The Official WebSite of David Saks
My Mother's Funeral

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Our mother cared more about her family and her friends than she did for herself.

Our mother loved to talk about her children, her family and how proud she was of everyone.

Our mother never wanted to talk about herself, but rather listen and learn about you.

The Lord spoke in Isaiah 66:13: "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you."

, כאחד שאמו מנחמת. אז אני ינחם אותך

 chaachd shamo mnachmat. az ani inachm othch

When we think about being at home, the first thing that comes to my mind is my mama.

In our family, my mother was the foundation of comfort.

She was the giver of all wonderful things such as food, praise, affection, support, and unconditional love.

She always kept her word.

The book of Proverbs 31:25: says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

היא לבושה בכוח ובכבוד; היא יכולה לצחוק בימים שיבואו

lbosha bchuach obbood; ichola lzchok bimim shibuo

Mama was always there for her children, always selflessly caring for us.

Proverbs 31:26 speaks of my mama when it says,"When she speaks she speaks with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."

כאשר היא דוברת היא מדברת בתבונה, והוראת האדיבות היא על לשונו

chaschr dobert mdbert btavona, ohorat hadivot al lshono

As many of us grow older, and life and time passes by, we often overlook and under appreciate mama and the many sacrifices that she made for us.

As we mature and become adults, we become more capable of appreciating our mother.

This is when we connect with her and realize how special and wonderful she was and always will be.

My mama was the very "heart and soul" of our family.

Proverbs 31:31: says "Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

כבדו אותה על כל מה שידיה עשו, והרשו לה לעשות שבחים בשער העיר

chvedo eotha al ma shidia asho, oherso la lashot shbachim b aair

We should never forget to tell all of the people that we love how we feel about mama, and as often as we can.

Sometimes we simply forget, and sometimes we just assume that they already know how we feel.

We tend to wonder if she really knew how much we loved her.

But, Sheila, Debra, Ralph, all of mama's beautiful grandchildren, great grandchildren , her family and friends, I'm sorry that I can't be with you this day. My brother and my sister's understand why, but through my brother and my sisters this gives me the chance to express my love and gratitude for my mama, and for all of you.

Proverbs 31:28–29 says: "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but thou hast surpassed them all.'"

ילדיה מתרוממים וקוראים לה ברכה; גם בעלה, והוא מהלל אותה: נשים רבות עשו זאת מצוין, אבל הייתם מולכם

ildia mtromamim okoras la brcha; gm balla, ohoe mall eotha: nshim revot asho zath mzzoin, b aiitam molchs

As you go forth into the world, I pray that God will keep all of you, and that the love that my mama gave to us will comfort you and be in your heart for eternity.

My heart is in heaven with you, mama, and I love you.

, לבי בגן עדן איתך, אמא. ואני אוהבת אותך

bi bgen aden eithch, ama. oani auavat othch

David דוד

Sylvia & David