Friday, September 29, 2017
MEMPHEX 2017 - Tomorrow At The Agricenter International
11:02 am cdt
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Monaco - The Evolution of the Automobile 1900 - 1975Monaco is a beautiful country on the southern coast of
France and borders the Mediterranean Sea. It's
only 481 acres in size and has a population of about 39 thousand citizens. On November 12, 1975 the Monaco postal service issued a set of eleven stamps commemorating and recognizing
the development of the automobile from the years 1900 through 1975.. Scott #'s 980 through 990 depict some of the most exotic and remarkable automobiles ever produced. The Rolls Royce, Hispano-Suiza & Isotta Fraschini 
Scott #'s 980, 981 & 982 
Bugatti & Voison V12
Scott #'s 983 & 984 
The Duesenberg & Bugatti
Soctt #'s 985 & 986 
The Cisitalia & Delahaye 
Scott #'s 987 & 988 
The Mercedes-Benz & Lamborghini 
Scott #'s 989 & 990 
For those of you who collect cars on stamps,
a complete set of these first day covers is scarce.
2:10 am cdt
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Brazil - Victory of the Allied Nations In Europe 1945On May 17, 1945 the Brazilian postal service cancelled
this commemorative cover honoring the victory of the allied nations in Europe. Scott #'s 628 through 632 adorn this beautiful souvenir cover withe the special circular date stamped
The Rio deJaneiro cancellation honoring the
victory of the allies
Scott #632 "Cooperation" 
Scott #631 "Peace" 
The stamps in order, by Scott number, represent
Tranquility, Glory, Victory, Peace and Cooperation.
1:43 am cdt
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Sescal '87 - The Signing of the Constitution of the United StatesSescal '87 Los Angeles, the Stamp Exhibition of Southern
California, was held on the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States. 
This fine Bureau of Engraving and Printing
souvenir card illustrates that historic day when, on September 17, 1787, the delegates representing the 13 original colonies
gathered to sign the Constitution.
The stamp, Scott #798, the Sesquecentennial
Issue commemorating the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution, was issued on September 17, 1937. 
The Great Seal of the State of California was
adopted at the California state Constitutional Convention of 1849 and has had few changes since then. The seal features the
Roman goddess Minerva (Athena in Greek mythology), the goddess of wisdom and war; a California grizzly bear (the official
state animal) eating grape vines; a sheaf of grain that represents agriculture; a miner, representing the California Gold
Rush and the mining industry; and sailing ships that represent the state's economic power. The word Eureka (εύρηκα
in Greek), means "I have found it" and is the California state motto. 
Collect souvenir cards. In many ways, you'll find reward.
3:13 pm cdt
Monday, September 25, 2017
Stampshow '88 - The Ratification of the ConstitutionIn a ceremony held at Stampshow '88 in Detroit, Michigan,
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing issued this fantastic souvenir card commemorating the ratification of the United States
Constitution. The Constitution Ratification Issue was released
on June 21, 1938 commemorating the 150 anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution. 
The stamp illustration, Scott #835, features
the Old Courthouse of Williamsburg, Virginia. 
Notice the two horsemen ready to deliver the
good news to their countrymen. 
The Great Seal of the State of Michigan includes the
latin word "TUEBOR" which means "I Will Defend". Souvenir cards are just plain great ! They can be great investments, too !
12:09 pm cdt
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
The Souvenir Card - The United States Postal Service ArrivesBeginning in 1960 the United States Post Office Department,
now the United States Postal service, began printing "official souvenir cards".
The Bureau of Engraving
and Printing started producing souvenir cards in 1969. In 1972 the United Nations Postal Administration began this practice
as well.
These are the only official producers of what are now known as nonpostal, highly collectible, cardboard
souvenirs of stamps and stamp collecting. Some quite rare and valuable.
This souvenir card was printed by the United
States Postal Service for the National Postal Forum VI held in Washington D.C. August 28 to 30, 1972. It honors the July 1,
1971 inauguration of the new United States Postal Service. 
Scott #1396 features the new United States
postal Service emblem. 
More to come.
1:44 am cdt
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The Souvenir Card - Shaking Hands With Canada - NAPEX '85Beginning in 1960 the United States Post Office Department,
now the United States Postal service, began printing "official souvenir cards".
The Bureau of Engraving
and Printing started producing souvenir cards in 1969. In 1972 the United Nations Postal Administration began this practice
as well.
These are the only official producers of what are now known as nonpostal, highly collectible, cardboard
souvenirs of stamps and stamp collecting. Some quite rare and valuable.
This card was printed by the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing for the 1985 National Philatelic Exhibition, NAPEX '85.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP)
NAPEX Souvenir Card was available at the BEP Booth (#13 on the show floor bourse) and sold for $3.00 U.S.
The Bureau souvenir card illustrates the friendly
relations between the United States and Canada and depicts a block of four stamps, each with a maple leaf and a rose which
commemorates the Internationsl Peace Garden located along the border of North Dakota and the Province of Manitoba, Scott #2014
issued June 30, 1962.
Also illustrated are the United states and
Canafian flags joined by outstretched hands clasped in a handshake of frienship. 
Bureau cards are very popular with some, now
scarce, commanding hefty prices.
6:36 am cdt
Monday, September 18, 2017
The Souvenir Card - London 1980Beginning in 1960 the United States Post Office Department,
now the United States Postal Service, began printing "official souvenir cards".
The Bureau of Engraving
and Printing started producing souvenir cards in 1969. In 1972 the United Nations Postal Administration began this practice
as well.
These are the only official producers of what are now known as nonpostal, highly collectible, cardboard
souvenirs of stamps and stamp collecting. Some are quite rare and valuable.
This fine card was printed by the
United States Postal Service for the 1980 London International Stamp Exhibition. 
Closeup of the Jamestown Exposition Issue of
1907, The Founding of Jamestown, Scott #329.
The Jamestown Exposition was held in the United
States from April 26th through December 1st, 1907 in Hampton Roads, Virginia. I'll have more souvenir cards from my collection to share with you over the next few days.
11:32 am cdt
Sunday, September 17, 2017
The Fountains of Vatican City - Fontana di Piazza San PietroFontana di piazza San Pietro, the Fountain of Saint Peter,
St. Peter's Square with a view of the Basilica in the background, is the sixth and final postcard of six representing the
views of architecture and fountains from original designs of Lino Bianchi Barriviera issued in a celebratory stamp series
of the European architectural heritage year, March 3, 1977 in Vatican City. 
The reverse. 
The first day of issue circular date stamp
cancellation and description. 
The envelope from Vatican City containing all
six souvenir first day of issue Barriviera cards. 
I've enjoyed posting this collection for you.
12:26 pm cdt
Saturday, September 16, 2017
The Fountains of Vatican City - Fontana di Piazza San MartaFontana di piazza San Marta, abside di San Pietro e chiesa
di San Stefano degli Abissini, the Fountain of Saint Martha, Saint Peter's apse and Church of San Stefano Abissini, is the
fifth postcard of six representing the views of architecture and fountains from original designs of Lino Bianchi Barriviera
issued in a celebratory stamp series of the European architectural heritage year, March 3, 1977 in Vatican City. 
The reverse. 
The first day of issue circular date stamp. 
Next, Fontana di Piazza San Pietro,the fountainof
Saint Peter's Square.
1:51 am cdt
Friday, September 15, 2017
The Fountains of Vatican City - Fontana del Forneo e Torre BorgiaFontana del Forneo e Torreo Borgia, the fountain of the
kiln and Borgia Tower, is the fourth postcard of six representing the views of architecture and fountains from original designs
of Lino Bianchi Barriviera issued in a celebratory stamp series of the European architectural heritage year, March 3, 1977
in Vatican City. 
The reverse. 
The first day of issue Vatican City circular
date stamp and description. 
Next we'll look at Fontana di piazza San Marta.
12:49 pm cdt
Thursday, September 14, 2017
The Fountains of Vatican City - Fontana E Cortile Del BelvedereFontana E Cortile Del Belvedere, the fountain and courtyard
of the Belvedere, is my next entry for the postcards representing the fountains of Vatican City. This is the third postcard of six representing the views of architecture and fountains from original
designs of Lino Bianchi Barriviera issued in a celebratory stamp series of the European architectural heritage year, March
3, 1977 in Vatican City. 
The reverse of the first day of issue postcard,
circular date stamps and printers' details. 
Closeup of the circular date stamp tied to
the printed Vatican stamp illustrating the papal arms. 
Next we'll look at Fontana del Forno e Torre
Borgia, the Fountain of the Kiln and Borgia Tower.
11:42 pm cdt
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
The Fountains of Vatican City - Fontana della Casina di Pio IVThe second postcard of six views of architecture and fountains
from original designs of Lino Bianchi Barriviera was issued in a celebratory stamp series of the European architectural heritage
year, March 3, 1977 in Vatican City. The Casino
of Pius IV, also known as Casina or Villa Pia, is a building which stands inside the Vatican gardens Vatican City State. It
is seat of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and of the Pontifical Academy of social sciences. 
The little house was built in 1558 by Pope Paul IV, designed by Pirro Ligorio assisted by Giovanni Sallustio Peruzzi
(son of the more famous Balthasar). On the death of the Pontiff, the building was completed in 1561 under Pius IV, who turned
it into a recreation and entertainment.
For this, the architect had to take account of the many characters of the
mansion, which was supposed to reconcile the bucolic aspects of the place to the rigor appropriate to the role of the Pontiff.
The result was a building of Mannerist taste extremely decorated with modern and ancient statues, sculptures and paintings.
There are two buildings placed before and distinct, the first of which, aimed at the Vatican Palace, is a sort of
nymphaeum fronted by a fountain, decorated with ancient mosaics and niches with statues and reliefs, as well as a Doric loggia
open at the top.
The reverse. 
The first day of issue ceremonial circular
date stamped cancellation. 
Next, the Fontana e cortile del Belvedere,
the fountain and courtyard of the Belvedere.
6:57 am cdt
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
The Fountains of Vatican City - The Fontana della GaleaSix views of architecture and fountains from original
designs of Lino Bianchi Barriviera were issued in a celebratory stamp series of the European architectural heritage year,
March 3, 1977 in Vatican City. The Fontana della
Galea is located inside Vatican City near the gardens of the Vatican Palace. This "decoration" was planned by garden
designer-architect Giovanni Vasanzio in 1620. It
is considered by many to be the most beautifull fountain in Vatican City. Here is the first of the series, The Fontana della Galea. 
The reverse. 
The ceremonial first day of issue circular
date stamp. 
I have the entire set of six postcards and
I'll share them with you within my blog over the next few days.
2:42 pm cdt
Monday, September 11, 2017
The Vatican Pavilion - New York World's Fair 1964ArtCraft was a great company. Perhaps the greatest cachet
maker the world has ever known. Proof of that
fact is this beautifully illustrated souvenir cachet of the Vatican Pavilion issued at the New York World's Fair on April
19, 1964, opening day. 
The cachet illustrating Michelangelo's masterpiece
,The Pieta and the Vatican Pavilion. 
Four stamps were issued by Vatican City postal
authorities that same day, Scott #'s383, 384, 385 and 386. On
cover are (left to right) #385 Pope Paul VI, #384 The Pieta by Michelangelo, #383 Pope Paul VI, and #386 head of Mary from
The Pieta. The stamps are tied to the cover
by the official Vatican City circular date stamps and the official souvenir violet handstamp of the Vatican Pavilion between
the circular date cancels.
The most important work of art at the
Fair was Michelangelo's 465 year old (in 1964) masterpiece The Pieta. The Pieta represents the body of Christ resting in
the arms of His mother moments after he was taken from the cross. The Pieta is six feet long by five feet nine inches high, marble, and was displayed within a background created
by stage designer Jo Mielziner. Pavilion visitors
moved past it on three platforms at different levels. A
walkway was also provided for visitors wishing to view it.
The Pieta had never left the Vatican prior
to the World's Fair. This is an actual
photograph of the Vatican Pavilion at the New York World's Fair 1964. 
The Vatican pavilion was oval shaped. The cross
adorned the top of the structure. The wall of the pavilion extended from the entrance. The pavilion's theme was, "The
Church is Christ Living in the World." I'm
proud to have this first day cover in my collection.
8:21 pm cdt
Thursday, September 7, 2017
The Highly Prized MushroomThe Quilted Green Russula is a highly prized mushroom. Popular in Spain and China, the Russula is edible and a favorite
of every mycophagist. Mostly found in Europe,
it tastes mild, nutty, fruity, and sweet, This
epicurean delight merited it's own stamp and souvenir card issued September 5, 1987, France Scott #2053. 
A closer look at Russula. 
And the description on the reverse of the souvenir
card distributed by the French Stamp Agency in North America. 
I know I'd enjoy a marinated Russula Virescens
sandwich on Texas toast.
1:08 pm cdt
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Stamp Collecting Is Love
Click the newspaper and link to the Memphis Stamp
Collectors Society web pages for great links, information and details about MEMPHEX 2017, the Memphis Philatelic Exposition
held September 30th and October 1st at the Agricenter International in Memphis, Tennessee. Discover what stamp collecting can do for your heart.
11:09 pm cdt
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
The Swedish Touring ClubSweden (Sverige), the Kingdom of Sweden, is a Scandinavian
country in Northern Europe.
Sweden borders Norway to the west and north and Finland to the east, and is connected
to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund.
Sweden is the third-largest country in
the European Union by area and issued its first postage stamps on July 1,1855. On May 21, 1985 the Sweden Stamp Agency issued a se-tenant coil stamp honoring the Swedish Touring
Club. This is the se-tenant coil attached to
the first day of issue souvenir card, Scott #1545a.
Scott #1544, the Touring Club at Syl Station
and Scott#1545 the schooner at Chapman Hostel in Stockholm. 
The ceremonial inscription on the back. 
Check around the web and see if you can locate
one of these Swedish se-tenant commemoratives. Let
me know how easy it was for you to find one.
6:19 pm cdt
Monday, September 4, 2017
The Tragic Mekong Delta Flood - Laos Semipostal 1967Laos is a beautiful country in the heart of the Indochinese
peninsula of Mainland Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar (Burma) and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia
to the southwest, and Thailand to the west and southwest.
The English word Laos was coined by the French, who joined
three Lao kingdoms in French Indochina in 1893, and named the country as the plural of the Lao people.
A mountainous
landlocked communist state in southeastern Asia, Laos achieved independence from France in 1949.
A laotian is a
member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand and speaking the Lao language. They
are related to the Thais.
Laotian is the Tai language of the Buddhist people living in the area of the Mekong River
in Thailand and Laos.
On January 18, 1967, the Laotian postal authority issued three semi-postal stamps to raise
money for the victims of a terrible Mekong Delta flood. 
Semipostal stamps are sold with a surcharge over the postal value.
The additional charge is always
for a special purpose, in this case to help the flood victims of the Mekong, and is usually recognized by the presence of
two (often different) values, separated by a "+" sign, on a single stamp.
Scott #'s B6, B7 and B8 are
represented on this beautifully illustrated 50 year old semipostal sheet issued to help this very worthy cause.
is the tragic image of a flooded village.

B7 is the sad image of a flooded market place and a truck in the water.

B8 is the distressing image of a flooded airport and plane..

The entire semipostal sheet, printed in Paris, is assigned Laos Scott Catalog #B8a.

The first stamps of Laos were issued on November 13, 1951.
Before then the stamps of French Indo-China were used. Part of my collection, this semipostal sheet is scarce today.
11:23 pm cdt
Saturday, September 2, 2017
The Flags of AmericaA pane of stamps depicting the flag of each of the Union's
fifty states was issued on February 23, 1976. They
were issued for the American Bicentennial. All
of America's states are represented on the sheet. Scott
#'s 1633 through 1682.
The state flags are represented horizontally
on the pane in the order in which they entered the Union. Tennessee, the 16th state, is Scott #1648.
Beginning with the flag of Delaware (the
Union's first state) in the pane's upper left corner, the stamps proceeed to Hawaii (the Union's last state) in the lower
right corner. This was the first pane ever
issued with fifty different stamps. The mint
sheet, which sold for $6.50 in 1976, catalogs for $17.50 in the 2014 Scott Catalog.
11:59 am cdt