The Official WebSite of David Saks - Online Since 1999
Home Page Part II

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"I've always believed that one of the main reasons people die is because
they get sick of talking to themselves when they're old and lonely."
-David Saks-

Philately Is Science
A great assemblage of exceptional, scholarly inquiry
devoted to the study of postal history & stamp production.
Stamp Collecting Is Art
It is an act of God that will reveal all of
the wonders and miracles of the entire world to you on a tiny canvas.

- David Saks -

Life Member
American Philatelic Society

Kemmons Wilson
To David
Kemmons Wilson


The "King's" Crown Of Philately
The Most Valuable Elvis Presley
First Day Cover
In The World

The Mason Cancels 
The Mason Cancels
The Only Known
August 10th 2015
Elvis Presley
Forever Stamps

David & Tony

David & The Rocket

David Saks

Winner Of The Memphex 2019, 2021 & 2022 Gold Medal & Marshall Trophy
"Best Of Show" Philatelic Exhibit
"The Famous American Stamp Series of 1940"
"The Silk Cachets of the Vatican"

Marshall Trophy


Philatelic Library
Free Philatelic Library
(click the books to access)


A Database of Engraved & Recess Printed Stamps
& The People Who Made Them

 The Commercial Appeal
Thanksgiving Day 1992

"The King's Crown of Philately"
Graceland Letter of Authenticity

The 1st Elvis Presley First Day Cover
One of Stamp Collecting's Greatest Treasures !

The First Officially Postmarked Elvis Presley First Day Cover with an official letter of authenticity from Graceland.

This great "American Treasure" was signed by Elvis' wife Priscilla Presley, artist Mark Stutzman who was commissioned by the United States Postal Service to design the stamp, Postmaster General of the United States Honorable Anthony Frank, Graceland Chief Executive Officer Jack Soden, Elvis' best friends George Klein and Jerry Schilling, the United States Postal Service media relations director Frank Brannon, and Washington Post Editor Bill McAllister.

Other dignitaries who witnessed the cancellation and signed the first day cover included Elvis' friend and Mayor of Shelby County the Honorable William Morris, recording engineer and founder of Sun Records Sam Phillips, and CBS Network media relations director and television personality Mark McEwen.

Both, stamp and envelope, were cancelled by late Graceland employee Laura Ferguson (1952-2002) at the Graceland Post Office, adjacent to Elvis' home, at approximately 12:15 A.M. January 8, 1993.

Two letters of authenticity printed on official Graceland stationery were authorized and approved by Graceland manager Debbie Johnson and presented to David on the day of the event.

The Elvis First Day Cover is considered a fantastic philatelic gem by stamp collectors, stamp collecting organizations and Elvis Fans throughout the world.

It has been recognized by the

American Philatelic Society

as a great national treasure.!

To See Enlarged Views of the Elvis First Day Cover Please Click Here (new window)

To See Letters of Authenticity, Honorarium & Other Documentation

Please Click Here (new window) & Click Thumbnail Images for Enlarged Images

David was invited to appear on television and radio stations throughout the United States and the world, broadcasting the First Day Cover event, to speak to viewers and listeners about Elvis and stamp collecting.

The Elvis Presley Commemorative Stamp Issue of January 8, 1993, Elvis' birthday, held in Memphis, Tennessee, Elvis' home town, was the most spectacular event in postal history.

This great day for Memphis and Graceland was witnessed by many thousands of Elvis fans, and stamp collectors, from all over the world who made their pilgrimage to Memphis as well as many hundreds of other towns and cities where simultaneous first day ceremonies and cancellations were taking place, including millions of viewers and listeners via television and radio.

They came to Memphis to be part of this wonderful celebration and to honor the life of the world's greatest entertainer. He was a great friend to millions of fans because of his many unselfish acts of kindness, charity and brotherhood.

His righteous memory will always be a bright, shining candle to those who love him.

To the world, it appeared as if Elvis' had returned home on that day and, in a way, had a "letter" for David.

Visit Graceland on Elvis' birthdate, January 8th, for special events and share complimentary birthday cake with fans from all over the globe. Visit during the week of August 16th for the International Candelight Vigil and Elvis Week Celebration.

Participate in many week-long, great events for you, your family and friends !

Memphis welcomes you !

Remember: Elvis' backup singers were called "The Stamps" !

Please Observe "National Stamp Collecting Month" in the United States Each October and Support
The American Philatelic Society
Stamp Collecting is the Hobby of "Kings" !

Click "Elvis FDC" above for more details of the first day cover.

Scott Stamp Catalogue © #2721

Many Thanks to Jack Soden  & Elvis Presley Enterprises






 Elvis Radio 24 Hours A Day Uninterrupted ! 

The Commercial Appeal
My Hometown Newspaper

Elvis, Elvis Presley and Graceland are registered trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.
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8. David Saks is a musician, philatelist and  licensed/retired real estate broker in the State of  Tennessee supporting issues that fight, oppose and prosecute real estate fraud and predatory lending throughout the United States and the world.
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11. Please Visit The American Real Estate Alliance or Memphis.mysite.Com for additional information regarding real property and other issues for real estate professionals and consumers.
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Today is

Freedom From Hunger

"Our planet is our family table.

Let's sit together and break bread instead of bones."

David Saks

 Steinway & Sons

eMail David


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