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"Rhapsody In Blue" by George Gershwin
David Saks - Piano

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Happy 126th Birthday George Gershwin !

Happy Birthday George Gershwin !

b.September 26th 1898 - d.July 11th 1937

126 Years Old Today !

The Rhapsody Is Forever !


10:42 am cdt          Comments

Monday, August 19, 2024

Chrissie Hynde & The Pretenders - Sexy Rocker Extraordinaire

 "How Much Did You Get For Your Soul ?"

Chrissie Hynde

3:57 pm cdt          Comments

Friday, August 16, 2024

Who Was This Masked Man ?

 Three Guesses & The First Two Are Wrong !

(hint; ShiceCup is peeking over his right shoulder)


6:48 pm cdt          Comments

Monday, July 10, 2023

Who Was Henrietta Stiffi & Who Sent This Letter From The Hague ?

Who was Henrietta Stiffi and who sent this letter to her from The Hague on August 24th 1936 at 10 in the morning ?


Nazi Germany increased the duration of compulsory military service from one year to two on that date. 

Henrietta Stiffi was at 131 North Tucker Street in Memphis Tennesse.

131 North Tucker was, at that time, the B'nai Brith home for the elderly, Today, it's known as Majestic Gardens at Memphis.

The Hague, or 's‑Gravenhage, is a city and municipality of the Netherlands, situated on the west coast facing the North Sea. The Hague is the country's administrative center and its seat of government, and while the official capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam, The Hague has been described as the country's de facto capital. The Hague is also the capital of the province of South Holland, and the city hosts both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.

With a population of over half a million, it is the third-largest city in the Netherlands, after Amsterdam and Rotterdam. 


The advertising machine cancellation adorned with flowers and the The Hague circular date stamp of August 24th 1936 states, "Elke Bos Off Of Heidebrand Is Verlies Voor Stad En Land".

Translated:"Every Forest Or heath Fire Is A Loss For City And Country".

The stamps, 2.5 cent green Netheralands Scott #144, issued in 1924, and 10 cent dull violet Netherlands Scott 178 issued between 1926 and 1939, provide the postage rate to the United States.

There's no return address. Only Grand Hotel "Central" La Haye (Hollande) without the sender, perhaps to avoid the censors.

War was raging in Europe. Maybe the letter was from Ms.Stiffi's boyfriend having a "hard" time without her. If it was, he must have been very lonely in his Grand Hotel room all by himself.The letter is gone. Only the postmarked envelope remains along with the Dutch stamps.

Nazi Germany didn't invade the Netherlands until May 10th 1940. It was the start of five days of fighting with the Dutch Army.

8:01 pm cdt          Comments

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Every now and then I'll discover a piece of mail that contains a tragic message.

Inscribed within this very sad postcard, the message states that on September 26th 1934 a close friend or beloved family member has died from malaria in Monroe, Louisiana. 

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that affects humans and other animals. Malaria causes symptoms that typically include fever, tiredness, vomiting, and headaches. In severe cases, it can cause jaundice, seizures, coma, or death.


Addressed to Mrs.Mattie Mitchell in care of Mrs.Viola Watson of Simsboro, Louisiana and postmarked Spetember 27th 1934, the postcard, signed by Ruth, says:

Dear Mama,

I just want to let you know that Christina died last night at 8 o'clock. She died of malaria. It had dried up all of her blood and even the marrow in her bones. I feel so sorry for Ada. They are to have her funeral tomorrow. We both are well.




The World Health Organization estimates that in 2021 there were 247 million new cases of malaria resulting in 619,000 deaths. Children under 5 years old are the most affected, accounting for 67% of malaria deaths worldwide in 2019.

Malaria is presently endemic in a broad band around the equator, in areas of the Americas, many parts of Asia, and much of Africa; in Sub-Saharan Africa, 85–90% of malaria fatalities occur.

Malaria is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions because of rainfall, consistent high temperatures and high humidity, along with stagnant waters where mosquito larvae readily mature, providing them with the environment they need for continuous breeding.

Climate change is likely to affect malaria transmission, but the degree of effect and the areas affected is uncertain.

The summer is upon us in Memphis.

9:13 pm cdt          Comments

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Checking In - Not Checking Out

I was in the hospital for several days.

Numerous tests were conducted on my heart and digestive system to include multiple x-rays, computer aided tomography, electrocardiography and frequent monitoring by the attendant physicians and their  outstanding staff of medical professionals.

Thank you, Methodist Hospital Memphis, for saving my life.

God is good, and so are you.


The piano and corner where I practiced for several years at Rhodes College.

10:19 pm cdt          Comments

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

I See Quite Well

Do You ?


1:21 am cst          Comments

Monday, September 26, 2022

Remarkable Similarities



9:54 pm cdt          Comments

Happy Birthday George Gershwin !
George Gershwin

September 26th 1898 - July 11th 1937

Happy Birthday, George !



9:48 pm cdt          Comments

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Goodbye Elizabeth

Goodbye Elizabeth.

I had fun at the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace.

The ravens loved me.

I know they loved you.

So do I.


God Save The Queen, The King, The United Kingdom,

The United States Of America & The World.

The Crown Will Never Fall.


7:58 pm cdt          Comments

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Right To Live
11:33 am cdt          Comments

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The His & Her CoronaVirus Rings

These two rings are the most macabre, ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome rings that you will ever see ! Two rings that are shockingly repellent and inspire horror ! Yet, at first glance, they are extraordinarily beautiful !

The His & Her matching CoronaVirus rings. Pearl, clear, ruby and emerald glass beads.

Because of their red, white and green stones could these rings have been created in Hungary, perhaps Budapest, the colors of the Hungarian flag ?

1 The CoronaVirus Rings


2 Side view of jewels supported by the White RNA & "N" Spike Glycoprotein (S) Strands


3 View Of The Spike Glycoprotein Looking Down At The Left Glycoprotein Cluster With Emerald Stones


4 View Of The His CoronaVirus Ring At The Top & Hers CoronaVirus Ring On The Bottom


5 Respective Sizes Of His & Her CoronaVirus Rings Jewel Clusters of Ruby, Diamond and Emerald


6 Views of the Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds & Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamonds


7 Facing Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds With RNA & N Protein Supported Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamonds


8 View Of The Ring Band & Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds With RNA & N Protein Supported Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamonds


9 Opposite Side Cluster Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds With RNA & N Protein Supported Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamonds


10 Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds With RNA & N Protein Supported Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamonds Opposing View


11 Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds With RNA & N Protein Supported Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamonds His & Her Side By Side


12 Macro Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds With RNA & N Protein Supported Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamonds


13 Spike Glycoprotein Rubies, M-Protein Emeralds With RNA & N Protein Supported Hemagglutinin-Esterase Dimer Diamond Cluster


14 Another View


The Red, White & Green Flag of Hungary (the colors of the ring jewels)


And finally, the deadliest substance on Earth


10:10 pm cdt          Comments

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Missing Buffalo Penis

I have discovered what may become the greatest find in philatelic history.

United States Scott Catalog© #1392 The American Buffalo stamp with a missing penis.

The American Buffalo was printed on a rotary press through an electric eye guided machine on plates of 200 subjects in four panes of 50.

Issued on July 20, 1970, my mother's 38th birthday and one year after the moon landing, the American Buffalo is a black and light brown stamp tagged with phosphorescent, fluorescent, luminescent ink and paper to facilitate mail handling.

The normal American Buffalo stamp is depicted here.


The American Buffalo stamp that I have discovered with the missing penis is shown here.


It's not for sale because it's one of my twisted pranks.
The moral is:
Don't get screwed by any crooked stamp dealer !
There are plenty of them out there.
Research the American Philatelic Society Disciplinary Action list of suspended and expelled members and dealers by clicking here !
Watch your back when buying stamps !

3:31 am cdt          Comments

Friday, May 6, 2022

The Blue Angels

I love the Blue Angels.

When I die tell everyone that "David loved the Blue Angels".

Tell them while I'm living.



1:27 pm cdt          Comments

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Staying in Shape at 69

Practicing is one way to stay in shape at 69.

A couple of pics after a workout.




11:06 am cdt          Comments

Monday, April 11, 2022


Ukraine gained it's independence from Soviet Russia in 1991.

The "Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine" was adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR on August 24th 1991.

Items from my collection are provided  with addtional details.

Clicking each image will link to information about Russia and Ukraine.

This is the cover of a letter announcing the "Dynamo-Atlantic" treaty with Russia allowing air transport between our nations.




The First Item Postmarked October 10th 1991:


Details Include:

Russia 1976 Scott Catalog #4520 brick red 4 kopek Coat of Arms and "CCCP"

Russia 1988 Scott Catalog #5726 red 5 kopek National Flag & Crest

Russia 1987 Scott Catalog #5593 multicolored 5 kopek V.I. Lenin with pencil painted by P.V. Vasilev

Circular Date Postmarked October 10th 1991 "Kiev SSR"


Second Item Postmarked October 10th 1991


Details Include:

Russia 1976 Scott Catalog #4520 brick red 4 kopek Coat of Arms and "CCCP"

Russia 1986 Scott Catalog #5467 multicolored 5 kopek "View of the Kremlin in Foul Weather" painted in 1851 by A.K. Savrasov


War Is Hell !

8:01 pm cdt          Comments

Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Fur Trade 1849

How about this classic stampless cover from my collection ?


This hide merchant is ready to see what Mr.Parrot has in store by this stampless letter written March 22nd, 1849 and canceled March 23rd, 1849 from Albany, New York.


3:34 pm cst          Comments

Thursday, January 6, 2022


Where I go to consider tomorrow.


Don't ask where. I won't tell you.








12:46 am cst          Comments

Monday, October 11, 2021

Just Checking In !

Nice, quiet Monday !

No bs, no baggage, no complaints...hooray !

Saw Clint Eastwood's new film, "Cry Macho". Don't miss it.

Heard that William Shatner, Captain Kirk of Star Trek, will be the oldest person to fly in space Wednesday morning at the age of 90.

Live Long and Prosper, Bill !

Clint Eastwood and William Shatner to do a film together.


10:56 pm cdt          Comments

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Are You A Poseur ?

I am not a poseur.


I am a stamp collector and pianist.

2:18 am cdt          Comments


Link to web log's RSS file


For the next few weeks I'll be talking about the first day covers of ArtCraft along with everything else.

ArtCraft closed it's doors recently after 76 years of making philatelic history.

I'm predicting a sudden, salubrious escalation in the value of the ArtCraft cachet, all ArtCraft first day covers and ArtCraft portrait cards.
Including those connected to the Postal Commemorative Society

Their departure signals the end of an extraordinarily crucial, very important, highly significant and exceedingly meaningful period in philately

A mournful signal which will be heard around the world and lamented throughout the multitude of collectors

Leo and Sam August treasured their associations with the world's greatest philatelists

Leo's contributions to our hobby were significant enough to earn the coveted Luft Award and a place in the American Philatelic Society Hall of Fame.

ArtCraft has well-earned it's place in the great chronological record in the history of philately.

Their raised ink, line-engraved intaglio printed cachets rank among the most aesthetic in the world.

ArtCraft cachets are not just beautiful.

They are works of art that showcase the wonders of the world and illuminate the powers of human creativity and ingenuity.

The Coober Pedy Cover
One of the World's Great Philatelic Rarities

Coober Pedy

Could this become la pièce de résistance de toute la modern Australian philatélie ?

Coober Pedy is a town in northern South Australia. The town is sometimes referred to as the "opal capital of the world" because of the quantity of precious opals that are mined there. Coober Pedy is renowned for its below-ground residences,called "dugouts", which are built in this fashion due to the scorching daytime heat. The name "Coober Pedy" comes from the local Aboriginal term kupa-piti, which means "white man's hole".

Opal was found in Coober Pedy on 1 February 1915; since then the town has been supplying most of the world's gem-quality opal. Coober Pedy today relies as much on tourism as the opal mining industry to provide the community with employment and sustainability. Coober Pedy has over 70 opal fields and is the largest opal mining area in the world.

Coober Pedy - no village, no buildings, no roads, just desert, mountains dotted with boulders. A bizarre lunar landscape, but for opal seekers is the most exciting place on earth, where again every day is the true challenge, happiness and luck just a shovel width apart and where life is defined by two words: winners and losers. Coober Pedy, grab your hat, throw it into the air and where it lands start digging !


Coober Pedy

 Linn's Stamp News

“The Scott Numbers are the copyrighted property of Amos Press Inc., dba Scott
Publishing Co. The marks Scott and Scott’s are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office,
and are trademarks of Amos Press, Inc. dba Scott Publishing Co. No use may be
made of these marks or of material which is reprinted from a copyrighted
publication of Amos Press, Inc., without the express written permission of Amos
Press, Inc., dba Scott Publishing Co., Sidney, Ohio 45365.”


David Saks

Winner of the Coveted Memphex 2019 Marshall Trophy for "Best of Show"
Philatelic Exhibit "The Famous American Stamp Series of 1940"

Today is

Freedom From Hunger

"Our planet is our family table.

Let's sit together and break bread instead of bones."

David Saks

 Steinway & Sons

eMail David


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