The Official WebSite of Memphis Musician David Saks

Amateur Radio

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 This is one of the most powerful amateur radio stations in the world.

It is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission as WK2B.

In addition to the International Space Station,

WK2B can communicate with radio stations all over the planet.

It can communicate with civilian and military radio stations during civil emergencies and war.

It can assist with life-saving efforts in time of natural disaster.

It can relay medical information to those in need.

It is battery, solar and external powered. 

When compacted, the station is the size of a paperback book.

Amateur Radio Saves Lives


My Station

Kenwood 430S 160 - 10 Meter HF
Kenwood 430 DC Power Supply
Kenwood 430 Speaker
Kenwood MC-60 Desk Microphone
MFJ - 961C Versa Tuner II Antenna Tuner
MFJ - 470D Deluxe Electronic Keyer
Assorted FM Transceivers- Icom - Alnico - Motorola
Vibroplex Racer
Autronic Paddle Keyer
20 mtr Dipole - Matched 1/8 Wave for 40mtr - Height 25 ft
30ft Tower
50 to 100 watts output most of the time

I'm a native Memphian.

I began as a shortwave listener at the age of six and had one of the first hobby dx callsigns which were issued by Popular Electronics to their readers in the early 1960's. (click) MyDX listeners call for qsl'ing was WPE4IVK (the "PE" in the prefix stood for Popular Electronics).

I started experimenting as a seven year old kid by placing tube receivers together, and I listened for heterodynes from spurious local emissions generated from one receiver after combining radio frequency waves with locally generated waves of a different frequency produced by the faint emissions of an adjacent receiver so I could produce new frequencies equal to the sum or difference between the combined frequencies. Doesn't that sound like fun ?

I was an Explorer Scout with emphasis on amateur radio as a teenager, began receiving CW training from the Navy at the age of thirteen in a special class for Scouts in 1965 located at the Naval Reserve Facility on Avery Road in Memphis, and was awarded a merit badge by the Chickasaw Council of The Boy Scouts of America for being the fastest code receiver in my class, clocked at over thirty words a minute before my fourteenth birthday ( it helped being a musician because timing is everything with cw ).

I've had the privilege and honor of serving as a civilian trustee for the Millington Naval Air Stations' Amateur Radio Station, W4ODR.

CW, A1A is my favorite mode. You can find me near 7.2 mhz on 40mtr SSB at night or around 14.008 mhz on 20 mtr cw during the day.

A3E around 14.188 most of the time when operating ssb phone.

On EchoLink : Command Bar "Station">"Find"> WK2B ( EchoLink is Great ! )

I attended Rhodes College, the University of Memphis, and other schools and fought, lived and worked for peace in the Middle East as an American volunteer in 1974 during the Israeli war with Syria near the Golan Heights in the North country.

As a musician and composer, two of my songs, "In Memphis" and "One Last Bridge", were adopted by the Memphis City Council in unanimous city council proclamation and resolution as the "Official Songs of Memphis" in 1990 and 1991. Some of my music manuscripts and works for piano are in the Library of Congress. (click)

Of interest to some is the2x1 region 2 extra class call which I applied for in 1988. The2x1 calls were no longer available in region 4 at that time. I was in transition and had an address for correspondence in region 2. WK2B was issued in region 2 without special request and became available in one of the final rounds of assignment. I kept the call because 2x1's are nearly extinct.

Memphis has always been my hometown.

My station complement is modest but works for me and consists of the following components:

Kenwood 430S
Kenwood 430 DC Power Supply
Kenwood 430 Speaker
Kenwood MC-60 Desk Microphone
MFJ - 961C Versa Tuner II Antenna Tuner
MFJ - 470D Deluxe Electronic Keyer
Vibroplex Racer
Autronic Paddle Keyer
20 mtr Dipole - Matched 1/8 Wave for 40mtr - Height 25 ft
50 to 80 watts output most of the time



Webpages: Http://DavidSaks.Com

David Saks Official YouTube Channel: Http://YouTube.Com/DavidSaks

E-mail : WK2B@Hotmail.Com

73 & 88 to all ! 
- -. . .   . . . - -  & - - -. .   - - -. . 

(In Morse Code "73" means  "goodbye" and "88" means  "love")



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