of Spain, Spanish administration. |
51 |
Marianen |
Mariana islands overprint on stamps of Germany. |
52 |
Marica |
Inscription on stamps of Somalia. |
53 |
Marienwerder |
Marienwerder overprint on stamps of Germany. |
54 |
Mark |
Germany money unit. |
55 |
Marka |
Estonia, Poland money unit. |
56 |
Markka |
Finland money unit. |
57 |
Maroc |
France inscription or overprint, Offices in Morocco. |
58 |
Marocco |
Germany overprint, Offices in Morocco. |
59 |
Marokko |
Germany overprint, Offices in Morocco. |
60 |
Marotiri Island |
New Zealand Local stamps. |
61 |
Marruecos |
Spanish Morocco overprint on stamps of Spain. |
62 |
Marshall Inseln |
Marshall islands inscription. |
63 |
Martinique |
Martinique overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
64 |
Martin's City Post |
United States Local Post. |
65 |
Mason's New Orleans |
United States Local Post. |
66 |
Matabeleland |
Local stamp from Rhodesia. |
67 |
Mauritanie |
Mauritania. |
68 |
Maurruecos |
Morocco-Northern zone. |
69 |
Mayreau |
One of the islands of Grenadines of St. Vincent. |
70 |
Mazagan |
Morocco Local Post. |
71 |
Mbledhja Kushtetuese |
Albania, Italian Dominion. |
72 |
McGreely's Express |
United States Local Post. |
73 |
McIntire's City Express Post |
United States Local Post. |
74 |
McMillan's City Dispatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
75 |
Mearis' City Dispatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
76 |
Mecklenb Strelitz |
Mecklenburg Streiitz, German State. |
77 |
Mecklenb, Schwerin |
Mecklenburg Schwerln, German State. |
78 |
Medellin |
Colombia, City of Medellin; Antioquia. |
79 |
Media Onza |
Spain Official stamps. |
80 |
Medio Real |
Dominican Republic. |
81 |
Middle East Forces, overprint on stamps of Great Britain, when Caso transferred to Greece, 1945-47 |
82 |
Middle East Forces, overprint on stamps of Great Britain for Cyrenaica, 1942-48. |
83 |
Mejico |
Mexico inscription. |
84 |
Melaka |
Malaysia State issue for Malacca. |
85 |
Melilla |
Morocco Military label. |
86 |
Memel |
Memel overprint on stamps of France. |
87 |
Memelgebiet |
Memel overprint on stamps of Germany. |
88 |
Memelklaipeda |
Memel, Lithuanian Occupation. |
89 |
Menant& Co. |
United States Local Post. |
90 |
Menge |
Outer Mongolia. |
91 |
Mensajerias |
Uruguay Parcel Post. |
92 |
Mercantile Library Association |
United States Local Post. |
93 |
Merry Christmas 1975 |
United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 10¡é, 1975. |
94 |
Messenkope's Union Square |
United States Local Post. |
95 |
Metalik |
Crete, (Russian Sphere of Administration Dist. of Rethymnon). |
96 |
Metelin |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
97 |
Metropolitan Errand & Carrier |
United States Local Post. |
98 |
Metropolitan Post Office |
United States Local Post. |
99 |
Mexicano |
Mexico. |
100 |
Miasta Przedborza |
Poland Local Post. |
101 |
Mihon |
Japan Language for Specimen. |
102 |
Milit, Militar Post Portomarke |
Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
103 |
Militarpost Eilmarke |
Bosnia and Herzegovlna. |
104 |
Mill, Milliemes |
France overprint, Offices in Egypt. |
105 |
Mills' Free Dispatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
106 |
Mily Admin |
Burma overprint. |
107 |
MN |
Korea money unit. |
108 |
Mocambique |
Mozambique. |
109 |
Modones |
Modena, Italian States. |
110 |
Mogador |
Morocco Local Post. |
111 |
Mohlon |
(Resembles these letters) Mongolia. |
112 |
Moldova |
Former USSR Republic of Moldavia. |
113 |
Mon |
Japan money unit. |
114 |
Monastir |
Turkey overprint. |
115 |
Mongtseu |
IndoChina overprint (with value in Chinese letters). |
116 |
Mongtze |
France overprint on stamps of IndoChina, Offices in China. |
117 |
Monrovia |
Liberia Registry stamp. |
118 |
Monster |
Dutch and Afrikaans word found on stamps of Netherlands and Transvaal indicating "specimen." |
119 |
Mont Athos |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
120 |
Monte Carlo |
Monaco. |
121 |
Monte Cassino |
Poland (Polish Government in Exile in Great Britain). |
122 |
Montenegro |
Montenegro overprint on stamps of Austria and Jugoslavia. |
123 |
Monterey |
Mexico BOGUS Provisional issue of Monterrey. |
124 |
Montevideo |
Uruguay. |
125 |
Montserrat |
Montserrat overprint on stamps of Antiqua. |
126 |
Moody's Penny Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
127 |
Moquea |
Peru Provisional issue for Moquea. |
128 |
Mora |
Ukraine. |
129 |
Morelia |
Mexico BOGUS Provisional issue for Morelia. |
130 |
Morocco Agencies |
Great Britain overprint on stamps of Gibraltar or Great Britain, Offices in Morocco. |
131 |
Morris, Robert Postal Card |
United States non-denominated postal card, value 13¡é, 1981. |
132 |
Morvi |
India Feudatory State. |
133 |
Mostra |
Italian Language for specimen. |
134 |
Mount Currie Express |
South Africa local post stamp. |
135 |
Mount Everest Expedition |
India Local Stamps for Tibet. |
136 |
Moyen Congo |
Middle Congo inscription. |
137 |
Mpretnija Shqyptare |
Albania, Italian Occupation. |
138 |
Muestra |
Spanish Language for Specimen. |
139 |
Multa |
Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Portugal Postage Due. |
140 |
Mung |
Outer Mongolia. |
141 |
Muqdisho |
Inscription on stamps of Somalia. |
142 |
Muscat And Oman |
Oman. |
143 |
Musee Philatelique |
Switzerland overprint. |
144 |
Muster |
German Language for specimen. |
145 |
Mustique |
One of the islands of Grenadines of St. Vincent. |
146 |
Myanmar |
Formerly Burma. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "N" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
N.C.E. |
New Caledonia overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
2 |
N.D. Hrvatska |
Croatia. |
3 |
N.F. |
German East Africa overprint on stamps of Nyasaland Protectorate, British Occupation (Nyasaland Force). |
4 |
N.FL. |
Armenia inscription. |
5 |
N.I.W.I.N. |
Netherlands Antilles overprint. |
6 |
N.M.S. |
Madagascar Local stamps of Norwegian Missionary Society. |
7 |
N.S.B. |
Nossi Be overprint on stamps of France. |
8 |
N.S.W. |
New South Wales. |
9 |
N.Sembilan |
Malaya, Malaysia, State overprint on Strait Settlements. |
10 |
N.T. |
South Australia Official overprint (Northern Territory). |
11 |
N.W. Pacific Islands |
North West Pacific Islands overprint on stamps of Australia. |
12 |
N.Z. |
New Zealand. |
13 |
Na Slask |
Central Lithuania overprint. |
14 |
Nabha |
India Convention State. |
15 |
Naciones Unidas |
United Nations. |
16 |
Nagaland |
India Propaganda label. |
17 |
Namibia |
Formerly South West Africa. |
18 |
Namsos Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
19 |
Nandgam |
IndiaNandgoan, Feudatory State. |
20 |
Nanking |
China Treaty Post Local stamp. |
21 |
Nanumaga, Nanumea |
Two of the Tuvalu islands. |
22 |
Napa, Nape |
(Resembles these letters) Montenegro, Serbia money unit. |
23 |
Napoletana |
Two Sicilies. |
24 |
Naskarb |
Poland semipostal stamps. |
25 |
Nationaler Verwaltungsuasschuss |
Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation. |
26 |
Nations Unies |
United Nations. |
27 |
Nations Unies Office Europeen |
Switzerland overprint forUnited Nations. |
28 |
Nations Unieshelvetia |
Switzerland, United Nations Offices. |
29 |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
30 |
Nauru |
Nauru overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
31 |
Nawabshan Jahanbecam |
India-Bhopal Feudatory State. |
32 |
Naye Paise |
Arab Shiekdoms, India money unit. |
33 |
Ne Pas Livrer Le Dimanche |
Belgium Tab label (Do not deliver on Sunday). |
34 |
Neba, Nebb |
(Resembles these letters) Bulgaria money unit. |
35 |
Nebr. |
United States Protective overprint for use in Nebraska. |
36 |
Ned (Erlands) Nieuw Guinea |
Netherlands New Guinea. |
37 |
Ned (Erlandsch) Indie |
Netherlands Indies. |
38 |
Ned. Anti Llen, Nederlandse Antillen |
inscription on stamps of Curacao, 1949 also used on stamps of other Netherlands Antilles islands; Aruba, Bonaire, Saba,
Eustatius and part of St. Maartin |
39 |
Nederl Indie |
Netherlands Indies. |
40 |
Nederland |
Netherlands. |
41 |
Netb |
(Resembles these letters) Bulgaria. |
42 |
New Hebrides Condominum |
New Hebrides overprint on stamps of Fiji, British and French Joint Government. |
43 |
New York City Express Post |
United States Local Post. |
44 |
Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska |
Croatia. |
45 |
Nieuw Guinea |
Dutch New Guinea. |
46 |
Nieuwe Republiek |
New Republic. |
47 |
Niger |
Niger Territory. |
48 |
Nippon |
Japan. |
49 |
Nisiro(s) |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
50 |
Niu, Niutao |
Two of the Tuvalu islands. |
51 |
Niuafo'ou |
Known as Tin Can Island. |
52 |
Niue |
Niue overprint on stamps of New Zealand. |
53 |
Nlle. Caledonie |
New Caledonia. |
54 |
No Hay Estampillas |
Colombia-Cauca (There are no stamps). |
55 |
Nodfrimaerke Indenlandsk Brevporto |
Denmark emergency postal stamps. Stamps are in red, text in white. |
56 |
Nonte |
(Resembles these letters) Montenegro. |
57 |
Nopto Mapka |
(Resembles these letters), Serbia. |
58 |
Nopto Porto |
Jugosiavia, Serbia Postage Due. |
59 |
Norddeutschepost |
Germany, North German Postal District. |
60 |
Norddeutscher Postbezirk |
Germany. |
61 |
Noreg |
Norway. |
62 |
Norfolk Island |
Dependency of Australia. |
63 |
Norge |
Norway. |
64 |
North German Confederation |
Germany. |
65 |
Nossibe |
Currently part of Madagascar. |
66 |
Nouvelle Caledonie |
New Caledonia. |
67 |
Nouvelle Hebrides |
New Hebrides. |
68 |
Noviny |
Czechoslovakia Newspaper overprint. |
69 |
Nowanuggur |
India Feudatory State. |
70 |
Nowta Napa, Nape |
(Resembles these letters) Serbia money unit. |
71 |
Noyna, Noyta |
(Resembles these letters) Russia. |
72 |
Noyt Mapka |
Azerbaijan. |
73 |
Noyta |
(Resembles these letters) Russia (means Postage). |
74 |
Noyta Pycchon Apmin |
(Resembles these letters) Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
75 |
Nponoia |
(Resembles these letters) Postal tax overprint of Greece. |
76 |
Nueva Granada |
Colombia. |
77 |
Nukufetau, Nukulaelae |
Two of the Tuvalu islands. |
78 |
Nyassa |
Nyassa overprint on stamps of Mozambique. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "O" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
O.A. |
South Australia Official overprint (Official Assignee). |
2 |
O.B. |
Philippines Official overprint. |
3 |
O.F. Castelrosso |
Occupation Franeais, 1920, for Castellorizo, Castelrosso, 1920. |
4 |
O.H.B.M.S. |
Great Britain Official overprint for "On His Brittanic Majesty's Service." |
5 |
O.H.E.M.S. |
Egypt Official overprint for "On His Exalted Majesty's Service." |
6 |
O.H.H.S. |
Egypt Official overprint for "On His Highness" Service." |
7 |
O.H.M.S. |
Great Britain Official overprint for "On His Majesty's Service." |
8 |
O.M.F. Syrie |
Syria overprint on stamps of France. |
9 |
O.N.F. Castellorizo |
Occupation Navale Franeais, for Castellorizo, Castelrosso, 1920. |
10 |
O.S. |
Australian States overprint (On Service). |
11 |
O.S. |
Norway Official stamps. |
12 |
O.S.G.R.I. |
New Britain overprint on stamps of German New Guinea. |
13 |
O.S.G.S. |
Sudan Official overprint. |
14 |
O.T. |
Czechoslovakia overprint. |
15 |
O.W. Official |
Great Britain Official overprint (Office of Works). |
16 |
Oaha Mapka |
Finland. |
17 |
Oaxaca |
Mexico Civil War issue. |
18 |
Oaymrarqnee |
(Resembles these letters) Greece. |
19 |
Obelisk |
Ethiopia overprint. |
20 |
Obock |
Obock overprint on stamps of French Colonies, currently Djibouti. |
21 |
Occupation Azirbayedjan |
Azerbaijan overprint on stamps of Russia. |
22 |
Occupation Francaise |
Hungary overprint, French Occupation. |
23 |
Occupation Franeaise Du Cameroun |
overprint on stamps of French and Middle Congo,1916. |
24 |
Occussi-Ambeno |
Timor BOGUS Labels sold as stamps for nonexistent Principality. |
25 |
Oceanie |
French Polynesia. |
26 |
Odense Bypost |
Denmark local post. |
27 |
Oesterr Post |
Austria, With name of Liechtenstein, Austrian Postal Administration. |
28 |
Oesterreich |
Austria. |
29 |
Oeuvres De Solidarite Francaise |
French Colonies General issue. |
30 |
Of Castellorisco |
Casteilorizo overprint on stamps of France. |
31 |
Off Sak |
Norway. |
32 |
Offentlig Sak |
Norway Official Use. |
33 |
Official |
Tanganyika overprint on stamps of Kenya and Uganda. |
34 |
Officiel |
Luxembourg, Switzerland Official overprint. |
35 |
Offisieel |
(Without Official) South West Africa. |
36 |
Offisieel Official |
Union of South Africa. |
37 |
Oficial |
Portugal, Spain Official overprint. |
38 |
Ofterreich |
Austria. |
39 |
Ohu Post |
Estonia air mail. |
40 |
Oil Rivers |
Niger Coast Protectorate. |
41 |
Okca |
Russia Army of the North Issue. |
42 |
Oltre Giuba |
Oltre Gluba, Jubaland overprint on stamps of Italy. |
43 |
Olympic Games-1948 |
Great Britain. |
44 |
Oman, State Of |
Arabia Propaganda Labels. |
45 |
On C.G.S. |
India overprint for Feudatory State of Cochin. |
46 |
On H.M.S. |
India Official overprint for "On Her Majesty's Service." |
47 |
On K.S.D. |
India Official overprint for Feudatory State of Kishengarh. |
48 |
On S.S. |
India Official overprint for Feudatory State of Travancore |
49 |
On S.S.S. |
India Official overprint for Feudatory State of Sirmoor. |
50 |
On State Service |
Iraq Official overprint, British Mandate. |
51 |
One Anna |
India Feudal State of Jasdan. |
52 |
One Cent Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
53 |
Onza |
Spain money unit. |
54 |
Oohab Cahatopnymb |
(Resembles these letters) Bulgaria. |
55 |
New Zealand Official overprint (On Public Service Only). |
56 |
Or K.C. Novita |
Serbia. |
57 |
Orange River Colony |
Orange River Colony overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope. |
58 |
Orange Vrij Staat |
Orange River Colony. |
59 |
Orchha |
India Feudatory State. |
60 |
Ore |
Denmark, Norway, Sweden money unit. |
61 |
Organisation International Les Refugies |
Switzerland overprint. |
62 |
Organisation Meteorologique Mondiale |
Switzerland overprint. |
63 |
Organisation Mondiale De La Sante |
Switzerland overprint. |
64 |
Ortspost (Poste Locale) |
Switzerland Federal Administration. |
65 |
Orval |
Belgium. |
66 |
Osten |
Poland overprint on stamps of Germany. |
67 |
Osterreich |
Austria. |
68 |
Osterreichische Post |
Austria. |
69 |
Ostland |
Russia overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
70 |
Otvorenie Slovenskeno |
Czechoslovakia overprint. |
71 |
Oubangi-Chari |
overprint for Central African Republic, Republique Centrafricaine 1922 |
72 |
Oubangi-Chari/Afrique Equatorial Franciase |
overprint for Central African Republic, Republique Centrafricaine, 1924. |
73 |
Oubangui-Chari-Tchad |
overprint for Central African Republic, Republique Centrafricaine 1910 |
74 |
Overton & Co. |
United States Local Post. |
75 |
Oymatikqn T.T.T. |
(Resembles these letters) Greece. |
76 |
OZ |
Peru. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "P" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
P |
South Australia Official overprint (Police). |
2 |
P |
(With star and crescent in circle) Straits Settlements, Malaya overprint for Perak. |
3 |
P |
(With no country name, with value and Queen's cameo) Great Britain. |
4 |
P |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Panama. |
5 |
P (number) P |
Switzerland inscription, |
6 |
P.A. |
South Australia Official overprint (Protector of Aborigines). |
7 |
P.C.C.P. |
Russia (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). |
8 |
P.D. |
and numeral St. Pierre and Miquelon overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
9 |
P.E. |
Egypt. |
10 |
P.G.S. |
Perak Official overprint on Straits Settlements. |
11 |
P.L. Teheran |
Iran overprint. |
12 |
P.M. |
Italy overprint (Military Stamps). |
13 |
P.O. |
South Australia Official overprint (Post Office). |
14 |
P.O.n.N.T. |
(Resembles these letters) Ukraine overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in the Turkish Empire. |
15 |
P.P. |
France Postage Due overprint, Offices in Morocco. |
16 |
P.P.C. |
Poland overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
17 |
P.P.C. |
China overprint on stamps of Wuhu Treaty Port stamps. |
18 |
P.S. |
South Australia Official overprint (Private Secretary). |
19 |
P.S.N.C. |
(One letter in each corner of stamp) Peru. |
20 |
P.W. |
South Australia Official overprint (Public Works). |
21 |
Pa'anga |
Tonga money unit. |
22 |
Pabay |
Great Britain Local Carriage labels. |
23 |
Pacchi Postali |
(With "Sul Bolletti no Sull Ricevuta") Italy; (With "Bolleta Ricevuta") San Marino; (With star and crescent) Somalia. |
24 |
Packenmarke |
Russia, Wenden-Livonia. |
25 |
Packhoi |
France overprint on stamps of Indo-China, Offices in China. |
26 |
Padroes De Grande Guerra |
Portugal Postal Tax overprint. |
27 |
Pahang |
Straits Settlements, Malaya, Malaysia. |
28 |
Paisa |
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan money unit. |
29 |
Paise |
Arab Language countries money unit. |
30 |
Paita |
Peru Provisional issue overprint. |
31 |
Pakhoi |
IndoChina overprint. |
32 |
Pakistan |
Pakistan overprint on stamps of India. |
33 |
Pakkeporto |
Greenland Parcel Post. |
34 |
Palau |
Currently Palau Republic, former U.S. Trust Territory. |
35 |
Palestine |
Egypt overprint, Occupation of Palestine. |
36 |
Palestine |
Palestine overprint with Hebrew, Arabic letters, British Mandate. |
37 |
Papua |
Papua New Guinea overprint on stamps of British New Guinea. |
38 |
Papua And New Guinea |
Papua New Guinea. |
39 |
Para, Paras |
Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Russia overprint, money unit. |
40 |
Paris 1931 |
France (Without name of French Colony). |
41 |
Parm, Parma, Parmensi |
ParmaItalian States. |
42 |
Particular |
Nicaragua overprint. |
43 |
Pasco |
Peru Provisional issue overprint. |
44 |
Patiala |
India Convention State overprint. |
45 |
Patmos |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
46 |
Patzcuaro |
Mexico BOGUS Provisional Issue. |
47 |
PE |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Peru. |
48 |
Pechino |
stamps of Italy overprinted for Peking, China, Italian Offices.1917. |
49 |
Pen, Penni, Pennias |
Finland money unit. |
50 |
Penang |
Malaya, Straits Settlements State Issue. |
51 |
Penny Express Co. |
United States Local Post. |
52 |
Penrhyn Island |
Penrhyn Island overprint on stamps of Cook Islands, New Zealand. |
53 |
People's Democratic Republic Of Of Yemen |
Yemen. |
54 |
People's Republic Of Southern Yemen |
Yemen overprint on stamps of South Arabia. |
55 |
Per Pacchi |
Vatican Parcel Post overprint. |
56 |
Perak |
Malaya, Malaysia. |
57 |
Perlis |
Malaya, Malaysia State Issue. |
58 |
Persane(s) |
Iran (Persia). |
59 |
Persekutuan Tanah Melayu |
Malaya. |
60 |
Persia |
Iran. |
61 |
Peruana |
Peru. |
62 |
Perv |
Peru. |
63 |
Pesa |
German East Africa overprint on stamps of Germany, money unit. |
64 |
Peseta(s) |
(Coat of arms) Peru; (No coat of arms) Spain. |
65 |
Germany overprint, Offices in China; Estonia overprint on stamps of Russia, German Occupation. |
66 |
Pfennig |
German Language countries money unit. |
67 |
Philippines |
Philippines overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion. |
68 |
PI |
(With Arabic writing) Thrace overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
69 |
Piaster |
Austria, Germany, Offices in Turkey. |
70 |
Piastra |
France, Great Britain, Russia overprint, money unit, Offices in Turkey; Italy, Offices in Crete, Turkey. |
71 |
Piastro |
Italy overprint, money unit, Offices in Crete. |
72 |
Piastro |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
73 |
Pice |
Nepal money unit. |
74 |
Pies |
India money unit. |
75 |
Pilgrim Tercentenary |
United States inscription. |
76 |
Pilipinas |
Philippines, Japanese Occupation. |
77 |
Pinkney's Express Post |
United States Local Post. |
78 |
Pinsin(e) |
Ireland money unit. |
79 |
Pisagua |
Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation. |
80 |
Pisco |
Peru Provisional issue overprint. |
81 |
Piscopi |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
82 |
Piura |
Peru Provisional issue overprint. |
83 |
Pjon, Pjonustu(sta) |
Iceland inscription or overprint. |
84 |
Plauen |
Germany WWII local issue. |
85 |
Plebiscit Slesvig |
Schieswig. |
86 |
Plebiscite Olzstyn Allenstein |
Allenstein overprint on stamps of Germany. |
87 |
Poccir |
Russia, South Russia. |
88 |
Poczta |
Poland. |
89 |
Poczta Litwa Srodkowa |
Central Lithuania. |
90 |
Poczta Polska |
Poland; Germany overprint, Polish Occupation; Also Poland overprint on stamps of Austria. |
91 |
Poftgebiet Ob.Oft |
Lithuania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
92 |
Pohjois Inkeri |
North Ingermanland. |
93 |
Polecona |
Poland Officials. |
94 |
Polska |
Poland. |
95 |
Polska Poczta |
Poland overprint on stamps of Austria. |
96 |
Polynesie Francaise |
French Polynesia. |
97 |
Pomeroy's Letter Express |
United States Local Post. |
98 |
Ponce |
Puerto Rico, American Dominion. |
99 |
Poonch |
India Feudatory State. |
100 |
Port Cantonal |
Switzerland Envelope used as adhesive. |
101 |
Port Gdansk |
Poland overprint, Offices in Danzig. |
102 |
Port Lagos |
Francs, Offices in Turkey for Port Lagos. |
103 |
Porte De Conduccion |
Peru Parcel Post. |
104 |
Porte De Mar |
Mexico (Indicated the amount to be paid to sea captains for taking outgoing foreign mail.) |
105 |
Porte Franco (Correos) |
Peru; Portugal inscription. |
106 |
Porteado |
Portugal Postage Due. |
107 |
Porto |
Austria Postage Due overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
108 |
Porto |
Denmark, Jugosiavia Postage Due inscription. |
109 |
Porto Gazetei |
Romania, Moldavia. PORTO MARKA Croafia Postage Due. |
110 |
Porto Rico |
Puerto Rico overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion. |
111 |
Portomarke |
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway Postage Due. |
112 |
Port-Said |
France, Offices in Egypt. |
113 |
Posseel-Postage |
South Africa. |
114 |
Post & Receipt |
India with value in annas, Hyderabad. |
115 |
Post Schilling |
SchieswigHoistein money unit (with no country name). |
116 |
Post Stamp |
India with value in annas-Hyderabad. |
117 |
Post USSR |
Octagonal design in Russian on stamped envelopes. Applied in Kiev post office. |
118 |
Post Zegel |
Netherlands Postage Due (with no country name). |
119 |
Posta 15, Posta 35 |
Tannu Tuva. |
120 |
Posta Ceskoslovenske Armady Sibirske |
Siberia (Czechoslovak Army Post). |
121 |
Posta Romana |
Romania. |
122 |
Posta Romana Constantinople |
overprint on stamps of Romania, Constantinople,1919. |
123 |
Postage |
Grenada overprint on bisected stamps with Queen's head. Also India with inscribed value in annas. Hyderabad. |
124 |
Postage Camb Aust Sigillum Nov |
New South Wales. |
125 |
Postage Correos |
Ponce issue of Puerto Rico. |
126 |
Postage Due |
Australia, Great Britain with value in pence or shilling; Ireland with value in pinsin. |
127 |
Postage, Postage & Revenue |
(With picture of King or Queen and value in penny, pence, pound or shilling) Great Britain. |
128 |
Postagei.E.F.'D. |
Mesopotamia overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
129 |
Postal Commission |
Ceylon overprint on the 4-cent stamps of 1883, used to denote the extra commission charged by the post office on money
orders which had not been cashed within three months of issue. |
130 |
Postal Union Congress London 1929 |
Great Britain. |
131 |
Postas De Hioc(Nioc) |
Ireland Postage Due. |
132 |
Postat Shqiptare |
Albania. |
133 |
Poste Aerieo, Aerienne |
Iran air mail overprint (with no country name). |
134 |
Poste Centime |
(With fine line network in background) France, Alsace and Lorraine, German Occupation. |
135 |
Poste Coloniali Italiane |
Italian Colonies. |
136 |
Poste De Geneve |
Switzerland Canton of Geneva. |
137 |
Poste Di Fivme |
Flume. |
138 |
Poste Estensi |
Modena. |
139 |
Poste Italiane |
Italy. |
140 |
Poste Khedive Egiziane |
Egypt. |
141 |
Poste Locale |
Switzerland Canton of Geneve; Also Turkey (Liannos's Local Post). |
142 |
Poste Vaticane |
Vatican City. |
143 |
Postek Hedeuieegiziane |
Egypt. |
144 |
Postes |
Belgium, France, French Colonies, Luxembourg. |
145 |
Postes |
(With red crescent and 1954) Afghanistan Tax Stamp. |
146 |
Postes Afghanes |
Afghanistan. |
147 |
Postes De Coree |
Korea. |
148 |
Postes Egyptiennes |
Egypt. |
149 |
Postes Hedjaz & Nedjde |
Nejd, Saudi Arabia. |
150 |
Postes Lao |
Laos. |
151 |
Postes Ottomanes |
Turkey. |
152 |
Postes Paye |
Haiti provisional overprint. |
153 |
Postes Persanes |
Iran (Persia). |
154 |
Postes Serbes |
Serbia overprint on stamps of France for Corfu. |
155 |
Postfaerge |
Denmark Parcel Post. |
156 |
Postgebiet Ob.Oft |
Lithuania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
157 |
Postmarke |
Brunswick. |
158 |
Pouls |
Afghanistan money unit. |
159 |
Prangko Taboengau Pos |
Indonesia overprint, Japanese Occupation (Savings stamps). |
160 |
Prensa |
Uruguay Newspaper overprint. |
161 |
Preussen |
Prussia. |
162 |
Price's 8th Ave. Post Office |
United States Local Post. |
163 |
Price's City Express |
United States Local Post. |
164 |
Priest's Paid Despatch |
United States Local Post. |
165 |
Prima Valores Declarados |
Dominican Republic overprint. |
166 |
Prince Farouk |
Egypt. |
167 |
Prince Letter Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
168 |
Principaute De Monaco |
Monaco (Principality). |
169 |
Prir |
Iceland overprint. |
170 |
Pristina |
Turkey overprint. |
171 |
Private Post Office |
United States Local Post. |
172 |
Pro Tacna Y Arica |
Peru Postal Tax. |
173 |
Pro Tuberculosos Pobres |
Spain Postal Tax. |
174 |
Pro Union Iberoamericana |
Spain (Spanish American Union). |
175 |
Protectorado Espanol |
Spanish Morocco. |
176 |
Protectorate |
Bechuanaland Protectorate overprint for Bechuanaland. |
177 |
Protectorate Francais |
France overprint on stamps of stamps inscribed "Chiffre Taxe", Offices in Morocco. |
178 |
Providence Despatch |
United States Local Post. |
179 |
Provincie Franco Bollo Modonesi |
Modena. |
180 |
Provinz Laibach |
Italy overprint for Ljubljana, or Laibach, German Occupation. |
181 |
Provinz Sachsen |
Germany WWII local issue. |
182 |
Prussia |
German State. PS Colombia, (Script letters) Cauca. |
183 |
Pto. Rico |
Puerto Rico overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion. |
184 |
Public Letter Office |
United States Local Post envelope. |
185 |
Publisher's Paid Stamp |
United States, Wells Fargo Local Post. |
186 |
Puerto Rico |
Puerto Rico overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion. |
187 |
Pul |
Afghanistan money unit. PULAU PENANG, PINANG Malaysia (State). |
188 |
Puno |
Peru Provisional issue overprint. |
189 |
Puolustusvoimat |
Finland (Military stamps). |
190 |
Pus |
Indonesia Postage Due. |
191 |
Puttiala |
India overprint for State of Patiala. |
192 |
Pyas |
Burma money unit. |
193 |
Pyb |
Finland, Russia, South Russia. |
194 |
Pycchion |
(Resembles these letters) Russia overprint for Offices in Turkey (Wrangel Issue). |
195 |
Pycckar Noyta |
(Resembles these letters) Latvia overprint on stamps of Russia, Russian Occupation (Prepared but never used). |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "Q" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
Qarku |
Albania inscription. |
2 |
Qarku Korces |
Albania. |
3 |
Qatar |
Qatar overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
4 |
Qeverries Se Perkoheshme |
Albania. |
5 |
Qind, Qindar, Qintar |
Albania money unit. |
6 |
Qu'aiti State In Hadhramaut |
Aden (Protectorate State). |
7 |
Qu'aiti State Of Shihr And Mukalla |
Aden (Protectorate State). |
8 |
Quan Buu |
Viet Nam (Military stamps). |
9 |
Quelimane |
Quelimane overprint on stamps of Portuguese Colonies. |
10 |
Quetzel |
Monetary unit of Guatemala. |
11 |
Quinta De Goya |
Spain. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "R" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
R |
(With value) Reunion overprint on stamps of France, French Colonies. |
2 |
R |
Registration or Registered. |
3 |
R |
India inscription on stamps of Jind. |
4 |
R |
Colombia inscription or overprint, Panama Registration. |
5 |
R. Commissariato |
Jugosiavia oveprint for Ljubljana, Lubiana, Italian Occupation. |
6 |
R.B. |
South Australia Official overprint (Road Board). |
7 |
R.F. |
France overprint on stamps or United States (Republic Francais). |
8 |
R.F. |
(With no country name) France. (With country name) France, French Colonies. |
9 |
R.G. |
South Australia Official overprint (Registrar General). |
10 |
R.H. |
Haiti Postage Due (Republique D'Haiti). |
11 |
R.H.Official |
Great Britain Official overprint (Royal Household). |
12 |
R.O |
Eastern Rumelia overprint on stamps of Turkey (Rumelie Orientale). |
13 |
R.O.Del Uruguay |
Uruguay. |
14 |
R.P.R. |
Romania overprint. |
15 |
R.R. |
Germany overprint for Rhine Republic. |
16 |
R.R. Poste Italiane/Comune De Camione |
inscription for Campione d'Italia, Italian enclave within borders of Switzerland, issued its own stamps for local mail
and mail to Switzerland, inscribed, 1920. |
17 |
R.S.M. |
San Marino. |
18 |
Rabaul-G.R.I |
New Britain overprint (Georgius Rex Imperator). |
19 |
Rajasthan |
India overprint on stamps of Jaipur, Kishangarh. |
20 |
Randers Bypost |
Denmark local post. |
21 |
Rappen |
Liechtenstein, Switzerland money unit. |
22 |
Rarotonga |
Cook Islands overprint on stamps of New Zealand; inscription on Cook Islands, 1919-32. |
23 |
Rasalkhaima |
Persian Gulf Sheikdom. |
24 |
Raseiniu |
Lithuania local issue. |
25 |
Rattlesnake Island |
United States Local Post. |
26 |
Rau |
Syria overprint. |
27 |
Rayon |
Switzerland Federal Administration. |
28 |
Recapito Autorizzato |
Italy inscription (Authorized Delivery). |
29 |
Recargo |
Spain War Tax. |
30 |
Recuerdo Del I'de Febrero |
Honduras. |
31 |
Redonda |
Antigua overprint. |
32 |
Reed's City Despatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
33 |
Reformed Legislature |
India Feudatory State of Hyderabad. |
34 |
Regatul Romaniei |
Hungary overprint, Romanian Occupation. |
35 |
Regence De Tunis |
Tunisia. |
36 |
Reggenaza/Italiana/Del/Carnaro |
Carnaro, overprint on stamps of Fiume during occupation by Legionnaires of d'Annunzio, 1920. |
37 |
Regno D'italia |
Italy overprint with."Venezia Giulia" or "Trentino" for Austria, Italian Occupation; Fiume overprint with "Fivme". |
38 |
Reich |
Germany. |
39 |
Reichpost |
Germany. |
40 |
Reis |
(With no country name) Portugal money unit. |
41 |
Rep. Di S. Marino |
San Marino. |
42 |
Rep. Italiana |
Italy. |
43 |
Rep.Shqiptare |
Albania. |
44 |
Repbulica Peruana |
Peru. |
45 |
Repub. Franc |
France, French Colonies General issue. |
46 |
Repubblica Di San Marino |
San Marino. |
47 |
Repubblica Sociale Italiana |
Italy (Italian Socialist Republic). |
48 |
Republic Maluku Selatan |
South Moluccas (Unrecognized stamps). |
49 |
Republic Of Botswana |
Botswana overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate. |
50 |
Republica De Guinea Ecuatorial |
Equatorial Guinea. |
51 |
Republica De La N'granada |
Colombia inscriptionCauca. |
52 |
Republica Dominicana |
Dominican Republic. |
53 |
Republica Espanola |
Spain. |
54 |
Republica Inhambane |
Inhambane overprint on stamps of Portuguese Colonies. |
55 |
Republica Mocambique |
Mozambique overprint. |
56 |
Republica Oriental |
Uruguay inscription. |
57 |
Republica Populara Romina |
Romania. |
58 |
Republica Portuguesa |
Portugal. |
59 |
Republiek Van Suid Afrika |
South Africa. |
60 |
Republik Indonesia Serikat |
Indonesia. |
61 |
Republika Ng.Philipnas |
Philippines, Japanese Occupation. |
62 |
Republika Shqiptare |
Albania. |
63 |
Republique Arabe Unie |
United Arab Republic, Syria. |
64 |
Republique Autonome Du Togo |
Togo. |
65 |
Republique Centrafricaine |
Central African Republic. |
66 |
Republique D'azerbaidjan |
Azerbaijan. |
67 |
Republique De Cote D'ivoire |
Ivory Coast. |
68 |
Republique De Guinee |
Guinea. |
69 |
Republique De Haute Volta |
Upper Volta. |
70 |
Republique Des Comores |
inscription for Comoro Islands, 1977. |
71 |
Republique D'haiti |
Haiti. |
72 |
Republique Du Cameroun |
inscription for independent State of Cameroun, 1960. |
73 |
Republique Du Congo |
Congo. |
74 |
Republique Du Dahomey |
Dahomey. |
75 |
Republique Du Mali |
Mali. |
76 |
Republique Du Niger |
Niger. |
77 |
Republique Du Senegal |
Senegal. |
78 |
Republique Du Tchad |
inscription for Chad, as independent state in the French Union, 1958. |
79 |
Republique Du Togo |
Togo. |
80 |
Republique Franciase |
France, French Colonies General issues. |
81 |
Republique Gabonaise |
Gabon. |
82 |
Republique Georgienne |
Georgia. |
83 |
Republique Islamique De Mauritanie |
Mauritania. |
84 |
Republique Khmere |
Cambodia. |
85 |
Republique Libanaise |
Lebanon. |
86 |
Republique Malgache |
Madagascar. |
87 |
Republique Populaire |
overprint on Congo (Kinshasa) stamps by rebels in Stanleyville, 1964. |
88 |
Republique Rwandaise |
Rwanda. |
89 |
Republique Togolaise |
Togo. |
90 |
Republique Tunisienne |
Tunisia. |
91 |
Republique Uni Du Cameroun/Republic Of Cameroon |
bilingual inscription, Cameroun Republic, UKTT area named Federal Republic and incorporated into Southern Cameroons, 1961. |
92 |
Repulo Posta |
Hungary air mail overprint. |
93 |
Resistance |
Syria overprint on stamps of Free French. |
94 |
Resmi |
Turkey Official overprint. |
95 |
Retymno |
Crete. |
96 |
Reunion |
Reunion overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
97 |
Revalidado |
Portugal (Revalidation). |
98 |
Rheinlandpfalz |
Germany, French Occupation. |
99 |
Rhodesia |
Rhodesia overprint on stamps of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. |
100 |
Rials |
Iran money unit. |
101 |
Rialtar Sealdac Na Heireann |
Ireland overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
102 |
Riau Riouw Archipeligo |
overprint on stamps of Indonesia. |
103 |
Rickett's & Hall |
United States Local Post. |
104 |
Riel |
Cambodia money unit. |
105 |
Rigsbankskilling |
Denmark money unit. |
106 |
Rin |
Japan money unit. |
107 |
Rio Muni |
Formerly Fernando POO and Spanish Guinea. |
108 |
Rios |
Ecuador Control overprint. |
109 |
Ris |
Indonesia overprint on stamps of Netherlands Indies. |
110 |
Rivers |
Niger Coast Protectorate overprint on stamps of half stamp. |
111 |
Rizeh |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
112 |
Rl.Plata F. |
Cuba, Philippines money unit. |
113 |
RN |
Japan money unit. |
114 |
Roavoamena |
Madagascar local issue. |
115 |
Robertsport |
Liberia Registry. |
116 |
Robison & Co. |
United States Local Post. |
117 |
Roche's City Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
118 |
Rodi |
Italy, Aegean Islands, Rhodes overprint. |
119 |
Roger's Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
120 |
Rohania |
Romania. |
121 |
Romagne |
Romagna. |
122 |
Romana, Romi Na |
Romania. |
123 |
Romana, Zona De Occupatie |
Hungary overprint, Romanian Occupation. |
124 |
Ross Dependency |
New Zealand, Antarctic Territory. |
125 |
Rossija |
Russia, a former republic of the Soviet Union. |
126 |
Roumania |
Romania. |
127 |
Roumelie Orientale |
Eastern Rumelia overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
128 |
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company |
Caribbean shipping company stamp. |
129 |
Royaume De L'arabie |
Nejd. |
130 |
Royaume De Yemen |
Yemen. |
131 |
Royaume Du Burundi |
Burundi. |
132 |
Royaume Du Cambodge |
Cambodia, inscription when became member of the French Union, 1951. |
133 |
Royaume Du Laos |
Laos. |
134 |
Royaume Du Maroc |
Morocco. |
135 |
RP |
Liechtenstein, Switzerland money unit. |
136 |
Luxembourg overprint, German Occupation (Reichpfennig). |
137 |
Handstamp on Cambodian stamps for Republic of Kampuchea. |
138 |
South Africa. |
139 |
Ruanda |
German East Africa overprint on stamps of Congo. |
140 |
Ruandaurundi |
Belgian East Africa. |
141 |
Ruhleben |
British prisoner camp stamps from Germany WWI. |
142 |
Rumanien |
Romania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
143 |
Russell 8th Ave Post Office |
United States Local Post. |
144 |
Russisch Polan |
Poland overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
145 |
Rwandaise |
Rwanda. |
146 |
Ryukyus |
Ryukyu Islands. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "S" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
S |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Switzerland. |
2 |
S |
South Australia Official overprint (Sheriff). |
3 |
S |
Straits Settlements-Selangor overprint. |
4 |
S. Thome E. Principe |
St. Thomas and Prince Islands. |
5 |
S.A. |
Saudi Arabia. |
6 |
S.A. |
Latvia overprint, Russian Occupation. |
7 |
S.A.K. |
Saudi Arabia. |
8 |
S.C. |
South Australia Official overprint (Supreme Court). |
9 |
S.D. |
Hong Kong overprint (Stamp Duty). |
10 |
S.D.N. Bureau International Du Travail |
Switzerland Official for International Labor Bureau. |
11 |
S.G. |
South Australia Official overprint (Surveyor General). |
12 |
S.G. |
Sudan Official overprint. |
13 |
S.H.S. |
Jugosiavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary. |
14 |
S.M. |
South Australia Official overprint (Stipendary Magistrate). |
15 |
S.Marino |
San Marino. |
16 |
S.O. |
Eastern Silesia overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia (Silesia Orientale). |
17 |
S.O.1920 |
Eastern Silesia overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia, Poland. |
18 |
S.P. |
Luxembourg Official overprint (Service Publique). |
19 |
S.P.M. |
St. Pierre and Miquelon overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
20 |
S.Q. Trstavuja Zracna |
P. Jugosiavia, Trieste air mail issue. |
21 |
S.T. |
South Australia Official overprint (Superintendent of Telegraphs). |
22 |
S.T. Trstavuja |
TriesteZone B. |
23 |
S.T.T.V.U.J.A. |
Jugosiavia overprint for TriesteZone B. |
24 |
S.U. |
Malaya-SungeiUiong overprint on Straits Settlements. |
25 |
S.Ujong |
Malaya-Sunge Ujong. |
26 |
S.W.A. |
South West Africa overprint on stamps of South Africa. |
27 |
Saare |
Saar overprint on stamps of Germany. |
28 |
Saargebiet |
Saar overprint. |
29 |
Saarland |
Saar. |
30 |
Saarpost |
Saar. |
31 |
Sabah |
Sabah overprint on stamps of North Borneo. |
32 |
Sachsen |
Saxony, German State. |
33 |
Sadipu |
South Africa overprint. |
34 |
Saggio |
Italy, Italian Colonies, overprint for specimen. |
35 |
Sahara Espanol |
Spanish Sahara overprint on stamps of Spain. |
36 |
Sahara Occidental |
Spanish Sahara. |
37 |
Saint Christopher Nevis, Anguilla |
St. KittsNevis. |
38 |
Saintpierre Et Miquelon |
St. Pierre & Miquelon. |
39 |
Salonicco |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
40 |
Salonika |
Turkey overprint. |
41 |
Salonique |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkey. |
42 |
Samoa |
Samoa overprint on stamps of Germany. |
43 |
Samoa |
(Without Western) Samoa overprint on stamps of New Zealand. |
44 |
Samoa I Sisifo |
Western Samoa. |
45 |
Sanda |
Great Britain Local Carriage label. |
46 |
Sandjak L'alexandrette |
Alexandretta overprint on stamps of Syria. |
47 |
Sans Dinero |
Latin America mythical country |
48 |
Santander |
Colombia, Department. |
49 |
Saorstat Eireann |
Ireland overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
50 |
Sar |
Syria. |
51 |
Sark |
Guernsey Dependency, Local carriage label. |
52 |
Sarkari |
India Feudatory State of Soruth. |
53 |
Sarre |
Saar overprint on stamps of Germany. |
54 |
Saseno |
Saseno overprint on stamps of Italy. |
55 |
Satang |
Thailand money unit. |
56 |
Satise |
South Africa overprint. |
57 |
Saurashtra |
India Feudatory State of Soruth. |
58 |
Scadta |
Colombia (Sociedad Colombo-Alemana de Transportes Aeros). |
59 |
Scarpanto |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
60 |
Sch |
German States money unit. |
61 |
Schilling |
(Without country name) MeckienburgSchwerln money unit. |
62 |
Schleswig |
SchieswigHolstein, German State. |
63 |
Scinde District Dawk |
India-Scinde District Post. |
64 |
Scrissorei |
Romania Moldavia-Wallachia. |
65 |
Scudo |
Roman States money unit. |
66 |
Scutari Di Albania |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey, Scutari. |
67 |
SD |
Haiti provisional overprint. |
68 |
Dodecanese Military Occupation, overprint on stamps of Greece, for Caso, 1947. |
69 |
Sealand |
Great Britain fantasy country. |
70 |
Sedang |
IndoChina fantasy stamp. |
71 |
Sede Vacante |
Vatican City overprint, inscription. |
72 |
Sefkat Pullari |
Turkey Postal Tax. |
73 |
Segna Tassa' Segnatasse |
Italy, Italian Colonies, San Marino, Vatican City Postage Due. |
74 |
Seguro Social Del Campesino |
Ecuador Postal Tax overprint. |
75 |
Seim 1919 Roky |
Poland. |
76 |
Seiyun |
Aden Protectorate State. |
77 |
Sejm Wilnie |
Central Lithuania. |
78 |
Selangor |
Straits Settlements, Malaya, Malaysia. |
79 |
Selatan |
South Moluccas (Unrecognized issue). |
80 |
Sen |
Indonesia, Japan, Malaya, Ryukyu Islands money unit. |
81 |
Senegal |
Senegal overprint on stamps of French Colonies. |
82 |
Senegambie Et Niger |
Senegambis and Niger. |
83 |
Seniti |
Tongs money unit. |
84 |
Serbes |
Serbia overprint on France. |
85 |
Serbien |
Serbia overprint on stamps of Austria, Bosnia, Austrian Occupation, Serbia overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation. |
86 |
Service De La Societe Des Nations |
Switzerland overprint for League of Nations. |
87 |
Service Two Annas |
India official stamp. |
88 |
Servicio Ordinario |
Nicaragua overprint on stamps of air mail (Validating for ordinary use). |
89 |
Servicio Postal Mexicana |
Mexico Official. |
90 |
Sevilla "Viva Espana" |
Spain Barcelona. |
91 |
German States money unit (Silbergroschen). |
92 |
SH |
(in upper corners) Schieswig-Hoistein, German State. |
93 |
Shahi |
Afghanistan, Persia money unit. |
94 |
Shanghai L.P.O. |
Shanghai Local Post Office. |
95 |
Shanghai Municipality |
Shanghai. |
96 |
Shanghai/China |
overprint on stamps of U.S. for use in Shanghai on mail to the U.S., 1919. |
97 |
Sharjah And Dependencies |
Persian Gulf Shiekdom. |
98 |
Shekel |
Israel money unit. |
99 |
Shihr And Mukalla |
Aden Dependency stamps. |
100 |
Shkodra, Shkodre, Shkoder |
Albania overprint. |
101 |
Shqipenie, Shqiperia, Shqiperise, Shqipnija |
Albania. |
102 |
Shquipenia |
Albania. |
103 |
Shqyptare |
Albania. |
104 |
Shuna |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
105 |
Si Mi Italy |
Aegean Islands overprint. |
106 |
Siam |
Thailand. |
107 |
Siberske |
Siberia. |
108 |
Sicilie |
Two Sicilies. |
109 |
Siege Of Mafeking |
Cape of Good Hope. |
110 |
Sigillum Nov Camb Aust |
New South Wales. |
111 |
Sikajy |
Madagascar local issue. |
112 |
Sin Valor Postal |
Spain Charity seals (No postal value). |
113 |
Singapore |
Malaya-Singapore. |
114 |
Sirmoor |
India Feudatory State. |
115 |
Sivas |
Turkey overprint. |
116 |
Skilling |
Denmark, Iceland, Norway money unit. |
117 |
Austria money unit, Offices in Turkey. |
118 |
Slesvig |
Schieswig-Hoistein. |
119 |
Sloveni |
Jugoslavia overprint, Italian Occupation. |
120 |
Slovenija |
Formerly part of Jugoslavia. |
121 |
Slovenskeno |
Czechoslovakia, Slovakia overprint. |
122 |
Slovensko |
Jugoslavia-Istria. |
123 |
Slovensko |
Czechoslovakia, Siovakia. |
124 |
Slovensky |
STAT Czechoslovakia, Sbvakia overprint. |
125 |
Smirne |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey-Smyrna. |
126 |
Smith & Stephens' City Delivery |
United States Local Post. |
127 |
Smyrne |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire-Smyrna. |
128 |
SN |
Japan money unit. |
129 |
Sobre Clota Para Multos Postales |
Mexico Parcel Post inscription. |
130 |
Sobreporto |
Colombia Postage Due. |
131 |
Sobretasa Aerea |
Colombia air mail. |
132 |
Sociedadcolomboalemana |
Colombia air mail. |
133 |
Sociedade De Geographia De Lisboa |
Portugal franchise issue (Geographic Society). |
134 |
Sociedade De Portugueza Da Cruz Vermelha |
Portugal franchise issue (Red Cross). |
135 |
Sociedade Humanitarva Cruz Da Oriente |
Mozambique Postal Tax inscription. |
136 |
Societe Des Nations |
Switzerland overprint for League of Nations. |
137 |
Sof. Hallinto |
Kareila. |
138 |
Sokolski Slet |
Jugosiavia. |
139 |
Sol |
Peru money unit. |
140 |
Soldi |
Austria, LombardyVenetia, Tuscany money unit. |
141 |
Solidarite Francaise |
French Colonies semipostal. |
142 |
Somali Democratic Republic |
Somalia. |
143 |
Somalia |
Somalia overprint on stamps of Italy. |
144 |
Somalis |
Somali Coast. |
145 |
Somaliya |
Somalia. |
146 |
Sonora |
Mexico Civil War issue. |
147 |
Soomaaliya |
Somalia. |
148 |
Soruth |
India Feudatory State. |
149 |
Sosnowice |
Poland Local issue. |
150 |
Soudan |
French Sudan overprint French Colonies, Niger, Upper Senegal. |
151 |
Soudan |
Sudan overprint on stamps of Egypt. |
152 |
Soudan Francais |
French Sudan. |
153 |
Sourashtra |
India Feudatory State-Soruth. |
154 |
South Arabia |
Formerly Aden. |
155 |
South Australia |
Currently part of Australia. |
156 |
South Georgia |
Falklands Islands overprint for South Georgia. |
157 |
South Orkneys |
Falklands Islands overprint for South Orkneys. |
158 |
South Shetlands |
Falklands Islands overprint for South Shetlands. |
159 |
Southern Rhodesia |
Southern Rhodesia Postage Due overprint on stamps of Great Britain. |
160 |
Southwest Africa |
SouthWest Africa overprint on stamps of South Africa. |
161 |
Sovrano Militare Ordine Di Malta |
Sovereign Military Order of Malta, unrecognized issue. |
162 |
Sowjetische Besatzungs Zone |
Germany overprint for Russian Zone. |
163 |
Spaulding's Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
164 |
Specimen |
Universal Postal Union overprint, or for publicity purposes. |
165 |
Spence & Brown Express Post |
United States Local Post. |
166 |
Spidam Framcaos |
French Sudan. |
167 |
Spidsbergen, Spitsbergen |
Local post stamp of Norway. |
168 |
Spoorwegen |
Belgium. |
169 |
Sqay |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
170 |
Squier & Co's City Letter Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
171 |
Sri Lanka |
Formerly Ceylon. |
172 |
Srodkowa Litwa |
Central Lithuania. |
173 |
ST |
(Without country name) Thailand, (Siam) money unit. |
174 |
St. Kilda |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
175 |
St. Louis City Delivery |
United States Local Post. |
176 |
St. Pierre Et Miquelon |
St. Pierre & Miquelon. |
177 |
St. Pierre Mon |
St. Pierre & Miquelon. |
178 |
Stadt Storkow |
Germany WWII local issue. |
179 |
Stadt Strausberg |
Germany WWII local issue. |
180 |
Stadtpostbasel |
Switzerland Canton of Basel. |
181 |
Staffa |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
182 |
Stamp |
(Design of Lion and oriental letters) Tibet Official issue. |
183 |
Stampalia |
Italy, Aegean Islands overprint. |
184 |
Staten Island Express Post |
United States Local Post. |
185 |
Stati (Parm) |
Parma inscription. |
186 |
Steep Holm |
Great Britain Local carriage label. |
187 |
Steinmeyer's Post |
United States Local Post. |
188 |
Stempelcentes |
Austria, Lombardy=Venetia. |
189 |
Stempelkreuzer |
Austria. |
190 |
Stothhkh |
Bulgari money unit. |
191 |
Straf Porto (Penalty Postage) |
Denmark postage due. |
192 |
Straits Settlements |
Straits Settlements overprint on stamps of Labuan. |
193 |
Straordinario |
Tuscany Newspaper Tax. |
194 |
Stringer & Morton's City Despatch |
United States Local Post. |
195 |
Stroma |
Great Britain Local Carriage label. |
196 |
SU |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Sweden. |
197 |
Submarino-Correo |
Spain submarine mail. |
198 |
Sucre |
Ecuador money unit. |
199 |
Sud Kasai |
Congo, South Kasai (Un-recognized State). |
200 |
Suid-Afrika |
South Africa. |
201 |
Suidwesafrike |
South West Africa. |
202 |
Sul Bolletti No |
Italy, Italian Colonies (With colony name). |
203 |
Sulla Ricevuta |
Italy, Italian Colonies (With colony name). |
204 |
Sullivan's Dispatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
205 |
Sultanat D'anjouan |
Anjouan. |
206 |
Summer Isles |
Great Britain Local carriage label |
207 |
Sungei Ujong |
MalayaSungei Ujong. |
208 |
Suomi |
Finland. |
209 |
Suriname |
Suriname, Dutch Guiana. |
210 |
Sutherland & Co. |
Japan local post stamp. |
211 |
Svarslosen |
Sweden (Reply Paid stamps). |
212 |
Svendborg Bypost |
Denmark local post. |
213 |
Sverige |
Sweden inscription. |
214 |
Swarts Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
215 |
Swazieland |
Swaziland overprint. |
216 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Syria. |
217 |
Syrie, Syrienne |
Syria. |
218 |
Szeged |
1919 Hungary overprint. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "T" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
T |
(In circle) Peru-Huacho overprint. |
2 |
T |
("T" in each corner with value in center of stamp) Dominican Republic Postage Due. |
3 |
T |
Abyssinia overprint on Postage Due stamps. |
4 |
T |
South Australia Official overprint (Treasurer). |
5 |
T. TA.C. |
Turkey Postal Tax Air Mail stamps. |
6 |
T.A.B.R.O.M.I.K. |
(Under design) Poland semiofficial air mail stamp. |
7 |
T.A.G. |
French Gulanla air mail. |
8 |
T.C. |
India overprint on stamps of Cochin for TravancoreCochin. |
9 |
T.C. Turkiye Postalari |
Turkey. |
10 |
T.C.E.K. |
Turkey Postal Tax stamps. |
11 |
T.E.O. |
Cilicia, Syria overprint on stamps of French Offices in Turkey. |
12 |
T.E.O.Cilicie |
Cilicia overprint on stamps of Turkey. |
13 |
T.E.O.Milliemes |
Syria overprint on stamps of France. |
14 |
T.R. |
Southern Australia Official overprint (Titles Registration). |
15 |
T.S. DE C. |
Honduras overprint. |
16 |
Tacna Y Arica |
Peru Postal Tax stamps. |
17 |
Tahiti |
Tahiti overprint on stamps of France, French Colonies, French Oceania. |
18 |
Takca |
Bulgaria Postage Due. |
19 |
Takse |
Albania Postage Due. |
20 |
Talca |
Chile Postal Tax stamps. |
21 |
Tammerfors |
Finland Local Post. |
22 |
Tanga |
Portuguese India Money Unit. |
23 |
Tanganyika & Zanzibar |
Tanzania. |
24 |
Tanganyika, Kenya And Uganda |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. |
25 |
Tanger |
France, Spain overprint, Offices in Morocco. |
26 |
Tanger Elksar |
Morocco Local Post. |
27 |
Tangerfez |
Morocco Local Post. |
28 |
Tangier |
Great Britain, Offices in Morocco. |
29 |
Tangier-Morocco-Laraiche |
Morocco Local Post. |
30 |
Tanzania, Kenya And Uganda |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. |
31 |
Tanzania, Zanzibar |
Zanzibar. |
32 |
Tassa Gazzette |
Modena Newspaper Tax stamp, Italian States. |
33 |
Tati Concessions |
South Africa Local Post. |
34 |
Taxa De Guerra |
Macso, Value in AVOS Portuguese Africa, Value $0; Portuguese India, Value in RP; Guinea, Value in REIS. |
35 |
Taxa Devida |
Brazil Postage Due. |
36 |
Taxe |
Albania Postage Due overprint. |
37 |
Taxes |
Belgian Congo, RuandiUrundi overprint for Postage Due. |
38 |
TbBA |
TannuTuva. |
39 |
Tchad |
overprint on stamps of Middle Congo, Chad, 1922. |
40 |
Tchongking |
overprint for Chungking, 1902-1922. French post offices in China. |
41 |
Te Betalen |
Curacao, Netherlands, Netherlands Indies. (preceded by "A Payer") Belgium Postage Due. |
42 |
Te Betalen Port |
(When stamps are printed in green ink) Curacao (When printed in blue ink) Netherlands (When printed in lilac ink) Surinam. |
43 |
Teese & Co. Penny Post |
United States Local Post. |
44 |
Teheran |
Persia overprint. |
45 |
Telegraph Despatch Post |
United States Local Post. |
46 |
Temphat |
Vietnam Postage Due stamps. |
47 |
Territoire De L'inini |
Inini overprint on stamps of French Guiana. |
48 |
Territoire Du Niger |
Niger overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger. |
49 |
Territoire Francaise Des Afars Et Des Issas |
Afars and Issas. |
50 |
Territoire Militaire Fezzan |
Fezzan, French Occupation of Libya. |
51 |
Territorio De Ifni |
Ifni overprint on stamps of Spain. |
52 |
Territorios Del Africa Occidental Espanola |
Spanish West Africa. |
53 |
Territorios Espanoles Del Golfo De Guinea |
Spanish Guinea. |
54 |
Terrs. Espanoles Del Golfo De Guinea |
Spanish Guinea. |
55 |
Tete |
Tete overprint on stamps of Portuguese Colonies. |
56 |
Tetouan Maroc Chechouan |
Morocco Local Post. |
57 |
Tetuan |
Spanish MoroccoTetuan overprint on stamps of Spain. |
58 |
Tetuansheshuan |
Morocco Local Post. |
59 |
Thai, Thailand |
Thailand (Siam). |
60 |
Thailand-Cents |
Malaya, Siamese Occupation. |
61 |
The Gilbert Islands |
Gilbert islands overprint on stamps of Gilbert & Ellice Islands. |
62 |
Theresienstadt |
Czechoslovakia Concentration Camp Post. |
63 |
Thirty Two Cents |
Liberia overprint. |
64 |
Thomond |
Ireland Phantom country. |
65 |
Thrace Interalliee |
Thrace overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, Allied Occupation. |
66 |
Thrace Occidentale |
Thrace overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, Allied Occupation. |
67 |
Throndhjems (Trondhjems) Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
68 |
Thule |
Greenland Local Post. |
69 |
Thuringen |
Germany Russian zone stamps. |
70 |
Thurn And Taxis |
Germany-Thurn and Taxis, private postal operation. |
71 |
Tibet |
An unofficial overprint applied to stamps of India by Indian postal officials at temporary post offices in Tibet in 1903. |
72 |
Tical |
Thailand monetary unit. |
73 |
Tientsin |
overprint for Tientsin, 1917, Italian post offices in China. |
74 |
Tierra Del Fuego |
Argentina Local Post |
75 |
Timbre Imperial Journaux |
France Newspaper stamp. |
76 |
Timbre Movil |
Spanish Language countries Tax stamp. |
77 |
Timbre Poste |
France overprint on Postage Due stamps. Offices in Morocco. |
78 |
Timbre Taxe |
(With numeral and no country name) French Colonies General Issue. |
79 |
Timbrul Aviatiei |
Romania Postal Tax stamps. |
80 |
Timor |
Timor overprint on stamps of Macao, Mozambique. |
81 |
Timor Portugues |
Timor. |
82 |
Tin Can Island |
Niuafou island-Tonga. |
83 |
Tirane Kallnuer |
Albania overprint. |
84 |
Tjenestefrimarke |
Denmark Official stamps. |
85 |
To Pay |
Great Britain Postage Due stamps. |
86 |
Toga |
Tonga. |
87 |
Togo |
Togo overprint on stamps of Dahomey, Germany, Gold Coast. |
88 |
Togolaise |
Togo. |
89 |
Tokelau Islands |
Tokelsu Islands overprint on stamps of New Zealand. |
90 |
Tolima |
Colombia-Tolima Department. |
91 |
Tomans |
Persia (Iran) Money Unit. |
92 |
Tonsberg |
Norway Local Post. |
93 |
Toscano |
Tuscany. |
94 |
Touva |
Tannu Tuva. |
95 |
Tovva |
Tannu Touva overprint on stamps of Mongolia. |
96 |
Traite De Versailles |
Ailenstein overprint on stamps of Germany. |
97 |
Transjordan |
Jordan. |
98 |
Transkei |
South Africa Homeland State. |
99 |
Transporto Pacchi In Concesslone |
Italy Parcel Post stamps. |
100 |
Travancore-Anchal, Anchel |
India Feudatory State. |
101 |
Travancore-Cochin |
India Feudatory State. |
102 |
Trebizonde |
Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
103 |
Trengganu |
Malaya, Malaysia. |
104 |
Trentino |
Austria overprint, Italian Occupation. |
105 |
Tridentina |
Austria overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation. |
106 |
Trieste |
Trieste overprint on stamps of Italy. |
107 |
Tripoli |
Tripolitania. |
108 |
Tripoli |
(Preceded with "XII CAMPIONARIA"), Libya. |
109 |
Tripoli Dl Barberia |
Italy overprint, Offices in Tripoli. |
110 |
Tripoli Maggio |
Tripoiltanla overprint on stamps of Libya for air mail. |
111 |
Tripolitania |
Tripolitania overprint on stamps of Italy. |
112 |
Tristan Da Cunha |
Tristan Da Cunha overprint on stamps of St. Helena. |
113 |
Tromso Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
114 |
Trucial States |
Persian Gulf Sheikdoms. |
115 |
Tu Maco |
Colombia-Cauca Postmaster Provisional Labels. |
116 |
Tunis, Tunisie |
Tunisia. |
117 |
Turk Postalari |
Turkey. |
118 |
Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus |
Formerly part of Cyprus, formed in 1983. |
119 |
Turkiye (Cumhuriyeti) |
Turkey. |
120 |
Tuscany |
Italian State. |
121 |
Tuvalu |
Tuvalu overprint on stamps of Gilbert and Ellice Islands. |
122 |
Two Pence |
(With Queen on a throne, above inscription) Victoria. |
123 |
Two Sicilies |
Italian State. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "U" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
U.A. Emirates |
United Arab Emirates. |
2 |
U.A.E. |
United Arab Emirates overprint on stamps of Abu Dhabi. |
3 |
U.A.R. |
United Arab Republic. |
4 |
U.A.R. |
(With value in "p") Syria; (With value in "m") Egypt. |
5 |
U.C.CO. |
Canada, Upper Columbia Co. Local Post. |
6 |
U.G. |
(With value) Uganda Protectorate. |
7 |
U.K.T.T. |
Cameroons overprint on stamps of Nigeria, Southern Cameroons. |
8 |
U.N. Force (India) Congo |
India overprint on military stamps. |
9 |
U.P.U. |
Inscription on many stamps for Universal Postal Union. |
10 |
U.R.I. |
Jugosiavia overprint, Semipostal without official postal value. |
11 |
U.S. |
United States. |
12 |
(Resembles these letters) Bulgaria. |
13 |
(On vertically cut half stamp) St. Lucia. |
14 |
Udine |
Italy Local Post. |
15 |
Uganda |
Uganda overprint on stamps of British East Africa. |
16 |
Uganda, East Africa, Kenya |
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. |
17 |
Ukraine |
Russia overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation. |
18 |
Ukrainian Post |
In Russian framed inside a stamp outline on postal meter paper. Applied in Kiev post offices. |
19 |
Ultramar |
Portuguese Language for specimen. |
20 |
Ultramar |
(With year) Cuba, Puerto Rico. |
21 |
Ultramar |
(With value in avos or reis) Macao, Portuguese Guinea. |
22 |
UM |
Abbreviation of Ouguiya, monetary unit of Mauritania. |
23 |
Umm Al Quwain |
Persian Gulf Sheikdom. |
24 |
Unef |
India overprint for military stamps. |
25 |
United Nations inscription for Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. |
26 |
Unie Van Zuid Afrika |
South Africa. |
27 |
Union |
Island in Grenadines of St. Vincent. |
28 |
Union Francaise Royaume Du Laos |
Laos. |
29 |
Union Internationale Des Telecommunications |
Switzerland Official stamps for International Telecommunications Union. |
30 |
Union Of South Africa |
South Africa. |
31 |
Union Post |
United States Local Post. |
32 |
Union Postale Arabe |
Libya, Arab Postal Union. |
33 |
Union Postale Universellehelvetia |
Switzerland Official stamps of the Universal Postal Union International Bureau. |
34 |
Union Square P.O. |
United States Local Post. |
35 |
United Republic Of Tanganyika & Zanzibar |
Tanzania. |
36 |
Universal Postal Union 18741949 |
(With King George VI and Crown) Great Britain. |
37 |
West Irian overprint on stamps of Netherlands New Guinea for United Nations Temporary Executive Authority. |
38 |
Uopto Ckpncopn |
(resembles these letters) Romania-Moldavia. |
39 |
UPHA Ropa |
Montenegro, Italian Occupation. |
40 |
Upper Yafa |
Part of Aden Protectorate. |
41 |
Urundi |
German East Africa overprint on stamps of Congo. Belgian Occupation. |
42 |
United States inscription. |
43 |
Uskub |
Turkey overprint. |
44 |
Russia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. |
45 |
Utah |
BOGUS stamps of United States. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "V" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
V |
Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Venezuela. |
2 |
V. |
South Australia Official overprint (Volunteers). |
3 |
V.A. |
South Australia Official overprint (Valuator and Auctioneer). |
4 |
V.N. |
South Australia Official overprint (Vaccination). |
5 |
V.R. |
Fiji overprint. |
6 |
V.R. Special Post |
stamps of Transvaal handstamped under British occupation, Cape of Good Hope, 1900. |
7 |
V.R. Transvaal |
Transvaai overprint. |
8 |
V.R.I. |
Orange Free State, Transvaal overprint, British Occupation. |
9 |
V.U.J.A.S.T.T. |
Trieste, Zone B overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia. |
10 |
Vadso |
Norway Local Post. |
11 |
Vaitupu |
One of the Tuvalu islands. |
12 |
Vale |
Nicaragua overprint. |
13 |
Vallees D'andorre |
Andorra. |
14 |
Valona |
Italy overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
15 |
Valparaiso Multada |
Chile Postage Due. |
16 |
Van Diemen's Land |
Original name of Tasmania. |
17 |
Vancouver Island |
British Columbia and Vancouver Island. |
18 |
Vanuatu |
Formerly New Hebrides. |
19 |
Vardo Bypost |
Norway Local Post. |
20 |
Vathy |
France overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire. |
21 |
Vaticana, Vaticane |
Vatican City. |
22 |
Veglia |
Fiume overprint on stamps of Fiume. |
23 |
Veile Bypost |
Denmark Local Post. |
24 |
Venda |
South Africa Homeland State. |
25 |
Venez (Olana) |
Venezuela. |
26 |
Veneza |
Venezuela. |
27 |
Venezia Giulia |
Austria overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation. |
28 |
Venezia Tridentina |
Austria overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation. |
29 |
Vereinte Nationes |
United Nations, Vienna Office. |
30 |
Vetekeverria |
Albania. |
31 |
Viborg Bypost |
Denmark Local Post. |
32 |
Victoria Land |
New Zealand overprint for 1911 South Polar Expedition. |
33 |
Viet Nam, Buu Chi Nh |
Viet Nam. |
34 |
Viet Nam, Buu Chinh, Conghoa |
Viet Nam, South Viet Nam. |
35 |
Viet Nam, Dan Chu, Conghoa |
Viet Nam, North Viet Nam. |
36 |
VIII Varlospost Kongress Stockholm |
Sweden. |
37 |
Vilnius |
Lithuania overprint on stamps of Russia. |
38 |
Viva Espana |
Spain overprint. |
39 |
Vjetori I Mbretnis |
Albania. |
40 |
Voamena |
Madagascar local issue. |
41 |
Vojenska Posta |
Siberia, for Czechoslovakian Army stationed in Siberia. |
42 |
Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Armije |
Jugoslavia overprint for Istria and Slovene Coast. |
43 |
Vom Empfanger Einzuziehen |
Danzig Official stamps. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "W" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
W |
South Australia Official overprint (Waterworks). |
2 |
W(est) Australia |
Western Australia. |
3 |
Wadhwan |
India Feudatory State. |
4 |
Wallis Et Futuna |
Waills and Futuna overprint on stamps of New Caledonia. |
5 |
War, War Stamp, War Tax |
British Commonwealth of Nations overprint. |
6 |
Warszawa |
Poland. |
7 |
Weihnachten |
Italy overprint on stamps of Rhodes for Aegean Islands, Unofficial German Overprint. |
8 |
Wells Fargo & Co. |
United States Local Post. |
9 |
Wenden(sche) |
Russia-Wenden, former Province. |
10 |
Wendenschen |
Russia-Wenden, Kreis, former Province. |
11 |
West Irian |
Formerly Netherlands New Guinea. |
12 |
West New Guinea |
Formerly Netherlands New Guinea. |
13 |
West Town |
United States Local Post. |
14 |
Western Samoa |
Samoa. |
15 |
Westervelt's Post |
United States Local Post. |
16 |
Wharton's Post |
United States Local Post. |
17 |
Whittelsey's Express |
United States Local Post. |
18 |
Wilayah Persekutuan |
Malayasia-Kuala Lumpur. |
19 |
William's City Post |
United States Local Post. |
20 |
Winan's City Post Bogus |
United States Local Post. |
21 |
Wipa |
Austria Postal Exhibition Souvenir Sheet. |
22 |
Wir Sind Frei |
Czechoslovakia overprint, German Occupation, unofficial stamp. |
23 |
Won, Wn, Wun |
Korea Money Unit. |
24 |
Wood & Co. City Despatch |
United States Local Post. |
25 |
Wurttemberg |
(Natives and Scenes) Germany, French Occupation, German State. |
26 |
Wyman |
United States Local Post. |
27 |
Wyst. Filat 1934 Katowice |
Poland overprint |
28 |
Wyyaah |
Mongolia. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "X" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
Xaptoehmon |
Greece Tax stamps. |
2 |
Xeaepa |
Montenegro. |
3 |
Xeimappa |
(Resembles these letters) Epirus overprint on stamps of Greece. |
4 |
Xejepa |
Montenegro Acknowledgement of Receipt stamps. |
5 |
XII Campionaria Tripoli |
Libya (Twelfth Tripoli Fair). |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "Y" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
Y 1/4 |
Cuba overprint. |
2 |
Y.C.C.P. |
Ukraine overprint on stamps of Russia. |
3 |
Yar |
Yemen Arab Republic. |
4 |
Yca |
PeruYca Provisional Issue overprint. |
5 |
Yctab |
Montenegro. |
6 |
Yemen PDR |
Yemen, People's Democratic Republic. |
7 |
Yen |
Japan Money Unit. |
8 |
Ykp. H.P. (Pen) |
Western Ukraine overprint on stamps of Austria and Bosnia. |
9 |
Ykpaihcbka |
(Resembles these letters) Ukraine. |
10 |
Yksi Markka |
Finland. |
11 |
YN |
Japan, Manchukuo Money Unit. |
12 |
Yugoslavia |
Jugoslavia. |
13 |
Yunnanfou |
France overprint on stamps of IndoChina, Offices in China. |
14 |
Yunnansen |
inscription for Yunnanfu (Kunming), French post offices in China; 1903. |
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "Z" |
No |
Name |
Language |
Description |
1 |
Z. Afr. Republiek (Republik) |
Transvaal, South African Republic. |
2 |
Z.A.R. |
Cape of Good Hope overprint for Vryeburg-Boer Occupation. |
3 |
Z.S.G.T. |
Hungary Local stamps (Zala Somogyi Steamship Co.). |
4 |
Zaire |
Congo. |
5 |
Zalotkop |
Poland Money Unit, Russian Occupation. |
6 |
Zambia |
Formerly Northern Rhodesia. |
7 |
Zanzibar |
France overprint, Offices in Zanzibar. |
8 |
Zanzibar |
Zanzibar overprint on stamps of British East Africa, India. |
9 |
Zanzibar-Tanzania |
Zanzibar. |
10 |
Zarkach |
Poland-Zarki Local Post. |
11 |
Zarska Burgarska Posta |
Royalist Bulgaria-Government in Exile labels. |
12 |
Zawiercie |
Poland Local Post. |
13 |
Zegelregt |
Transvaal Revenue stamps. |
14 |
Zeitungs |
Austria Newspaper stamps. |
15 |
Zelaya |
Nicaragua Province. |
16 |
Zentraler Kurierdienst |
overprint on four stamps issued in 1947 by East Germany for sealing official correspondence. |
17 |
Zieber's One Cent Dispatch |
United States Local Post. |
18 |
Zil Eloigne (Elwagne, Elwannyen) Sesel |
Outer islands of Seychelles. |
19 |
Zimbabwe |
Formerly Rhodesia. |
20 |
Zimska Pomoc |
Overprint of Italian stamps for occupation of Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. |
21 |
Zloty |
Poland Money Unit. |
22 |
Zona De Ocupatie Romana |
Hungary overprint, Romanian occupation. |
23 |
Zona De Protectorado Espanol En Marruecos |
Spanish Morocco overprint on stamps of Spain. |
24 |
Zona Occupata Fiumano Kupa |
Jugosiavia overprint, Italian Occupation. |
25 |
Zone Francaise |
Germany, French Occupation. |
26 |
Zracna Posta |
Trieste, Zone B, Issued by Jugoslv Military Government. |
27 |
Zuid Afrikaansche |
Transvaai, South African Republic. |
28 |
Zuidwest Afrika |
South West Africa. |
29 |
Zulassungmarke |
German military stamp inscription. |
30 |
Zululand |
Zululand overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Natal. |
31 |
Zurich |
Switzerland Canton. |
32 |
Zwykla |
Poland Official stamps. |
| |